>this triggers Sup Forums
What are you, poor?
This triggers Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not posting that picture of the fat bizfag with a JUST haircut instead.
You know nothing about triggering people on this board, casual.
No, in fact I have about the same amount of those sitting right next to me.
>a stack of hardware failures that are about to be rma
Nah. I'm okay.
MSI Armor = SHIT.
>triggers Sup Forums
I'm a first time builder. Was considering buying this model, came to Sup Forums, they told me it was terrible.
Now I'm not buying it anymore
>tfw you've only cucced urslef buddy
pretty sure that guy was the manager and everyone is looking at the picture the wrong way
for mining there is literally nothing wrong with it tho desu
Yes I am, but I could still maybe afford it. What model are those?
I'm pretty happy with my 1070ti.
From what I recall people are only having issues finding vegas in the market for somewhat decent prices.
Nvidia is affected too. The gtx1070 I bought a month ago is now $100 more expensive (and many other models are out of stock).
Thanks, based miner, for solving the Sup Forums problem
>tfw only 3 1060s
should i get more?
just bought 2 1060s for £40 lower than average
gonna mine with them for a few months and sell them as refurbished in box lmao
>bought 3 palit 1060
>all samsung vram
23.2MH/s each
you can start mining with it and make up for it in 5 months.
What should I mine?
so what's a good one
I thought that the profit margin with single gpu mining was so narrow that it's just a huge waste of time? Electricity here is pretty damn cheap though because it's all hydro
>PCIe x16 2.0
What's it like being in the past?
Feels good considering I haven't had the need to blow money on ram, cpu and a motherboard for a while.
Patiently waiting for threadripper 2 pricing later this year.
>Feels good considering I haven't had the need to blow money on ram, cpu and a motherboard for a while
With ya, although I'm happy my platform just snuck into the 3.0 era. I honestly can't see me upgrading for another long while yet.
>mfw got a rx480 for $200 from a friend right before the etherium meme took off and killed the prices
I own one and probably the best non-autistic
looking card ever made. No retarded rgb and gimmicks, it just werks
Who is this pure virgin?
Yes, I'm poor. Give me money faggot.
>paying into the crypto jew
im gonna laugh when you jump off a roof after your meme currency dies and your savings along with it
cryptominers like in the pic in the OP always pay off what they paid once they can, then they store the coins for the future
so no, their savings won't be going anywhere
if only you knew what is about to happen to the crypto industry
>paying off what you paid and earning a profit means you didn't make any profit because some conspiracy retarded autistic mongoloid on Sup Forums said it with a dick in his mouth
wew ok, keep being you
>USA - >8 cents/kwh
>China -
interesting to learn they come like that. they have no retail box
smooth print m8
And nothing of value was lost
Tbh I love seeing all the gaymer manchildren rage in that thread.
It's 2 cents/kw where I live and I'm in the US
i hope you are happy you are killing the environment for your magical invisible money which will be illegal in 2 months
>a friend
>charges you $200 for a piece of metal and sand
> China banning all coin related activity by mid year including mining operations by literally cutting off their power and jailing them if they continue.
Been watching the news lately? Seems only the chinks, at a govt. level, understand this to be a destructive trojan horse that attacks not only the monetary system but their power grids, intellect, and social resources to feed a ponzi
At least china has the wherewithal to ban this shit, jail people who try to circumvent the ban, and literally cut the power to these shithead operations.
I have €20k to invest in a small mining operation.
I'm currently scouting for small hydroelectric plant to rent. Alternatively going to Eastern Europe.
My mind isn't poor enough that I have to resort to > a ponzi scheme
> Waste one of the world's most precious resources : energy
> Waste another precious resource : compute power
to be a mindless pleb who furthers oppressive fiat 2.0 in order to try to get ahead.
>Waste another precious resource : compute power
Yeah, it really should be used for video games :^)
Triggers me the way he stack those gpu's.
>Art is a waste of energy
>who furthers oppressive fiat 2.0 in order to try to get ahead
So play the game with them while you can, so you can affect change and stop it you whiny cunt. If you just don't care and are fine being oppressed, then your opinion is literally less than worthless.
Nope.. 1070/1070ti/1080 are perpetually out of stock at all retailers :
> nowinstock.net
> nowinstock.net
> nowinstock.net
So, if you're attempting to build a mid/high end pc, there are literally no GPUs avail to serve as a display. My senses tell me, given that there are no next version GPUs on the horizon that this is being done to try to segment GPU compute capable cards into much more expensive cards now that the market has matured. It's why you're hearing about the big APU push inline with the GPU shortage.
