What's your age Sup Forums? strawpoll.me
What's your age Sup Forums?
Age is a social construct.
Jesus Christ, most of those faggots weren't even growing pubic hair or doing LFS when Sup Forums started.
The amount of underage fags is not surprising
Not if you control for the fact that most people over 20 are going to ignore dipshit strawpolls.
No, it's the sum (in years) of orbits the Earth has done between now and the time you were born around the Sun.
Age as a biological number would still exist without society.
Nice technology thread, OP.
>inb4 underage b&
name? and more
Im 26 and submited ir
this. i'm a trans-age (or age fluid). just because i look like an old man it doesn't mean i'm not a teenage girl
I really want to larp as 8 yo little girl but the ban dosent worth it
Why don't you take a seat right over there?
You're welcome NSA
I thought neckbeards were a meme
not really, because our concept of time is flawed, exactly because of us living in a society
The people who are 30+ here are the ones that actually know shit about technology and have jobs. Everyone else is a shitposting faggot fighting over which consumer tech is better, or which tech YouTuber is better.
yeah, because weeaboo faggot gay assed raspberry pi clusters are technology rite?
anyone 21+ here should just fucking kill themselves
So you're a dumb fucking kiddo that has no business here. Imagine my shock. Whether you like it or not, our generation (~30 year olds) grew up on the internet and fucking made all this shit possible in the first place. You're the outsider here boy.
18 soon 19 give me stuff.
I'm never posting a strawpoll on Sup Forums again. you guys always fuck up my polls. immature little shits
a dicking
Stop thinking you pointing out the arbitrariness of societal order is at all profound or that it undermines its usefulness. You're technically correct, but that doesn't mean it's not all still useful as a tool.
>33 votes
Now I know where is this AMD spam coming from
Part of the 3% 28 year old masterrace
lower numbers weren't available
on every level but physical, i am a loli
i'm 12 and what is this
Local Fish Store?
Linux From Scratch?
The fuck is that cluster even doing every day?
28fag here. Sorry, not gonna kill myself. Too busy enjoying my programming job, ThinkPad, ever growing home network, and playing trading card games with my girlfriend in my comfy apartment.