Serious question: Why is my Mac with 8GB RAM faster than my equivalent Windows machine with 16GB RAM?
Serious question: Why is my Mac with 8GB RAM faster than my equivalent Windows machine with 16GB RAM?
because Windows is a piece of shit
I fucking hope you didn't post this thinking this chick was attractive, lmao
Because OSX is made for a certain set of hardware specifications, and can be better optimised
because you have no software or games to run on macs
>playing vidya
Think of the RAM as a work table you intend to do some stuff on. The work requires a certain amount of space on the table. It would also be nice if you could keep some often used things on it.
Past a certain size the table is "big enough" and does not contribute positively to your performance.
If it is too small, you have to constantly juggle stuff on and off it to keep working, which is what happens in computers if it has to toss stuff back to slower storage to make room even if it could be useful later.
Whatever you're doing, your Mac already has enough space on its table for it.
Because RAM doesn't determine speed and instead only dictates how many programs you can run at once?
Maybe it has a faster CPU or GPU or IO including to SSD/HDD?
Or maybe you're measuring speed wrong.
>Why is my Mac with 8GB RAM faster than my equivalent Windows machine with 16GB RAM?
>RAM is the only hardware spec
Are you gay or something?
OS optimization
>Why is my Mac with 8GB RAM faster than my equivalent Windows machine with 16GB RAM?
It probably isn't.
I have an i7 mac, and another pc with windows with pretty much the same specs. The mac isn't faster, or even equal to it.
Come catch these hands fagboi
No, I'm just not ugly
>State of her hairline
>State of that makeup
>State of her teeth
>State of her nose
>State of her eyebrows
>State of her
She looks like eggman with hair and makeup
I've unironically spat on better looking women
I always forget that most of you fags are disgusting looking so she's probably a 10 to you, but a 4 to me
Fuck off retard, there's a thread for your kind.
If you have 8GB DDR4 on your Mac vs 16GB DDR2 on your Windows, then of course it will be faster.
This. PCIE connected SSD, probably atleast 1000MB/S both read and write. Windows machine is probably running some SATA connected budget thing clocking in on 500/500.
Because ram tells you nothing about speed and because windows is shit.
Maybe 4GB + 4GB dual Channel Mac vs 16GB module on windows.
>2/10 wouldn't bang: the post
Stop watching so much porn you loser
I knew some retard was gonna post this
I've fucked 2 chicks since the start of the year
Wtf you mean faggot? If anything you probably more porn than me
You're just ugly
1. RAM isn’t the only spec
2. Mac OS is UNIX-based, obviously it will be at an advantage by that fact alone as long as the hardware is at least equivalent to the Windows unit.
3. Mac OS manages RAM much better than Windows, it uses as much as it can to keep a cache going so frequently used applications open instantly when closed and reopened.
>"You'd better thing she is attractive, or else..."
That is a good question. Windows on my machine is quite faster than hackintosh High Sierra.
We have are technologically advanced onaholes. Go back to /soc/ if you want to talk about your sexcapades.
Is anyone having a lower performance on 10.13 than 10.12?
Pathetic cunt
I'd say kys but you will end your bloodline regardless
Bye bye to your worthless genes
>Mac OS manages RAM much better than Windows
Why doesn't Windows use Mac's RAM implementation, though? Is it patented? Or is it a hush hush secret recipe only Apple engineers know?
The mac probably has a SSD and the OS loves to cache as much as it can in the RAM.
Without an SSD its insanely slow though.
MB ssd is faster.
Serious question: Why are mactoddlers brainlets?
Because your Mac probably has a faster CPU than your Windows machine.
... all of the unix like oses do
And why doesn't windows use it?
>think of RAM as a worktable and windows as a 2 year old baby who throws all the tools all over
man you need to go back to Sup Forums
it's common knowledge everything is cached in linux. unused ram is useless ram.
that is why android and iOS commonly have almost all of their ram "used" it sits as cache. only retards clear the shit all the time
>it's common knowledge everything is cached in linux. unused ram is useless ram.
I didn't say the otherwise. I was asking if that's the objectively better way to do thing (which was agreed by many people even Sup Forums that Mac and Linux has better optimization), then why doesn't windows copy them?
Please read the post/question carefully before replying.
cuz microsoft only releases garbage products? not one thing they've ever made was innovative, creative, or useful. you're asking the wrong questions.. nobody knows why anyone would create or use their garbage
I was thinking about coming up something to disprove your statement but I can definately not think about one thing that was innovative or usefull. Except for maybe surface tablets that kinda bring the desktop environment to mobile but the os running on it and all their turning windows into a tablet os shit kinda ruined this.