Installed Gentoo

I did it Sup Forums, I installed gentoo on my computer. Now what?

Other urls found in this thread:

Uninstall and install it again


Install TempleOS

just b urself

>ifconfig eth0
Not Gentoo lmao, it renames it to something else now. Nice try pleb

wtf is that machine

You are wrong.

OP didn't do it. This is from some news story where someone did a modern gentoo install on a 486.

Unless OP is Yeo Kheng Meng


So, "gentoo" has nothing to do with it, udev is what does the "renaming". You can configure it to not do so pretty easily.

You sweet summer child. :^)

Read the stickers.

It's an IBM PS/1.

>installs gentoo
>uses deprecated ifconfig
>configures udev for deprecated interface names
>changes to a debian style bash PS1
>doesn't spoof MAC

lmao @ your life nigger, this OP just ran scripts that echo out what Sup Forums wants to see.

Keep doing it until you understand.

Install i3wm and enjoy.

its gentoo
its a 486 ps/1
got it here
dude says it probably wont handle any kind of GUI

spend the day compiling x11

Would i3 even be usable on a 486 machine? It struggles on Windows 95, let alone some modern TWM

Install Gentoo

Needs 512MB of RAM, which that computer probably lacks.

Why hasn't someone ported TempleOS to 32-bit x86 and ARM yet?

my config.sys file has pepes on it does anybody know what causes this?

>configures udev for deprecated interface names
Some people prefer the old style names to the new "reliable" names like enp1s0f0.
>changes to a debian style bash PS1
That's the default Gentoo PS1 dude.
>doesn't spoof MAC
What's the point if it's your own network.
You sound like an arch kiddy who's never actually installed Gentoo.

Is that image lines of code or bytes? Either way, neither measurement is actually a good way to measure performance.

because white men use 64-bit computers

nice youtube screenshot

I dream about porting it to a raspberry, but I am too much of a brainlet for it

Now cry. Just install windows 10 and stop being such a faggot.


RAM usage, to be precise

Fair enough, that can be a performance factor.

The FUCK? TempleOS is BLOATWARE TOO????!?!?!02132042342