Tried out Pale Moon today. Been using Waterfox for a while now. This shit looks outdated as fuck. Is it worth using over Firefox or Waterfox?
Does anyone use Pale Moon?
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>Is it worth using over Firefox or Waterfox?
If you liked Firefox pre-28 then yes. If you're happy with Waterfox then stick with it. Both are better than Firefox proper.
>Tabs on Top
>White Moon
>Toolbarize Menu Button
whew that was hard
Used it for awhile until the furry lead developer starting playing god
No. use Iridium instead
>people unironically defending kike extensions
that was a bug and it has been fixed ages ago
This and
>Hide Caption Titlebar Plus
if you are on Linux
Definitely more of a meme than Water Fox. No reason it wouldn’t be. Speaking of Water Fox though, I wonder if it’s going to do the spectre updates since it was just 52 ESR that last didn’t need them.
Use Firefox 57, you idiot.
And stop falling for Sup Forums memes.
>Firefox 57
Bloatware. Borderline malware.
It does the job. If you don't care about meme user interfaces pale moon is fine.
Fake news, on both counts.
MalwareFox 57
its been updated
>Water Fox
>going to do the spectre updates since it was just 52 ESR that last didn’t need them
It's currently at 56 so he'll have to.
>using that fugly meme theme
>t. Mozilla
>fugly meme theme
That's how FireFox looks like by default. Just changed the colour scheme to dark.
>Hide Caption Titlebar Plus
So should I sit on the previous build of Waterfox?
>browser uses a shitload of RAM so it's lightning fast, especially with many tabs
>doesn't affect other applications
>this is a bad thing apparently
>browser uses a shitload of RAM so it's lightning fast
It's slower than Chromium
>doesn't affect other applications
It does. Especially the idel CPU usage for no reason - it does that with a single about:blank tab open.
>this is a bad thing apparently
It is.
I'm talking about Windows. Why do people still use that theme?
>uses a shitload of RAM
>doesn't affect other applications
u w0t m8
Did you know that you lose hardware acceleration when you use that abomination of UI design?
Are you fucking retarded?
I don't need it. If anything I need non vsynced desktop. It's a lot better for Photoshop.
i do and its the best browser for atom cpus.
Found your problem.
Or Paint.NET. Also benefits.
That's really fucking pathetic actually.
It doesnt work on quantum user
quantum sucks and only dumb numales use it.
We are talking about PaleMoon
they literally say they block Google's telemetry, unlike chromium. Plus, Iridium scores highest in benchmarks compared to chrome and chromium.
works for me and I like the themes available, since I like making my browser look older than it is.
Currently running it with a firefox 2 theme, used to run the netscape that's available which was really well made
I prefer the classic look to fake chrome
Why is there no browser that's fully featured and doesn't hog all your resources with bloatware?
>what is proper RAM management
Proper management wouldn't consume every free byte.
Only retards use any browser but Firefox 57 at this point. And I'm not shilling, I could barely stand pre-57 versions even though I wanted to support Mozilla out of principle. How things have changed
Opera 12
>58% is the same as 100%
That's literally the definition of Firefox Quantum, though. Instead of bloatware, it hogs your resources with the pages you're browsing so it feels supercharged speed-wise.
Pale moon is to firefox as MATE is to GNOME
The backend is very modern, but the frontend has barely changed in over a decade, and the developers don't like to introduce new features unless they're directly related to browsing
If you use waterfox with CTR, than pale moon is will be perfect for you
If not, than pale moon probably isn't for you
I switched a while ago and the difference in start up and everywhere else is crazy. Firefox has gone to shit.
Eww FF has Pocket, Telemetry, and other kinds of shit. Ugh.
I found those easy to disable.
Not him but I noticed when I open Iridium, it will make connection to * aka (Google)
I'm still on FF56
Is there a fork that still supports the old addons?
Cut your losses and update.
It sucks every time there is a new version of FF, but it is not worth the security RISC IMO.
The new version is also a lot faster.
I use outlook which is slow as fuck, but now it is less so.
I was, I stopped when the developer said he will continue to support old extensions api while mozzila can't keep it safe. The dev is retarded, I don't even know why I used it. Use Firefox.
This. It’s the only real option if you want a browser you have control over, but the developers seem to think they know what’s best at times.
Waterfox. It's based on Version 56.
Isn't Waterfox a viable alternative?
This and 4chanx apparently not working well with violentmonkey are the only reasons I'm still on 56.
I even found a replacement for self destructing cookies (I think).
Chrome actually makes a better replacement for FF56 right now because at least there's no retarded titlebar.
I'll check it
4chanX works perfectly with violent monkey for me (using nightly)
I don't think much about furries but xe showed xir true colors, harddropped
adnaus a shit.
the implementation is shit, but the spec is interesting
regardless, it invalidated palemoon's raison d'être
No one was upset at any of the other malicious extensions that PM had been blocking for a while.
such as? I'm not upset because I'm not familiar with them.
>neither are quantum
if you love using normie shit, why even spend time on a board like this?
>Cucks google, install AdNauseam for extra google cucking
>Doesn't yiff my fucking ram like Firefox/Palemoon/Waterfox/Basalisk
High-quality software is "normie shit" now? No wonder the industry is in such a state, then...
I'm on macOS, so no, unfortunately.
I love it. checc my extensions bros
>telemetry and bloat are high quality
you don't belong here
But FF doesn't have either of those. Unless you count a couple of easily disabled checkboxes as "telemetry".
>Replying to namefag
To be honest you're the pathetic one here. Everyone knows that namefags only bring trouble. See Sup Forums as an example
>doesn't have something you need to disable
>things that people prefer as disabled doesn't count as bloat
Only cuckolds use palememe
i don't know why so many people acted like they got fucked straight up the ass when this happened. adnauseum isn't talked about anymore and if the dev decides to block it, there's an option to override it.
Because that's literally what happened.
I've been using qutebrowser for a while now and it's been pretty great. Obviously it doesn't have the plug-in support that browsers like Firefox or chrome do (yet) but I'm still excited for it's future.
>unironically wanted to support this botnet pajeet bullshit out of """principle"""
YES. Also use Pentadactyl, shit is cash.
You literally got fucked in the ass?
It's the only one on Windows that looks remotely nice.
Same user here again, this is actually what keeps me on Windows 7. Otherwise, I think I would get Windows 10 LTSB.
Waterfox Quantum is soon™
ITs still possible to have it in 10 but you have to hack a shit ton of stuff to get it to work properly
If it's possible to just drop in a different explorer.exe, then why not just use the win7 one?
Also, didn't know it was explorer that was responsible for drawing window borders. Windows is so weird.
He was always pretty blatant about being in control, I think.
>Also, didn't know it was explorer that was responsible for drawing window borders. Windows is so weird.
Have you never gotten your shit all fucked up after you had to kill explorer and restart it from task manager?
Quantum is extremely slow compared to palemoon on all my machines, regardless of OS and other running processes.
Reactos explorer is only the taskbar. Everything else is native. The classic theme is still there it's just hidden underneath in the kernel
yo, is your performance ok while using pentadactyl? I'm currently on Firefox + vim vixen, Palemoon slowed down to a crawl with pentadactyl for me.
In the KERNEL?
Something like that, I dont really give a shit about how it works
>it's just hidden underneath in the kernel
Come on thats what wikipedia said I dotn remember
Nobody should be using Pale Cuck after the AdNauseum incident.