/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user got a SNES repro cart • user posts thoughts on the huion h640p • Multiple anons get cute paper tabs • user's Danbo lives again thanks to new Revoltech joints bought off AliExpress • user got a fake GTX960 youtube.com/watch?v=Ved84d_6occ
• user gets chink shit to stuff their butt with • user's Christmas presents were late, will now be used as Birthday presents • user got gifted a shitty Allwinner tablet • user posts nice picture of his new GPD Pocket • user is happy with his E-3LUE K753 mechanical keyboard • user considers getting a second pair of BGVPs but the cables oxidize after a month of use • Xiaomi shows up in Sweden and Bulgaria • user is chinked on a mount for his Rift sensors Previous thread

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Should I?

Going through the infrographic;
Where does one found an Audio Technica ATHAD500X, even more for 66$?

Got my QKZ W1 pro today
kinda disappointing, they feel like a worse KZ ZS3.
Don't fit as good, mids are too muddy and there are too many of them for my taste, bass is too strong i feel like.
Only things I liked over ZS3 is that the cable feels way better and the 45 degree jack seems convenient, and the size is smaller. But overall I feel like ZS3 > W1

Does anyone have experience with Bluetooth headphones for gym use?

$65.40 USD on amazon right now

>$65.40 USD on amazon right now
It isn't here, unfortunately.

The question was more aimed to why Ali, bang and gearbest don't even list it.

Permanent marker for 0.6$, highly recommend it. Shit is great just stinks like a mothercuker with some gasoline or paint. Was advertised as odourless so I feel kinda chinked, yet want to order some more colours.
To continue...

Fuck the messaging, go straight for the dispute. Upload screenshots. This chinking cannot stand.

Are there any chink phablets with decent North American LTE (i.e. band 4)?

Chink sites don't really have that many "western" brands available

What do you want to know about it?

Shitty universal to EU adapter, it works. Ordered it cause I didn't know i was gonna get one Inc with my phone from BG

8bitdo zero
It workz
But I feel disappointed af. It's responsive and kinda cool. Yet lack of analogs makes it fucking boring to use and I don't want to play shitty snes games. Also would like sth bigger cause it's only 7cm wide. Feels like wasted 8$
One thing more

Jinhao 599
Motherfucker is the best writing chink-fountain pen I got. I don't know if I'm gonna stick with muji style gel pens which are dope af or its time to swith. I order shitty pens or pencils quite often but as for now this one really stands out.

Oh jinhao and marker were ordered at 11.11 and had to extend delivery time.
That would be all, I also got a few watches coming that are supposed to come next week.

sure thing, sorry for the l8 response

What kind of fucking "light programming" do you think you'd do? Do you imagine yourself whipping this thing out on the bus and writing a fizzbuzz in ruby or what (and why couldn't such a thing wait)? It takes 10 seconds to even type a word on that little piece of shit. What is the fucking use case. Tell me.

I think you autismos are pretending to always be busy programming to compensate for a lack of social skills and personality. A sad attempt at giving the impression that you are a whizzkid genius in an intellectual pursuit; like these faggots who are little too much into rubik's cubes.

sorry m8, just saw it's no longer available
this is the one i used to have
this one is smaller/simpler, but used to work
just make sure to use the right fluid

Link to marker?

Sure, maybe id choose another seller cause delivery took 2 months

Its on its way gents!

The ultimate gentlemanly accessory!

i bet its just the smell of alcohol, which is the base of the permanent paint (once it dries pigment stays)

No dildo?

I found a new keyboard that has box switches, mkg told me they're the shit. It's called the motospeed ck61. They want $48 with free shipping for them. The only better clicky switches are alps and thick clicks. Figured I'd let you guys know.

ordered mine from goybeast a week or so ago, can't wait, i was about to go the diy way in order to get me those white boxes, total was more than double what i paid for this one

I want one but I feel like the thick clicks have all but obsoleted box white unless you're a very light typer. Still though $48 for a box white 60% is absolutely insane and I may just buy it anyway.

Sorry user. Too bad shipping isn't free or I'd mail you them.

i learned about the thicc clicks too late, but yeah, for the price, i just couldn't let that 60% pass. lodsa keycaps (if your autism goes that far) would look great on it. i'll wait until the thiccs come out to check prices n stuff, can't be cheap with all the hype they've amassed.

