Name ONE reason to use this over stock android.
>inb4 muh freedoms
>inb4 google is communist!
FOSS LineageOS
google is judeo-bolshevik
Muh pajeet experience
>runs faster
>better battery life
>no bloatware
>don't need or use google apps
>regular updates
>more secure
Is there any reason I shouldn't be using it? I mean, I got the WPA2 exploit patch on my Nexus 5 before Google even put it out to manufacturers or to their Nexus/Pixel phones. Are you just assmad because you have a phone with a locked down bootloader? Because you can fix that for like $250 and get a real nice, lightly used replacement for your chinkshit.
better battery life
no bloatware
I've have installed the predecessor to LineageOS in an old-ass jurassic tablet I had and it freed up nearly 30% of the RAM that was usually hogged by all that bloated OEM crap that ships with the device. It actually made it usable again.
Don't use it if you don't like it fag.
Because the stock Android that ships with your phone, more likely than not, does not receive regular security updates.
>actually get updates
>no more Chink spying
Oneplus rekt. Rest of the Chink phones have MTK SoCs. So they don't get ROMs.
ONE big reason: it gets security updates, most brands drop support
Everyone who talk about updates... You are only mostly right. You do not get security fixes for blobs for the majority of the devices. CopperheadOS called out the LineageOS guys because of this. So you still vulnerable.
Vulnerable if you have an older device only.
>give me reasons to use this but NOT these valid reasons because I don't like them!
He's clearly an iTard.
because my old phone doesn't have aptx or aptx HD support yet it has bluetooth 4.2. I use my old phone as a dedicated audio player for my car, but my aux jack is located inside the armrest, so I use a bluetooth receiver in the armrest.
Installing lineageOS and the Aptx HD codecs gives the audio roughly the same quality as running a wire, except I don't have to run a wire. So basically my reason for installing lineageos is I don't want to have a stupid fucking wire run across my car or devalue my car by modifying it.
do you have a link user?
Stock Android is AOSP, retard. What comes preinstalled on your phone is spyware ridden bloated obsolete piece of buggy code. If your manufacturer respects your freedoms and releases the necessary sources, LOS will run faster, consume less resources, have longer battery life, have more settings and always be up to date with weekly updates. You're also getting at least 4 years of support, instead of two.
Stock ROM - about 1.5GB in size. LOS - 300MB in size. What garbage are manufacturers putting there?
>So you still vulnerable
It's better to have firmware exploits for the wireless module of your specific chipset for example than to have a standard part of the OS itself be vulnerable. Do you think that a malicious web page is more likely to target your specific chipset and revision and firmware version, or are they more likely to attack a vulnerability that works on 95% of Android devices on that OS version? Lineage OS is worth it, even if your drivers are outdated and insecure.
Oh you know ;)
>What garbage are manufacturers putting there?
Every fucking bloatware they can think off. Useless shit like redundant email clients, redundant app stores, all sorts of redundant crap you can think off. I don't know why they keep doing this shit either.
Why does an operating system for phones with a touch screen have a mouse cursor?
I don't want Broadpwn. I'd rather sell the device and have something better that I can actually protect.
Connect a mouse to your phone and see for yourself.
so dat u can use da appz
It's not my screenshot. The person who took it forgot to move his cursor off screen.
I'm not saying that you should use an outdated and insecure device. I'm simply arguing that Lineage OS does make a difference in device security, regardless of device drivers.
moto g5 stock is still better than LOS.
Yep. It's better than nothing. But it could be better. Like actually reversing blobs and patching firmware like nexmon does.
>Like actually reversing blobs and patching firmware like nexmon does
That's still a massive undertaking for these devices. I really just want RISC-V and more free software.
One day. A fully open phone would be great.
this only happens if the government oppresses Jews (like russia pre-USSR was), which is completely against your narrative
how is the play store redundant?
Some phones come with more than one store.
Knox's security model is much like a block cipher with variable number of rounds.
However, instead of making the password hashing function increasingly complex, you just slow down the OS so much that if an attacker actually manages to log in, by the time the lock screen animation has finished they've already dropped the phone and given up.
>Even LOS has a fucking calendar, built-in
>It's just called fucking "Calendar" in the app list
>Google's one is named exactly the same
>I have to remember the fucking icon to tell them apart, still get it wrong 30% of the time
seriously these 20 million antisemites were just asking for it
just put bloatware into its own folder jail
Disable the one you don't use.
That's a huge uphill battle to fight, but you can always give your support to Purism by preordering the Librem 5 in hopes of some sort of incrimental progress.
Folders don't apply to the app drawer
Yeah I put it in protected, along with built-in browser and email. Still though, at least don't name it exactly the same as the GApp equivalent if you can't actually uninstall the fucker.
don't mess with a Jew.
I use Renovate Ice myself. Can't say I've noticed any huge difference between it and stock. Still have Google and Samsung apps which can at best be disabled, but not removed.
Then again I'm new to this whole custom rom and root shit, so I might have missed something. I'm even too scared to update my rom, lol.
>Renovate Ice
Just a mod of stock ROM. Of course you won't notice any difference. Custom ROMs like LOS are build from the ground up with no bloat in the first place.
Burden of proof is on you OP, nobody has to justify anything to you
is moto g5+ ever going to have an official build?
Rajesh please.
