Phone Acces

A friend of mine forgot her phone at my place. It's a samsung galaxy J5, charged and running. When I press the home button the screen pops on with a notification saying there's 5 unread messages. I believe the phone to be password/fingerprint/pattern protected. Haven't messed around with it so far.

I'm 100% certain this girl has nudes on her phone.
How do I gain access to them without her noticing when I return the phone later today?

Pic related, it's her.

Give it back Jamal


plug it into your pc with a usb cable and dump the data?
btw, I sent her a facebook message (not from my real account) letting her know about the thread.
how fucking retarded are you? i seriously hope im being memed



most fingerprint protections have a backup pincode or backup password or some shit.
try to guess it.
or just plug it into your computer and see if you can access the files.

How do I 'dump the data'? I don't want her to know I accesses her phone at all afterwards for obvious reasons.

Fairly sure that pic is a cropped version of so please fucking gas yourself samefag

of course it's the same picture retard, i found it with reverse image search. the funny part is the faggot OP was so dumb he used the girl's FB profile pic
also i am definitely not the OP

i dont think he would crop it and then jpeg it.
also, the op image is slightly taller

In my defense, it's the first pic I found of her, didn't bother to look for one that was 'untraceable'. White knights will white knight, idc. Not like she's gonna read messages sent to her 'other' facebook mailbox. Not before this thread 404's anyway.

>implying he can't just send her the archive

if she contacts you about this, just tell her that you have no idea that any of these posts were even made. you can say that someone who knew that the phone was with you made the OP to try and fuck with you

Look, rajeesh, if you want the sex, just ask her

Are you retarded

I believe this man.

Hail satan

But now she'll see your post and know he's bullshitting.

>implying women wait for evidence
>implying women don't just react emotionally
as soon as she reads the message from Tyrone Basketweaver her response is going to be along the following lines:
>OMG stacy this guy on FB just told me that weirdo mark is trying to hack my phone! i knew he was a creep! you should totally tell your boyfriend to stop hanging out with him

that's why i posted it

is this a ruse or did you use her actual profile pic lol

This has nothing to do with white knighting, it has to do with you shitting up the board with retarded threads and you deserving to be punished for it.

how the fuck did you reverse image a facebook profile picture? thought that shit was off the google indices

Not all of us are as dumb as you.

it's a setting
her profile shows up when you google her name so it's indexed by google
but it would still be possible to use something other than google that ignores the facebook setting

exactly, i'm not a moralfag, i sent the message because OP is too retarded to DRAG AND DROP FILES OFF A USB PHONE
the OP is such a retarded niggerfaggot that he actually posted the image with the original FB filename, which is easy to reverse

Where else should I have posted? I figured this was a technology kinda question, with phones being all technological and stuff.

no way it lets you grab files from a locked phone

>the filename gave it away

Nowhere you fucking retard. If you're not just gonna leave other people shit alone, then you could have just searched and done your own research.

It doesn't.

>goes onto a pro-privacy board
>hey guys help me invade someone's personal files!!!!!11111

finally an entertaining thread on g

I'm so happy I'm not you, OP

What an absolute fucking retard. Pretty sure op is a fucking faggot that that image is from some random on kikebook. Not the actual phone owner. Heck I doubt there's even a "phone-owner".
Stop larping pajeet.

>plot twist: girl finds out that OP desires her and she has a crush on OP and this gets him laid

Figuring it out on my own would have taken wayyy too much time. I've only got like 1 hour left before I'm returning the phone, so I figured posting here would be faster. At least I've learned one thing from this experience.