Anyone else experiencing serious bugs, lag, restarting due to the newest iOS upgrade?

Did they do the same thing as Intel by fixing the meltdown whatever bug by slowing the processor the fuck down.

Got an iPhone 7 myself.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's for your battery health

There’s no performance drop from the latest iOS update.

Kindly stop shilling and spreading disinformation about apple products.

>Kindly stop shilling
Kindly stop shilling

>Apple STILL ties security updates to OS updates
>Older phones get fucked

Have fun OP

No. Works great as always. Checked with a few friends and theirs is also ok. Did you drop it in water?

Compared to what other OS?

mfw my country does not have aple store to replace my battery ffuu

Android phones separate security updates and OS updates

Meaning your old phone doesn't get destroyed by being forced to use an OS its not designed for

Your right, instead of not receiving one update, you won’t recieve two updates.

Have fun catching whatever phone aids is flavor of the week.

Have fun being forced to buy a new iphone every year fuckboy

>B-b-b-but its for my protection :^)

Why do you keep posting that gookbench score. We all know iPhones constantly overheat and thermal throttle so that score has absolutely no bearing on real world performance.

>i am in the know bro believe me people on imageboards told me apple is bad
my SE runs just like before the update, same with my mothers 5s
enjoy your nu-Sup Forums pajeet memes I guess

i have an iphone 7 plus. i swear the minute the 8/8+/x came out and they released iOS 11 both my battery and performance went to shit, and i had just bought it, like 2 months before. the difference was night and day.

fuck apple

>Pajeet grammar
>[citation needed]
Post an image of this "iPhone 7" that you own, and also post it lagging during your usage, we could possibly diagnose this issue quite easily, this is of course unless if you don't actually have one :)

my brothers camera on his iPhone 6 finally opens up a bit faster, about 2 second delay now instead of 14 seconds. Idk what happen before though, he kept bitching about his camera taking forever. took a look at it and timed it, was over 10 seconds for the camera app to start working. Update to be ios fixed it, but his battery is still shit and he keeps his phone on battery save mode 24/7 now.

Planned obsolesence

Not xhim, but I have an iPhone 6s with an 82% battery health, is that okay? I haven’t got the new iOS patch yet though since it sounds like a shit show for older phones.

If the meltdown patch slows my 6s down, would replacing the battery make any difference?

>lying on an anonymous indian imageboard

>updating ios

why get an iphone if you aren't going to jailbreak?

I have a iphone 5 and the melt down OS fix made it run twice as fast now it’s like an iPhone 7 at least. Screen looks slightly bigger too.

this, enjoy being milked OP

Found your problem.

It probably at least has an authorized service provider. Where do you live?

Planned obsolescence is more of an android thing, where you get only 2 years updates from time of release, versus 5 on an iPhone.

That means if you buy a Samsung S8 today you will receive roughly a year of updates, but if you buy an iPhone X you will receive close to 5 years.

But the Samsung will actually be usuable 5 years from now whereass Apple will slow down your new iPhone in a year because they use shitty chink batteries.


>replying to an itoddler shill that the mods have banned over 500 times

At least iPhones still get security updates after the first year

>still functioning after a year
Good joke.


>shill banned again

How will iToddlers ever recover?

My iPhone has crashed pretty much every time I do anything process intensive since I updated to 11. I tried disabling all notifications, but it doesn't help. I'm not getting another iPhone.

i dunno my iphone 4 still works the same as i first got it. i heard android phones are better. like they constantly get updates years after release. lots of cool rom hacks too.. being a mere iphone user i don't see the need but some people enjoy tinkering with their phone. mine just works

>updating your iphone

i have a 128gb iphone 6 with a headphone jack and jailbreak on 9.2 and will get a new cheap battery soon. Its literally perfect and doesnt owe me anything.

i have a 64gb iphone 4s jailbroken on ios 8 as my backup phone. it has a new battery and doesnt owe me anything

everything else will just sit on my desk doing nothing

apple people using anything else are wack !
android users are wack ! (sans v20 v30)
there are a fuckload of wack people in this thread !

>owning ishit

good goy

what old ios version you on bros

iOS 11 is buggy as fuck on my iPhone 7

I believe Intel cut some corners in their mitigation to minimize the performance impact. Apple don't care about the impact because their retard customers will just buy the next shiny, but Intel is competing with a company providing an otherwise identical if not superior product which is cheaper.

Sounds like your iPhone 7 battery is too old now and you are being throttled for your own good. Buy an iPhone 8 now and place your down payment on the iPhone 9 so this does not happen in future goy