They want to cram and push joe-average into APUs for gaymen and try to rape the shit out of everyone who wants compute GPUs with $1k+ prices. In order to drive this, they're cutting out supply of all of the GPU+Compute capable vidya before they slice the market another way.
Using 1/200th of the resources for :
> Human expression/pleasure/enjoyment
> 200 video cards in a pursuit of a ponzi scheme/ Greed/ that requires some idiot to get raped so a few can be rich...
Yeah, because clearly the two clearly are equivalent... Instead, it is more likely that you're just a dumb fucking retard w/ no mental capacity to draw accurate relationships.
There are other options my friend....
Ones that escape you. Also,I recall this being a discussion board on technology whereby the discussion is the wasteful dickheads who are contributing the emptying out of GPU supplies. In case you haven't noticed, you're the off-topic detractor whose acting like a whiny cunt.
Video games are a major contributor to diabetes, obesity and muscular dystrophy.
>ends statements on ellipses to sound intelligent
>my mind isn't poor enough
Oh you sweet summer child.
Also the issue isn't demand. It's never demand. The issue is supply, this shortage is 100% the GPU manufacturer's fault for not gauging the market.
What are graphics card companies doing to combat mining niggers?
>buys msi
Are you?
It's why AMD literally ended all production of consumer vega while continuing to fuel its installment in Macs, APUs, workstation, and compute. Nvidia is doing the same by allowing this shortage to become a norm in mid/high end cards. They made it a point to highlight at CES that gaymen is a penny market for them and that they're completely focused on compute. They launch the super high end server compute Volta GPU... then they launch the 'workstation' volta at $3,000 a pop and then they pump their self driving car compute stack... They changed their licensing so that the consumer GPUs can no longer be used in data centers and now you're hearing about BFG (Big format gaming) which is an nvidia shield attached to a display playing games off their cloud data center....
The message is clear, they're going to nuke mid/high end GPUs and try to push that shit into the cloud or integrate them into APUs. Alongside this, they intended to jack up the margins on compute GPUs and segment it out of consumer cards. They're being mum as shit on the next Gen because that's exactly their intention. It's why you haven't seen fuck all related to Volta for consumers.
No, being a fat fuck who doesn't exercise at all who has a shit diet is. Intellect, cause/effect relationships, and sensible analogies don't seem to be your strong suit. So, quit while you're ahead.
An if the crypto-jew market crashes they die too because of a retarded business dsicion based on a bubble craze. I understand AMD and nVIDIA scrambling to cash in n the craze, but if they go thru with this, they're fucked
I did this, second rx480 just arrived, paid for by mining eth
>So, quit while you're ahead.
Nah, crypto made me 6-figures and I won't stop until it's 7 :)
you obviously know nothing of how crypto works
>that projecting
dont worry its 2018, gay marriage is legal now
and its okay to have autism
maybe some day you will come to terms with yourself
>ends statements on ellipses to sound intelligent
Liberal art degree starbucks employee who feels that gramatical structure is the Bastian of intellect detected ...
Oh my sweet Spring fag who hasn't found an outlet for their wasteful degree..
> Also the issue isn't demand. It's never demand.
Reading comprehension 101 :
> wasteful dickheads who are contributing the emptying out of GPU supplies.
> Contributing
> Contributing
> Contributing
Yes, the other part of the issue is supply which I discussed here :
If you put more energy into making intelligible statements as opposed to feigning it via empty grammatical critiques of others, you'd manage to say something of value/contribute as opposed to being a grammatical/syntax fag whose critiques are wrong.
this is literally me now and I'm not even jewish. Sing with me Sup Forums HAVA NAGILA
Does this high demand in any way help us longterm? Will they get more R&D funding? Will a huge glut of them explode PC gaming with cheap refurbs when eth crashes or goes PoS?
>vega 56 earns me about 8 bucks a day after power
no complaints
crypto is going to crash hard and when it does all the miners that fell for it are going to dump hundreds of thousands of cards online taking all the consumer business from the first hand retailers
the gpu makers realize this and are trying to prepare for when it happens in the form of a new iteration or architecture of gpus
The fallout of it, if western governments don't end it it will swallow far more than 7 figures. The social consequences which always escape the shitheads eating table scraps always eclipse the pennies gained on the road to ruin. I rarely compliment china but I applaud them in ending all ICOs, terminating on bank related activity, and banning mining operations and power sourcing.
says the retard whining about crypto and spreading misinformation because he's too dumb to get into it
too smart*
all these miners taking up high end GPUs are just making mid range GPUs way more appealing. I got a rx 460 4gb edition for only $99 brand new
you're just angry because you know its going to crash too
>hence the extreme unneeded hostility
>rx 460
>mid range
not even close.
