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post your setup user

What's up

hey nerds is it worth upgrading my fiio e10? i have dt 1990s

nice setup user, what switches are those keyboards ?

Unicomp buckling springs and MX blues

I Love You



where to actually buy those things?
sony mdr7506 and HD 280 are not good?


>best headphones in the world
Kisaragi a cute. A cute!

Nothing new here. How are you liking those HD6XX?
I love those engraved Amps and Dacs you guys have, i always wanted to get engraved shields for my M80 but there's always another priority...

those engravings look cool!

sabaj da2 or uae23

>name field
>not subject

One job OP.

currently in love with them, I thought I'd need to EQ but I'm liking my pair the way they are
is your Scarlett interface enough to power all of your headphones ?
free engraving is life

What does Sup Forums think of the Chinkshit Takstar Pro 82? A lotta assholes are enthusiastic about them.

ok you guys blew it. i've been asking what amp to get for weeks and no one has had a suitable response. so I went ahead and bought something that I think looks good. if it turns out to be bad I'm blaming all of you, if it turns out to be good I'm going to praise myself for being so clever and before you ask, dont cus im ever never gonna tell unless you promise not to bully me... p-please dont

just kill yourself already

HD600 watching as the DT770 bull mating presses the HD558

Sounds about right.

is it a habit of yours to blame other people for your own bad decisions?

i just might if this amp turns out to be bad, i already wasted 3 grand on a bad dac
b-but if i dont then i have to accept the fact im garbage no life loser with no friends and then i have even more reason to... anyway the amp will come tomorrow i will let you guys know how it sounds

>i just might if this amp turns out to be bad, i already wasted 3 grand on a bad dac
are you the yggy faggot? stop dicking around so much

Does it get loud enough for you?
If so, you don't need to upgrade

Does the el dac light turn off when you power off the pc?

that's pretty funny user but they're actually hd598s not hd558s

How are you doing, my niggers?

yeah, ty

hi glue-kun

I'm looking for headphones with the best bass. I've looked through the sources in the OP, but I'm not exactly sure what to look for. Does anyone here knows what headphone will provide a good, deep bass sound?

Yeah, it can make the DT880 250ohms very loud, tested it with an HD600 too, also pretty loud, my other headphones are all very easy to drive.
I wish the interface was a bit more transparent though, it sounds warm when compared to Odac for example.

taction kannon

im always serious i never dick around

How are the vmodas relative to your open headphones? I want one for the engraving possibility but the FR scares me a bit

>im always serious i never dick around
no one takes you seriously in the first place so it's not like it matters

>that price tag

Thank you for the advice, but could you please recommend something between the $150-200 range?

why dont you take me seriously??! and thats not true, i have a few friends that take me seriously...

so I got these Bose SoundTrue Ultra in ear buds for Apple as a gift but I run android and the mic thingy doesn't work so I'm selling them. I'll have a budget of about 80-100$. What are the best buds I can get? Mostly for use at a cafe to work with my laptop or commute.

jvc hz2000 or something like that
I dont remembef the exact name but if you google it it should appear. Sometimes it goes to 130 or so but you gotta watxh the prices (I saw this and bought them on amazon)

For those of you with good headpphones, hoe noticeable is the qualoty between a flac and spotify?

Anybody care to recommend a good all in one Dac/Amp combo for these?

Not significant unless you're ABX testing in my opinion.

sz1000 $130 if you want a headphone that hits hard but sounds like mud
th-x00 $250 used if you want high fidelity but hits hard as well

Stage is not a thing with the M80, it sounds very "in your head", isolation is ok for on-ears, comfort is pretty bad as expected.
They are bassy, but not to the point i'd find it annoying, imho they sound somewhat similar to the M50, it's worth noting that the M80 was the least bassy option from V-Moda and is not longer being produced.
It is pretty sturdy, after three years or so i had to get new pads though (the glue holding one side went to hell, the other side still felt like new, not sure what happened).
Overall i like it, it's the one i bring on trips or when i want some bassier fun on the pc, the comfort is the main problem in my opinion, i actually entertain the idea of getting an M100 + custom shields + Boompro + XL pads and just EQ it to my liking, but it's far from a priority.

I've found it, but it wasn't readily available. I was looking around and found this: Sony MDR-XB950AP. It seems very suitable for what I want from it and the price is reasonable. Should I do it?

>I was looking around and found this: Sony MDR-XB950AP
it doesn't even make the list, so no.

Emotiva just announced their new DC-2 DAC at $700

boring, I'm waiting for this

Thanks for the list user, but I googled every single of those headphones and none of them are available in my country. I think it is because they seem to be older models. Perhaps you know of some newer ones? I think those should be up for grabs.

if you can't figure how to acquire one of them then you might as well just kill yourself already

Depends on your budget.

where to get goldfish 8 and 10? Only found 9 as part of a C82 pack.

