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Post your latest Sup Forums related purchases here.

Finally picked up a pair of the Audio-Technica R70X to replace my HD 650.

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should have just gotten porta pros and learned to EQ

Takamine EG523SC-12 (made in Korea)

>Comparing porta pros to a fucking R70X

Like comparing a lamborgihni to a gonda civic.

porta pros are masterrace, audio technica is ass


>.gif in the year 2018


qi charger for my car. alot more stable than i thought it would be (being a vent mount and all). not as slick as the magnetic mount i used before, but not having to plug and unplug charger cords is worth it. overall, pretty OK for the $23 (sale price) i paid for it.

no mic?


>tfw brainlets spend $150 to have a camera pointed in their face for head tracking because they're too dumb to solder four components together

it has one

Bought the kzs5's used them for about haha a year now. They sound great, but there stupid cable is acting up now. Bought a new one from kz, waiting for it to come now. Also bought an axon 7 along the same time. USB C and quick charge, are not memes.


I bought the zs5 too, after a month one of the black tip slightly detached from the Grey bulk and exposed some wire, now it's 50% quieter on the right side, did I get chinked or is it fixable if I open it up and solder it?

Took 9 days to come in from China


What the fuck?

It's a massive woofer enclosure in a vehicle.

Ha I preordered the R70X on release but everyone said it was shit back then.

Yet now everyone thinks the sound on it is amazing... most people who hated it are like this guy;

It's basically a better Sennheiser. I need to mod the headband though since my head is too big.

>head tracking

>Audio-Technica R70X to replace my HD 650.

The 650 are better. Why down-grade? An upgrade would be the HD800.

>The 650 are better.

No they aren't, pro-tip son; i own both.

I've owned both too. The 650 are better.

Sure kiddo, if it helps you sleep at night.

Is it worth buying HD600s if I'm probably not going to bother with an amp?

I sold them both and now own the Focal Elear.
I much preferred the HD650 over the R70X though, from what I remember, the 650's midrange was vastly superior.

>$1,599.00 for a pair of headphones

No thanks, would rather spend that amount of money on my motorcycle instead.

Why downgrade?

They aren't $1600, $800 at most.

You're probably looking at the 'Clear' not 'Elear' model.

pre and power amp for my ls50s

Even 800$ i cant get myself to give for a pair of headphones, even if i can afford it I'll get buyers remorse. Headphones i set myself a limit of 600 max and if something is good I'll buy way below that price range like the R70X which was 370$ if i remember correctly since the sound quality was fucking incredible.

a fiio btr1

oh right and i'm and here's what my r70x is like now. braided cable (didn't have alternatives back then), swapped to brainwavz hybrid pads, and wings removed for my gigantic head, but still pretty good. Also snapped the rotation plastic so they can lay flat now. I'll replace the whole headband assembly eventually, just haven't found a good replacement and don't wanna fuck things up.

And here's what I mean by lay flat. Really everything outside of the earcup + drivers are horribly built, which is why i sorta made this a frankenphone. probably still need to get a short replacement cable since braided cables are still super heavy.

They are so fucking sexy, look a bit odd without the wings though.

I've got my headphones in my bag currently, they will be my carry around cans when i go to work / girlfriends and so forth and my HD 650 stays at home since they were around the 500$~ mark when i originally bought them.

How do you like the R70x? Have you tried them for gaming?

eh i don't game much and i use speakers (monitors + 10" woofer) more when i do. they're pretty good for music at least. my main gripes were the fit and finish, most of which I already fixed. sound is nearly perfect for my purpose of having a neutral headphone, but i still use my T90 more since I've modded that for BT and it's generally more convenient. otherwise r70x might leak too much sound ,but that's not an issue if you like it or are in a quiet environment.

t2s i guess

I have the Arctis 5s and they're quite nice. Didn't think I would but the little game/chat audio mix nob is quite helpful.

God a 3TB Toshiba external hard drive just before Christmas for $99 CAD off of Newegg.

Any good?

Same. Pretty satisfied with my akg k7xx. I'm might cheaper than everyone on here. Of course I would love to get a better headphone, but I've got something else that I need to get first, such as what is in your pic


>thinking webm is the new standard.

die faggotjones

Around 40-50 bux.

Pretty great for the price, just search head-fi for people singing their praises. Compared to my older and cheaper tennmak pros though, the isolation is poor, and I only use IEMs when outside so no go for me.

What DAC & amp do you have for your R70x?

Schiit stack

I should haven known Zeos posts here

> he fell for the 3d wing meme


>spending $1500 on a suicide machine
I'd rather have some nice comfy headphones, thanks.

The risk of death is part of the fun.

Should I return my UE Roll 2 and buy the Beoplay A1? I'm pretty fond of the small and round form factor because I can slip the speaker into my coat pocket when going for a walk

I got the Beoplay, and love it!

I am a little biased, ever since my first product 10 years ago i bought as a teenager. the headphones vastly outperformed the stupid marshall and the cheaper sennheiser the kids ran around with. And a i'm one of those who subjectively values their tradition manufacturing approach and that they have never fell for a quick money product, which in the end is my belief that many good companies fell into darkness. New money kids buying up stock and wanting the return tomorrow rather than next year.

I got the Beoplay 17 a A1, and haven't had a problem and never regret it. Hell, the 17 can outplay most boys stereo setup!


I think I got it for $120


>shit anything

V-Moda Crossfade, nice stuff, got them for around 130 euro new

I've always wanted to get a pair of these but I'm turned off by the non removable cable, is it durable enough?

Amazon same-day delivery woopwoop

Good taste. Buy velvet earpads next.

I WOULD have bought these for pc speakers but apparently they're super sensitive to any disturbance and would hiss and other shit.

Got it shipped from amazon US and it came in the mail a few days ago
>tfw arrived a full week early

Exactly what it says on the box.
Except obviously you can nigger rig it far better than this landwhale.

why do you say that user?

Not that user but what's wrong with Schiit?

amps hiss without any source plugged in. not even a sensitivity issue, just shitty amps