>Net Neutrality was repealed
>Comcast increased speeds
>Net Neutrality was repealed
>Comcast increased speeds
Other urls found in this thread:
>hook line and sinker
Comcast manipulates user base by increasing the speed
and then they sit back and enjoy their monopoly
"Comcast announced it's spending $10 billion annually on infrastructure upgrades, which is the same amount it spent before net neutrality repeal."
>try to use all of my new nice bandwidth for more than 10 seconds
>throttled to death
Have fun, I guess.
If they just blanket increased the speeds that means their infrastructure could already have supported the load, they are simply choosing now to provide the speed increase so you know they TOTALLY aren't about to fuck your asshole into a gaping maw of what used to be an anus.
>cucked and proud
The internet hate machine strikes again
Not sure what this is trying to convey. Isn't it an ad hominem fallacy to attack a person instead of their argument?
Another day, another victim
Presidential candidate appeals to lowest common denominator trailer trash idiot base. They jump through logic hoops to defend him every time he screws them over.
The sheer number of people who have swallowed the net neutrality blue pill is disturbing.
What argument? They just wanted Grandma to subsidize the cost of their Netflix binging and/or they were commies. NN was a government power grab and a subsidy to GoogleYoutubeFacebookRedditPinterestNetflix. That’s it.
Just like the morons who still believe in trickle down economics even after being shown repeatedly throughout history it simply doesn't work that way.
>Comcast manipulates user base by increasing the speed
>and then they sit back and enjoy their monopoly
yeah this was so obvious. doesn't comcast also run one of those speed test websites that people use to show their web speeds?
yes that post is an ad-hominem. to bad you gave the poster a (You) though...
I want Sup Forumsjeets to leave Sup Forums.
We dont have net neutrality in Sweden and I got 250/250 instead of 250/100 for just $2 more a month, so now I need to pay $51 a mnth for my internet. Unlimited data and still I cant beat the seedboxes in netherlands god damn.
>NN was a government power grab and a subsidy to GoogleYoutubeFacebookRedditPinterestNetflix. That’s it
Yeah, has NOTHING to do with trying to stop ISPs from fucking over consumers AND small businesses who threaten their media empire.
The fact is cable TV and the movie industry are tied at the hip to ISPs, NN is NECESSARY to ensure everyone gets equal access to the network they ALREADY fucking pay for.
Netflix pays their internet bill
I pay my internet bill
Why the fuck should my ISP be allowed to charge EITHER netflix OR me MORE money on top of this JUST because i'm using it to stream netflix instead of my ISPs own streaming service which sucks ass.
It’s pretty well agreed by economists that cutting taxes stimulates growth its only a question of how much. “Trickle down” is a perjorative not an economics term
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand the catastrophic consequences of returning the internet to 2015
Fish in the ice chest, about to be gutted. Here comes the fucking knife.
You shouldn't. And in fact there is no difference between downloading 4 TB of data from Netflix, blacked.com or a remote ssh server.
This was already chartered, idiot, the increase in actual investment was marginal at best and will not drastically increase their ability to proliferate new technology. It was something like 2b/5y which likely has more to do with the tax cuts than NN.
Too bad it only stimulates THEIR economic growth.
Their is growth for the market when you cut the ultra-wealthy's taxes, it's just not growth that will mean jack shit to anyone but themselves.
Hence, trickle down economics is bullshit. It doesn't work. It's a lie.
Even saying
>b-b-but it DOES grow the economy
Is meaningless without actual fucking context. And in this context, it means everyone BUT the mega rich continue to get poorer.
The middle class is shrinking fast, if it even really exists at all in current america.
>The internet hate machine strikes again
Please don't associate Sup Forums with anti-net neutrality shills ever again.
Friendly reminder to sage and/or report Anti-Net Neutrality idiots.
half the posters on Sup Forums would support a measure to dump sewage in their public water supply if you convinced them that liberals would be mad about it
They'd volunteer to do it themselves.
Did it had pass in congress or the ISPs is try to buying some public support with Trojan horses?
Sadly, this. nu-Sup Forums needs to go.
>nu-Sup Forums
Sup Forums and /n/ is always a trash.
>A Democratic effort to reinstate net neutrality rules has won support from a Republican senator and could pass in the Senate if just one more Republican breaks with the GOP.
>A Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution from Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) to reverse the Federal Communications Commission's net neutrality repeal would need votes from all Democrats and two Republicans in order to pass through the Senate. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) today became the first Republican senator to pledge support for the repeal reversal.
>"Senator Collins does not support the FCC's recent decision to repeal net neutrality rules, and she will support Senator Markey's legislation that would overturn the FCC's vote," a spokesperson for Collins told The Hill and other news outlets today.
Net neutrality was never a law to begin with, it was a regulatory decision by the FCC. The FCC under Obama implemented the most recent rules, and the FCC under Trump repealed the rules, no legislation involved
Laws passed by congress will override anything FCC says, but republicans control the majority of both houses and the president can veto anything without a 66% vote. He might get bad PR for vetoing something the majority of voters support (even something like 60%+ of republicans polled were pro-NN until the recent push to make it a partisan issue), but the President doesn't really give a fuck about the media criticizing him.
Some Individual states are starting to pass laws for net neutrality but the FCC is claiming that they don't have the authority and that its regulations supersede them. We'll have to wait for some high level court cases to establish the states' rights issues here.
It's like they aren't setting up a trap.
Too bad Akbar is dead, or else he would tell us.
>nu-Sup Forums
Sup Forums was never old.
>Apologize to Pajet the curry nigger
Go to China or India and then say that the middle class doesnt exist in America You would have to be fucking delusional.
they could have done that before so its obviously a trick to make you think it was good so it doesnt get voted back in