

Do I install gentoo? What other non-systemd distros does Sup Forums recommend? Is devuan good?

>inb4 instal gento XD funyy

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it's probably not due to systemd

just use ubuntu you look like you can't figure basic shit out

Void OS
enjoy your ponies
or Clover OS, which is basically gentoo with an installer from Sup Forumsoyim

I'm still on Debian sid with sysvinit. Still comfy.

Gentoo or if you don't wanna compile everything from source Void.

you could just figure out what's wrong instead of installing a whole new distro

install FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD or HardenedBSD

devuan is good, but it's based on jessie so it's kinda old.
You might wanna try out AntiX, it a more up-to-date memed free debian fork.

Random restart? What were you doing?

>Throwing a tantrum instead of trying to diagnose the issue

Sup Forums, tech geniuses.

Or this

You can also replace systemd with I think runit in Arch if that's something you'd like

I use devuan and is good.

devuan is by some weird SJW, avoid. there are plenty systemd free distros.

This smells like recent windows user.
On windows: my computer restarted it must be virus i should reinstall

On Linux: my system restarted it must be systemd I should install something else.

Just learn fucking Linux and diagnose a fault

I'm going to post this every thread until you try it.

Void GNU/Linux or Void Linux.

Why no one ever mentions PCLinuxOS? Sounds like what everyone who hates systemd is looking for.

Tell me why I should use GNU/Uterus

>dedicated fully to freedom
>no systemd or binary bloob nonsense
>functional package and os management mother fucker, reproducible builds, roll things back to any previous working state, etc
>lisp interaction on every level, whole os is just a normal lisp declaration
It's unlike anything else I've ever used - It's a meta OS.
And once what they're doing clicks for you, everything else will seem retardedly incomplete and terrible.
It's the future of all OS design - Jump onboard now and you'll be a decade ahead of everyone else.

There's Devuan branches following the next Debian releases

What's so hard about removing systemd from Arch?

Just install Devuan and enjoy your failing hardware without systemd.

It's the fact that you're better off using a closed source os than Linux system d. The whole point of Linux is open source which allows it to be audited. You can't audit systemd so you're better off with osx.

If arch is supposed to be the elitest Linux then why would it have systemd in the first place. Plus there's always dependencies

It is not supposed to be elitists. I like it because I like AUR and the rolling release

>If arch is supposed to be the elitest Linux then why would it have systemd in the first place.
It works, including giving you pretty serious tools to diagnose why your machine restarts.

Which you apparently chose to ignore like the elite you are, jumping right to a diagnosis of "everything sucks, let's s change it all".

> It's unlike anything else I've ever used - It's a meta OS.
Gentoo is a metadistribution
I take it a meta OS is even better? I guess I should check it out then

It's literally everything we've always wanted/pretended Gentoo to be.
I hope I never have to use another OS as long as I live.
I'm more psyched about this than I've been about any software project since discovering Emacs.
It's truly wonderful.

>2 million lines of bloat and unaudited garbage

Sounds like windows to me

issue is systemd yid

What's the update model? I like my rolling releases
Or is that, too, configurable?

F r e e B S D

>It's literally everything we've always wanted/pretended Gentoo to be.
What, GuixSD? It's trash for source packages.

Someone never learned from far superior Gentoo's package manager specification.

And for binary packages, it's not apk or dnf either. Works, but nothing noteworthy about it.

One Windows utility is as large as the whole suite of systemd utilities.

You can discard whatever you don't need (though I imagine you're even too lazy to bother, it's not like it matters much on a desktop).

And the predecessors to systemd's utitilies were generally far larger in sum total.

Basically: Nope.

>you can't audit systemd

>Old less functional system management is "elite"
>t. Brainlet

Linux users always claim how elite it is over error closed source but they use distros that contain unaudited 2 million and rising lines of code. Therefore how open source is your os? It could be backdoored to shit. At that point you're better off with the convenience of a closed source os or if you're concerned about security you'd use non systemd

You can’t audit systemd for the same reason you can’t audit the Linux kernel.

Keep in mind nsa helped develop Ubuntu. Would you trust a kernel like that especially if it had 2 million unaudited lines of code like most distros are adopting

It's an open source where anyone can see and poke around anywhere to spot flaws. That's a huge difference.

And yea, audits happened over the whole code base even if it was "just" people feeding the code into expert systems or poking around the networking bits.

Very clever backdoors or flaws or whatever are definitely still possible, but it helps to know already that you don't have Microsoft's or Apple's data collection or such in the code already.

And yea, ten lines of code are not an option if you want functionality.


That wasn't systemd.
You just don't know how to troubleshoot.

Sounds like you have a hardware issue.

kek, saved


This is off-topic, delet please


I feel you man
Systems throws a shitfit on boot because my hard disk is too slow or something