Anesthesiologists make mad dosh, but their job is literally a weekend project to automate away (as opposed to the actual surgeon) + a couple of million dodos for all kinds regulation/compliance/trials. Why does no one seems to bother btfo these leeches? It's not like self driving cars where you need to come up with novel stuff, it is literally measure drugs to patients bodyweight + some fluff
there is nothing creative about anesthesiology, they just following a procedure. Guess what is good at repeating procedures millions of times
>there is nothing creative about anesthesiology, they just following a procedure.
This. Our company is working on automating this stuff with AI. There is literally zero reason why they should earn $400k for doing something that can be automated with lower risk to human life.
It's hard to sue a machine when something inevitably goes wrong 1 out of 1000+ times
Don't act like this isn't also what's holding back self-driving cars
there is no need to use AI really, except for meme points and fund raising. They need to follow a procedure and if they steer away they are in trouble
don't be dumb, that's literally a big PRO eliminating potential lawsuits ant putting the blame on the state of the art machine is even better. People can sue hospitals and robot manufacturers though
self driving cars are held back, because
1. That's a hard problem
2. A dumb idea
3. No one asked for them
4. People like to drive
5. Cars are inherently a bad solution to the problem they are applied see how the discussion shifted to truck
What is there to automate? Dosing and dose scheduling are already handled by computers. Nurse anaesthetists already serve as helpers. If you hypothetically design complex robots capable of intubating, administering meds, using AI to check drugs in context of medical condition, etc you'll still need someone to supervise all that shit. The surgeons sure as hell don't want to do that. So in the end the anaesthesiologist has retained their supervisory role and you've accomplished nothing.
Never gunna happen. Mr. Sheckelstien needs someone to sue if something happens to the patient.
>doctors are still unsure how anesthesia works
Why do we pay these brainlets so much?
A big pro for anyone who doesn't make their living off frivolous lawsuits. It's worth noting that lawyers tend to run for and get elected to/appointed to positions to regulate this sort of automation.
They need to be able to act quickly if the patient has a reaction to any of their procedure though. I wouldn't trust AI to do that. In other news, I'm getting my tonsils removed in two weeks and I'm glad my anesthesiologist is a human
>4. People like to drive
Is the bottom line here that women are not people?
6. (higher, if these are meant to be in order of importance) there's huge business in regular cars that will be largely obsoleted if self-driving cars become everyday reality - so the there's strong corporate will to maintain status quo.
>and I'm glad my anesthesiologist is a human
you can always pay extra if you want to be service by humans
>good goy, we will replace this position with robots and if you want a human to need to pay extra
I think AI can be used for good in a lot of places, but human facing jobs are not one of them
there is no ai in this setup also
indeed, that is what automation is all about. Have you tried contacting Google with any of your problems? Unless you are paying through your nose and have a representative good luck with their FAQ pages.
and you geniuses are going to make this AI also do shit like nerve blocks as well? fucking idiots
Yes in the whole field of medical technology NOBODY has ever considered automating this. Nope, just you OP, you fucking genius.
It's called liability dispersion. If the job is automated then a failure becomes the hospitals problem. If the doc fucks up it becomes his malpractice insurance provider's problem. As it sits, hospitals are moving to a business model that supports one anesthesiologist as a supervisor with dozens of cheaper CRNA certified nurses underneath him, lessening their costs and spreading the liability further. Just as time is money, risk is money. He won't be automated away.
People have tried but something always happens to them.
Patients are unique and have unique case histories. Anestheologists don't 'just follow procedure'. They take and give input with the surgeons, nurses and the patient itself. 99% is routine but that 1% outlier will trip a machine A.I. Surgery is not like public health where one size fits all.
what the fuck is dosh
Insurance always wins fuckboy. There is no denying that self-driving trucks are worlds more cost-efficient, don't need to sleep, and will fuck up a lot less than humans in the long run.
Imagine being able to get wasted, get your car to come pick you up, drive you to get McDicks and take you home all without you being a risk to anyone.
It's a great idea and you're fucking stupid.
Is there anything creative about what any doctor does?
It's hard to sue doctors too, contrary to popular belief.
Because they have the most practical knowledge on how to administer anesthesia.
99% of doctors and lawyers and bankers can automated but they have regulation to stop all that. The things that don't like regulation, like coding and IT are going to be the first things to be automated away.
t. butthurt anesthesiologist
See you on the unemployment line buddy :^)
It's actually incredibly difficult because you have to consider thousands of edge case scenarios and know what to do in a crisis when things go wrong.
You'd have a point if you said pharmacists. They only exist because old people are too retarded to type information into a computer.
>They only exist because old people are too retarded to type information into a computer.
Not true. Doctors try to kill their patients all the time. Also, there are plenty of edge cases in pharmacy.
The primary job of anethesiologists is to take responsibility when shit goes south. Even once their job gets automated, it will take years for trust in the system to build and people feel like they don't need to hire a fall guy any more.
Op has never seen a patient code before. Seriously it will take a long time for technology to catch up and be able to assess a patient that quickly if shit does go south. It can be very physically and mentally demanding. Like cpr, intubation, starting a central line, and nerve blocks. Op needs to stop watching Grey's Anatomy.
>Is there anything creative about what any doctor does?
not too much and I don't just mean GPs
their job is very conservative if they try to deviate from the procedure they lose their ability to cya
see point above, it is literally described with a single function. A computer program will visit all your edge cases, if you live in 3rd world bumfuck nowhere good luck with your doc anyway
Not necessarily kill them, but they are more of a delivery vector for big pharma nowadays as the gatekeepers of drugs and prescriptions.
there are much more efficient ways to move stuff around and a big mental projectile hurling down the street will always be dangerous. Self driving cars are a misplaced idea.
A true meme "profession" I know of people who have literally done the weekend anesthesiologist thing.
the delusion in this thread is astounding
this, but tech brainlets can't understand that life can't be reduced to algorithms
you are constantly reduced to a piece of data. Want to take a loan, perhaps a mortgage? We will feed your data into this spreadsheet and you will see your rates. That's how it is for the 99.9999%. Your health is in the expense row and will be cost optimized
If you want premium you have to pay up.
I have a rare condition and even paying premium led to nothing. At first I was angry at doctors, then God, science, humans in general, but later I just haad to accept things as they are.
The elites are trying to force us into the matrix, where you are reduced to a piece of data, but it doesn't have to be this way. And it won't. This is not the human nature. Even self-driving vehicles will be a massive failure.
They don't get paid for the extreme difficulty of their task, they get paid for the responsibility.
sorry to hear they can't fix your condition bro
>automated in a weekend
This is how I know that you don't know shit about either anesthesiology, A.I., or automation. Go back to Sup Forums to be honest.
Pharmacist don't even exist in my country. I think they don't exist anywhere outside the U.S. That is proof that they're not needed if everyone follows clear indications properly.
You should probably be angry at insurers
>not an AI problem
>complains about AI
>sends others to v
pls stop commenting
Because professional trade unions won't let it happen. It's even worse with lawyers. Most non-trial lawyer responsibilities could easily be automated, but there are too many legal barriers in the way.
>they get paid for the responsibility
using machines instead of humans is the best way to shift responsibility
>all this salt
Im glad I went to medical school. You IT pricks will always be salty dweebs with an inferiority complex :*
So what's with the attempt at targetted trolling by OP?