>companies outsoruce to these ppl
Companies outsoruce to these ppl
>pajeet you left the door open again
sorry couldn't find street
He had to poo on the DESIGNATED ocean.
if you were in a sealed vessel with a couple dozens indians, wouldn't you need to leave the hatch open as well? I cant imagine the smell in that thing.
He probably left the toilet seat up
Every stench based crowd control weapon has failed, turns out there isn't an an actual threshold for human tolerance. Even the most delicate, faggish soyboy gets used to work in a meat processing plant eventually.
>be pajeet
>finally get into prestigious Indian navy
>it's been my dream since i was little pajeet shitting on street
>father is proud, family is proud
>get assigned to latest high tech Indian navy submarine
>elated to have such an honor
>crew gets on board
>we go out to sea to start maiden voyage and test systems
>about an hour into the journey realize I have to shit really bad
>ask captain where the bathroom is
>captain doesn't know
>ask other crewmates
>they don't know either
>we pull out the blueprints and take a look
>suddenly we all realize that the engineers forgot to put toilets in their multi-million rupee submarine
>have to shit real bad tell captain it's going to leak out any second
>captain has an idea, tells the pilot to surface
>open the top hatch and shit the hardest shit I've ever shat in my life
>the feeling of relief from emptying my bowels leaves me in ecstasy.
>go back down the ladder, tell captain I'm all finished and we can continue on our way
>we submerge again
>suddenly gallons of shit colored water floods into the sub
>realize forgot to close the fucking hatch
>mfw i ruined India's first nuclear submarine
Case and point.
The indians were already use to it.
Context of your pic?
>mfw this is probably actually what happened
mfw you were probably actually there and/or responsible
what kind of a shit submarine can't handle a partial flood? what if it was hit and suffered damage like getting the hatch blown off and managed to surface?
Subtle, but delightful.
>pajeet works at intel
>leaves security doors open
>pajeet works on a submarine
>leaves nuclear hatch door open
It's like poetry.
You joke, but a decade ago I talked to a submariner who toured an Indian diesel-electric attack sub. He said they specifically delete the head (the toilets, in other words) from their Russian-supplied blueprints.
Submarines have what's called a TDU, trash disposal unit, for dumping trash overboard in compacted metal canisters. It's basically a downward-facing torpedo tube. Apparently the Indian sailors just poo in that, and it's entirely possible to flood the ship through improper TDU operation, so that might be what happened here.
Well it didn't sink, so it could handle it, apparently.
Even if the ship maintains seaworthiness, generally the electrical equipment is not going to react well to being flooded with saltwater.