...unless I'm missing something, all China-market phones have bands that don't align well with NA, so chinkphones don't have / have spotty 4G. Which makes me wonder: why are they such a meme here?

Europeans. And in some areas, the bands do work.

We have chink shit yes, but what about slav shit? Are there any e.g. Russian sites that sell cheap ass electronics, IEMs, smartphones etc.?

>Version: V8.5.4.0.MBEMIED (MIUI8)


Are you asking about electronics _made_ in Russia? Or just Russian websites selling cheap shit?

Because the former doesn't exist, while the latter just resell shit from AliExpress with a markup.

what are some current meme smartphones for poorfags, around $100, $150 probably max
All I want to is 5'+ screen and a decent battery

>that cut

>Russian sites that sell cheap ass electronics, IEMs, smartphones etc.?
That wouldn't work even if they sold it at comparable prices because of the postal thing.

People and vendors in China pay less to have something shipped to me than it costs me to send a postcard to someone living next door. Russian's aren't in the same situation. I've got a friend there and I've sent him things and he sent me a small package once and it's really expensive.

Take this example,
That's markers sold for US $0.52 with free shipping. Now, it took 2 months to arrive - which is pretty standard when it comes to mail from China (which isn't a shock since they pay almost nothing). This wouldn't really work if it was $0.52+$10 in shipping..

Manufactured/designed in Russia. They do have some things like Yotaphone and KMZ. Also Fischer Audio apparently manufactures some of its headphones in Russia. And if you're into photography Arax in Ukraine has some fun film cameras (like hassy clones).

>the postal thing
Yeah you might be right about this...
Too bad, I would have loved to buy some weird barely post-soviet electronics and stuff

i have $100 paypal to spend on some chink shit, not looking for anything in particular, know anything interesting i can buy?

>order something from amazon
>"lost in transit"
>get refund
>order the chink version from AliE
>amazon package appears out of the blue

Should I even bother returning it?

It's a $5 all-weather notebook

Xiaomi is officially in Serbia as well


>ordering a single marker from china
How indecent

I would just gift it away at the first birthday opportunity.
Victimless crime

Oh Fischer actually is Russian

Anyone have the Yeelight led bulbs here? I just ordered 2 of them and would like to hear opinions.

I already know that they are super ultra no meme chink botnet. But i hope to remove that.

Then why do we have it in the infrographic?

The only thing that I can name with free shipping is watches, if you are interested in slav automatic check meranom

thank you
ugodno iznenađenje i kod nas

Great, thanks user!

I'm kinda hoping that shipping from Russia would be a bit faster than from China as I live in Europe. Also: curious about slavtronics

>battery alread at 6% since I posted this
I really need this chinkshit, and fast

Cheap Chink e-ink monitor when?

pick one

Are you in Europe? Volumerate?

Buying from gearbest and shady resellers will still be much cheaper

Reminder that if you're underaged and lurking this general you'll be welcomed with open arms in the Discord.

good enuff for me
yea I'm on europe, I'll check that out.
I know, I'll also check honorbuy, I saw someone mention that

>tfw charging phone but battery level still dropping

Correction, pretty much everyone but burgers

>Redmi Note 5A
I'd recommend you spend a little more and get a Redmi Note 4 instead

I feel you. My Nexus 5 only gets 2h of ost these days and the charging port is pretty fucked too. Ordered replacement parts but I bet they're not half-way through Siberia yet...

why is everyone disappointed with the xiaomi A1?
help a guy that doesn't into smartphones pls

How much money could the chinks really be saving by restricting the bands on their phones? (when any first-world phone will support all bands)

I guess I can go for that one as well, still need to find some decent EU store, or get gearbest to write a lower value on the package which I doubt they are willing to do.
As far as I see, difference is that 4 has a better cpu, gpu and larger battery?
Btw how are these phones supported for custom roms? On top of being absolute shit, my current one also has a locked bootloader so I can't even do much with it

>tfw my North Korean flag is not here yet and I ordered it more than a month ago

>get gearbest to write a lower value on the package
actually, they've done that to me without even asking
I got a Mi5 a few months ago and it got declared as a $50 phone

cool, I'll try asking them if I decide to buy there.
These EU stores are horribly expensive

No idea. I have had mine for just over month and am extremely happy with it so far.