Uhm uppdate to android 7 where the manufacturer only goes up to six?
Absence of bloaty apps on the factory rom, the ability to choose to install a minimal version og Gapps to avoid more bloat. Security updates every two weeks?
Well, if it starts working well for my phone I might consider it.
Except they only support nexus/pixel devices. If other manufacturers actually produced firmware updates past 18 months and people ignored them in favour of LOS you would have a point, but in most cases that is not what is happening.
If the manufacturers themselves aren't going to patch the firmware or at least release the sources, they're no point holding back the security patch level for something that cannot be fixed.
A partial mitigation is a hell of a lot better than no mitigation whatsoever. Anyone with a Spectre/Meltdown affected CPU that hasn't immediately airgapped their machine isn't going to throw it in the trash because the patches haven't 100% fixed the bugs yet.
Moto Z play dropped right after I install lineage.
Sucks dude.
Shitty camera performance
On shitty devices only.
How is LOS on Oneplus 5?
On 14.1 everything works. There are derived ROMs that even include working camera from stock. 15.1 is not ready, and I wouldn't recommend any custom Oreo ROM yet(for any phone, not just OP5). 5T has no Nougat ROMs at all, so either get 5 or wait until Oreo ROMs become usable.
It has nice features
killed the battery on my note 3 so fast I thought it was mining bitcoin, I'm using resurrection remix now and it's basically the same shit but the battery is back to normal. anyway I know not all users experience battery issues but man it really fucked my phone for a week while I didn't have the time to re flash
This looks nice desu. Can I put this on my device without voiding my access to straight talk?
Yeah, why are Oreo ROMs taking so long?
Cause my 5x is on 8.1 and they still haven't released LOS 15 yet
What's that? VoLTE?
I'm using it on my Red Note 3 cause fuck that weird Miui ROM. Works great.
>Installed LineageOS on S4
>it just works with lots of cool features
>drains the oem battery like a leech and have to recharge it everyday
What should I do?
AKA ones running Android OS
Android does actually have a cursor if you connect a mouse.
However that is not it.
Because this is their 'Lineage' - CM was insanely slow to release major updates too. I remember one time CM hadn't put up a release candidate and the next major version after that was dev previewed by Google.
i have vanir (lineage base) and it's been doing good, plus i noticed for some reason i flash a new rom battery performance is bad but becomes better over a few days of using it
if u want to check out vanir it's here, updates are just usual security updates
because is da we i can have android 7.1 in my prone ma bruda
NUHHH DUHHH well maybe i just shouldn't do anything ay? no point in living, might as well use windows 10 and vote for nuking iran next election, not that it matters anyway. nihilist piece of fuck
You'll get a shitty battery life
Only those that don't respect GPL.
How else am I gonna get rid of MIUI garbage?
Just finished flashing this to my S3.
Seems pretty stable to me.
>can't run on gs8 exynos
lol why do they always pick the trash no name phones to build roms for
How do I install this. I'm a normie.
because on my nexus 7 2012 it runs faster than the original bloated OS
Are you retarded ? You can totally disable the app in the settings if you don't use it so you don't see the app again.
How come my shitty fone is never supported by these ROMs?
I literally only used it for tinder like 2 years ago, but since tfwgf it sits in my drawer because my dumb phone is much less of a botnet. Can I fix this?
No bullshit.
You know what's on your phone.
That's enough for me.
Also if like me you use retarded app like Snapchat to pick up girls. Those apps require Google. The good old way is to use OpenGapps but fuck this and try those :
Simply working, less bloat, muh freedom and chicks fucker app.
I'd use a custom ROM if miui wasn't so fast and optimized now. All of the aosp ROMs have too many bugs and the batter life is a lot worse.
Sadly google is just liberal.
My phone has no support anymore and most other phones don't have stock android anyway (e.g. touchwiz)
Also Lineage has the LiveDisplay trigger in the Quicksettings
Unironically this. Motorola does a good job of not including bloatware and their apps are actually very nice.
No security patch for my device since 2015 or so. Also, fuck stock useless apps.
Unless you have a pixel you ain't getting monthly security patches. LOS gets them before most pixels get the OTA
That's not always true anymore. Look at now. No January patch still. Being slow is in their Lineage.
>tfw it revived my 4yo phone
was gonna get a new chink phone but fuck the chinks
>root access without retarded nonfree shit like SuperSU
>updates for eternity instead of merely 2 years (if that)
>runs faster
>better battery life
>no bloatware
>don't need or use google apps
All four of those points are the same thing, and apply to any ROM including the stock one. Custom distributions of Android aren't made of fucking fairy dust that overclocks your battery.
Also you forgot to mention the part where your phone's camera and Wifi chip don't work because they rely on proprietary blobs that the ROM developers don't have access to, or where the only version of it available for your device is maintained by one Indian guy updating it once every 6 months.
you know you don't have to use it of you don't want to, right?
you sound frustrated, go take a shower or something
Yet another half assed room that will break random features and add worthless features nobody wants on top of random crashes
Don't fall for the xda pajeets' memes
I'm using it right now, and I just did.
You sound like you don't have an argument, go come up with one or something.
Because kernel sources are probably available for those phones
Remove bloat, update old phones. That's enough for me.
The Tsar did nothing wrong except for keeping the kikes alive.
>worse battery
>better battery
which is it?