It's time to confess your Sup Forums sins and pay for forgiveness.
It's time to confess your Sup Forums sins and pay for forgiveness
I don't really know anything about tech I just like things getting better and dislike things getting worse and it's nice to read about
I've never coded in C.
got a mac and found zero reason to install linux on it
I barely understand half of the things on arch wiki and pretend to be smart on Sup Forums with meaningless buzzwords that I've heard here
You can't post a THICC mommy slut nun gf like that without giving sauce.
Fucking faggot ass OP.
>[Yoshimura Tatsumaki] Opink Health Seibo no Fukuin Ch. 1-3, 9 [English]
Here's sauce for you anons, fap away.
I tried installing gentoo with a systemrescue cd i had around but was too retarded, so I went with FreeBSD instead.
I buy unlocked CPUs and don't overclock
I don't really care about inits other than systemd and Java is all right with me.
I didn't even crop it, how can you can yourself a neckbeard if you can't even do an image search
you are smart
I didn't write a single line yesterday but the boss still things that I'm good goy
Thanks onee-chan~
I use Windows most of the time (still 7 tho)
I don't do programming
I still use Firefox instead of Sup Forums's meme browsers and don't care about the SJW politics of Mozilla
I still use Winamp
I picked the parts for my computer but didn't assemble it myself
I still use optical media to store files
Me too
I come to g for battlestation threads and also because I like knowing all of the boards' memes
I use windows 10 pro as a daily driver
I use a Chromebook and Pixel phone with my Google account.
I not only don't mind using systemd, I'm sympathetic to the argument that its complexity is not gratuitous, but necessary and justified, since it solves complicated problems (like proper supervision of services and dependency tracking, even in the face of daemons that aren't cooperating with it at all) in a way that SysV init just punts on and doesn't even try to tackle.
I use Debian stable and don't bother with being bleeding-edge and up-to-date.
I use Xfce with only a few customizations and a new theme, I don't even try to build my own DE.
I keep an (unpatched!) Windows 7 system around for vidya gaymen.
>Still using Winamp
I'd consider that more of a badge of honor than something to confess.
I didn't overclock my 4790K until last week. Had it over two and a half years.
I vastly prefer Windows 7 to anything else.
I like that C# protects me from myself.
I like playing video games.
I fell for the ThinkPad meme and fucking love it.
also I may have had some impure thoughts about Akarin
i want to fuck a horse