If you want a stock Android experience without a gimped camera then afaik it's your best bet, though you still need to root it to get the best out of the camera. If you don't care about the camera then the Redmi line with Lineage is fundamentally the same thing but with a bigger battery and cheaper.


Did you order it from the dprk's web page or from china?

I want one.

We all do. Other than MD charging the ridiculous amout of 40 bucks for them I couldn't find a place to get one.

link ????


Has anyone bought chink art supplies? Are there any recommended brands? Looking for colored pens, watercolor, etc, I don't want to get chinked.

Today I received
>Original Xiaomi Piston In-ear Earphones with Mic Fresh Version
People told me these are shit but I've never had In-earphones that good. Very clear sound and good bass. Totally worth the 2,50€.

The latter, do Norks have free shipping?

so turns out that around $150 would be a good and stable budget, I didn't bother to convert my currency and check.
So I'm guessing the redmi note 4 still is a good choice for this? I like that battery size and it has official support for LineageOS which I like.
The local seller sells them for over $200, so yea I doubt it's worth it, even if the customs catch my ass I'd still pay less than buying it locally. I think I'll try to get them to bring down the value written on the package itself, so I'll pay nothing or pay less (I think my customs limit is 45€).
I imagine there's nothing wrong with this then?
The network frequencies seem to be all good.

Yeah, I like mine too.

I've bought a "bianyo" set of 20 markers with a brush-like tip and they work but you have to use them slowly, else not enough color will be left on the paper, only some thin lines
paid some €17 for them, they're better than anything you could find locally for that price but still they're not amazing imo, if I had to buy something like this again I'd buy some kind of copic replica, even if it costed more money
if you like that style of markers they're surely good though

For $150 the Redmi Note 4 is your best option

Did it receive patches for the spectre and meltdown vulnerability?

Will probably take a month or two before the official firmware gets a fix or it but on LineageOS it's already patched

Calling some hackjob "patch" is very misleading.

better than nothing like with Intel

It's not a hackjob. January 2018 security patch fixes the vulnerabilities which the latest LineageOS builds have.



>shitty snes games
Fuck you sincerely.

Water colours are a big no but many markers are fine. Touch and Touch 5 are ok and if you haven't established what colours you like to use then it's better buying tons of cheap ass Chinese ones before going all Copic...


My ruizu x02 got delivered by the chinks today.
Sadly i have to say out off the box it sounds pretty terrible.
No bass no soundstage and headache causing highs.
Almost like the fucking jack isin't grounded properly.
But then I plugged it in to my M-AUDIO basstraveler and than suddenly the sound got much better;
It maybe even sounds better than my mini jack on my t540p with these configuration.
Sadly the fucking amps is worth like 2 of those players.

What're some buds that are real sturdy. Pic related has lasted me 1+ years but rock zircons broke in a few months.

No chink headphone is really sturdy desu.
They all look well build but that's not the case.
Get yourself a pair of kz ATE's or VE monks+.

no, you should gearbest.com/survival-emergency-gear/pp_185413.html

Monks are decent beater buds, you don't really mind if they get broken or lost, you just get another pair.

The ZS6 is made of solid metal, you can't get much more sturdy than that

Any good Sansa Clip+ clones out there?

I don't think buying a clone is a good idea

>it is a 5usd earbud for god sake, so one month warranty should be good. which means, we will do some about the monk if they are broken within one month of its arrival, I don't care if u used them or not, that is simply the rules. If guys won't follow my rule, i will of course, block whoever for life, and yes, if one open a dispute against me on AE for some BS, chances are they might even win and get a full refund, I don't even care of course, I will just block those a-holes for life.
Who writes this shit?

KZ ATE or ZS3 ?

Wich one will last longer,I dont want them to break and then 2 months of waiting for another headset. I was the last thread where the guys ZS5 oxidized.

Hey /csg/, are there any decent, hyper-cheap chink laptops/mini-PCs on Ali or anything?

I just want something I can drag around to play fighting games/multiplayer games/output movies with a projector when I'm out with friends. I don't want to buy something high-end because it's going to get tossed around/slide around in a car all day.