That's pretty neat, I love the AK4490.

Preferably under £1000. looked at Mojo and iDSD black label (semi portable is my preference as i'd rather not be tethered to a power source) Anything else out there that would fit the criteria?

why not put the o2 on top?

because its heavier

Listen to FLAC audiophile radio:

Only superior setups like the Denafrips Ares + ESP-950 allowed

Oi I have a SR-3030 in the mail, looking forward to the estat meme

are electrostatic headphones a meme ?

Are Grados the ultimate meme?

Worse than free airline headphones.

they are "ear speakers"

you mean ``ear-speakers''?

he said he was probably going to tweak it to support the AK4497 that the dc-2 does

Might get the bose QC 25, what's your opinion on them?, I like how light and comfy they are, sound pretty good as well, currently have the CB-1's and the QC are More comfy, not to mention sound better and less bulky, i travel a good bit too so the carry case is great

Should i buy the hifiman edition x?
Why, why not?

Is it true that the HD800 can be modded into a HD800S?

JBLC300 vs Philips SHL3165?
Never mind the price

Brainlet here.
I already have an external USB audio interface, does it already act as a DAC?


Phone, going to upgrade to V30 or DAP in a few months.
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Whatever, except treble hotness.
>Past headphones
HD600, Sine, KSC75

So far the ones I've being looking into are the NuForce EDC, Mee Audio Pinnacle PX and the 1More Triple. Any rec would be aprecciated.


what drugs are you on right now

What's the logical upgrade from Takstar HI 2050's? Preferably something bluetooth, but not required.

go balanced if you can

thanks to whoever linked those sennheiser adapter jack thing like last week

more ces announcements:

>emotiva dc-2 dac/amp combo. switched from ti pcm to akm, increased headphone power output, increased price to $699.
>mrspeakers voce (pic related). electrostatic (think stax) instead of planar. huge drivers, huge $2999 price.
>chord qutest desktop dac. continues the fpga 768khz memes without the amp section. £1195 (~$1600)

>falling for the balanced meme

I'll never understand why people buy those stupidly overpriced DACs, do they expect their mids to become more liquid ?

JDS Labs Element

they expect the sound to be better than IRL sounds

Will setting the gain on my amp on high deteriorate the sound quality?

You made me do this.

ok guys, i ordered my amp. hopefully it comes tomorrow. its a good one, and i am going to be very happy with it. if its not good i blame everyone here for the lack of guidance.


Should have gotten the 650

>best headphones ever made


The m-100 basically don't respond to eq. Otherwise they were the perfect commuter over-ears. I miss them. Shoulda just kept them and bought the XL pads.

Looks like now I'll also be a Sennheiser shill...

Sorry, looking for a TRUE neutral here.

Loving them so far, comfy as fuck and the sound is great.

>The m-100 basically don't respond to eq
This claim smells of bullshit. Explain the mechanics which cause this phenomenon.

Like, the sound barely changed no matter what frequencies I played with. I tried to eq in some mids, or to get rid of some bass, and they just weren't having it.
I don't know what you want from me.

high distortion drivers with poor decay. drivers that need a lot of EQ to normalize. drivers with poor xmax. drivers that are already dampened heavily to get the desired tuning. etc

$80 cad (cuckbucks)
>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
I do not know what this means help
>Comfort level
Doesnt matter

>Past headphones
Bose quiet comfort.

Also how to the tascam th02 compare to bose?

I think you're just deaf.

stop being obnoxious and use your brain. see if you stick a bunch of dampening material in the cups of a headphone for example it will require a lot more energy to produce bass than normal. a strong filter in the front to tame treble will likewise require more energy to get perceived changes in FR

Thank you for actually explaining rather than listing mechanics which is what was requested, and which is what you did not do with Explain the other mechanics you listed without explaining.

>Explain the other mechanics you listed without explaining.
I thought they were extremely straightforward and self explanatory.

>drivers with poor xmax
there is no replacement for displacement. this handicaps how loud you can EQ, especially when it comes to bass. this also determines how much you can EQ depending on how close the driver is tuned in stock form. if it's already at 90% the way to xmax without EQ and you're only 5db away from clipping then you can't really EQ it now can you?
>drivers that need a lot of EQ to normalize.
if drivers have rollercoaster responses then it's hard to EQ because it's tuned in away that needs a lot of frequencies to be adjusted
>high distortion drivers with poor decay.
high distortion drivers won't sound good no matter how much you try to adjust loudness unless they are already have euophonic characteristics. same with sluggish drivers because they will take too long to decay and this can affect the higher frequency response. you will need to EQ more to give it similar tonality as a quicker driver