What phone OS version are you currently on?
I'm still on Android 6.0.1
What phone OS version are you currently on?
I'm still on Android 6.0.1
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iOS 11.2.2, enjoy your Spectre lagdroids
Same. Seems like the Moto G4 Play isn't getting any sweet updates. Probably won't buy another Moto for this reason.
8.0 because i can't get beta on Xiaomi.
why did google remove the dark mode from Nougat?
Android 7 on my s8. I never really care too much sbout android versions they never really seem to add anything that i couldnt have just done with an app from gplay store but its nice to have
7.0 on Moto G5
Thanks Lenovorola
Android 7.0 with the December security patch.
Android 8.1 because I'm not a cuck.
iOS 10.3.3 because of "legacy" apps.
t. Rajesh
I got a G4 Play as well and they started rolling out Nougat updates to other world markets, so I think it's a matter of time
I read about the soak testing back in June. Seems like a hell of a long time if they were actually going to go through with anything.
updates are greatly overrated.
>enjoy your Spectre lagdroids
Thanks. I am.
I have the chance to jump to 8.1, but I'll wait a little longer, heard the battery is not as good.
A lot of stuff is updated through Play services as well as monthly security updates
8.0 security patch december
Wouldn't mind staying in Nougat if there were some fucking security patches
8.0 Oreo with Treble enabled
December 2017 security patch
Just upgraded to 8.0 a few hours ago. Notification snoozing is pretty nifty.
8.0 on XZ1
On LineageOS, waiting for Oreo.
Windows 8.1 primary phone
Android 4.4.2 occasionally use
>being so assblasted you have to imply I use pajeetware
Truly the pinnacle of the iPhone line. How useful is it these days?
7.1.2 AICP
Would move to Oreo but the Pajeet devs fuck around a LOT so i'm iffy about making the move only to find out the were to busy searching for the designed shitting street to implement SIM or WIFI support(The last few updates for Nougat that they put out dropped SIM and WIFI support. You had to flash a 2nd kernal to get it back)
>Androids that actually receive vendor OTAs
Unofficial ROMs, not even once
january patch is really important tho
9.3.2 4S here
had to buy a new phone bcause it was so slow. I'm a retard for upgrading iOS
>what is Pixel
>what is late model Nexus
Nexus line is end of life retard
Thats why i lag a few releases behind. I know the limits of what i have(which atm is just dated security, i guess)
Its based off lineage. I would go with a better rom, but I fell for the Zuk Z2 meme so my options are sparse. Would still recommend it over the G5+ which costs more and has a weaker chipset.
Moto G 2G 5.0.2
I really should install LineageOS or something right?
Android 8.1.0
Why not just root and install a custom ROM?
Just do it.
I recently updated my mom's Moto G 2014 to LineageOS and it's like night and day. So damn smooth.
You can downgrade: youtube.com
It is the perfect phone for me. I've used smartphones for a while, then switched to a dumb phone, but have found the 4S with iOS 6 to be a perfect balance. Does the bare minimums + web browsing/email/messenger. iMessages also work. Jailbroke to get a firewall and location/contacts/personal info spoofer that warns whenever an app is trying to access something.
Because this is my first smartphone (phone luddite) and I was stupid enough to buy the Verizon locked version instead of an unlocked version.
I have the Moto G4 (the Amazon version) and it's AIDS tier. Boot loader is locked, bad image persistence, and 2 GB of ram isn't enough to do anything. At least I'm on 7.0 though, idk what's up with your model.
6.0.1 too on a galaxy s5.
The pajeet roms on this phone have shit battery life, even they don't have all the bloatware from samsung stock rom.
Verizon locked model, as I wrote above. My needs aren't substantial, so the RAM isn't an issue for me and I don't even notice the image persistence. Having low standards helps.
>Having low standards helps.
the power of android
*the power of not being an autist
OmniROM 4.4.4 Moto G1
I'm not a heavy phone user. I browse Chrome alot and YouTube occasionally. The only games I play are usually 2D, with the exception of Hearthstone. And I don't take many photos, I'm not frequent on Instagram and shit. So my needs are suitable for a budget device.
I would honestly pay the premium for a device that could last me for like 4 years but the only phone I've seen supported for that long are iPhones, and iOS isn't my preference.