>u are LE angry X D
>crypto is go ing down X D D
no retard, and everyone who got into crypto has already made a profit
and the only one who is angry is you, because you're literally too much of a brainlet to get into it
better than ps4 at least.
Previous gen Twin Frozr compared to current.
Neither of them has scrambled shit... They literally have been producing GPUs along their preset roadmaps which include things like segmenting out compute from typical GPU functions for higher margin. They haven't flinched a single bit to 'cash in'. The supply is the same. They're letting consumers/gamers fight it out with miners over Venezuelan level supplies.
With all the supposed demand, neither of them put a single bit of effort into making Crypto only GPUs to segment these retards out of the gaming market. Instead, they let them cannibalize the GPU/gaming market that made both of these companies what they are today. It's a big fuck you to the people who made these two companies.
The irony to this myopic move is that compute is really no man's land. Neuromorphic chips/TPUs are right around the corner and are going to drop kick both of these companies in the jaw w.r.t to their supposed trillion dollar compute market and neither of them has any advantage here. This is going to occur right after they stick their middle finger up at gamers... and they're going to be in for some troubled times.
I see exactly what both of these asshats are doing. They're forking a new market segment and attempting to relegate gaming to APUs (essentially consoles) and the Cloud. BFG is nothing more than an APU connected to the cloud. AMD is pushing APUs in march even as they literally abandoned all production of vega. Vega refresh isn't expected until 2019. Nvidia hasn't said shit about mid/high end consumer GPU refresh even as it pumps out multiple compute cards... Yet you have BFG announced... They setup is right in front of your face if you look close enough.
What these retards don't understand is that they don't own the future of AI/Compute...
That belongs to neuromorphic chips/TPus which will center on both of their worst enemies : Intel and other new comers to the market. So, I'm going to enjoy watching them set fire to themselves soon.
i dunno m8
a ""currency"" based off of the good will of companies and the greed of consumers that more companies are dropping support for every day due to its volatility, high transfer costs and long transfer times
il hold on to my savings and stable stocks
>also get help for your anger, you do realize that your on a website designed for chinese cartoons right?
Sing your ass all the way to the bottom of the ocean.
The east sees where this ride is going, it will be a west only titanic if it continues.
^efficient digital transaction system
They've only allowed this to occur for as long as they did because :
> They're the ones being employed to make the electronics you dumbasses are buying
> They dominating mining as they have the cheapest electricity/access to hardware straight off the factory floor
> Their people predominantly have no exposure to it
Now that the easy money has been made and risk is setting in, they're closing up shop and leaving dumbasses like :
and dumbass countries that host them holding the bag.
Classic pump and dump at the national level.
This inefficient ponzi scheme was always a trojan horse people are just to greedy/self-interested to see it. O'well.
No it doesn't.
Shit coin operates on distributed ledgers which have been in existence for decades. It's how databases are sync'd securely and w/ integrity across the globe. It's how you can take money out at one ATM and have this immediately reflected across the globe on another ATM.
Such operations are always centralized and non-anonymous for security/safety/regulatory/efficiency reasons.
Any other systematic design is idiotic.
So, that resolves the (R&D) for the software.
On hardware, this does nothing.... The hardware (R&D) is being furthered by legitimate use cases like AI, real-world compute, biological research, chemistry simulations, etc. Shitcoin is riding this bandwagon as opposed to furthering it.
> Will a huge glut of them explode PC gaming with cheap refurbs when eth crashes or goes PoS?
No because ngreedia and ayymd are supposed to be constantly developing nextgen GPUs that are more power efficient, more capable, and cheaper. As such, even if a glut hits the market, they should have cards which eclipse the old for cheaper thus nullifying the effect of a glut of used old gen hardware. Do you buy old gen hardware after 5-8 years of running a rig? No, you buy new gen which is more power efficient, capable, and cheaper. This formula doesn't change just because a bunch of dickheads got caught in a ponzi scheme that went tits up....
Furthermore, Ayyymd/Ngreedia could have resolved this by locking out crypto miners from consumer GPUs but they didn't... they both went right along w/ the idiocy and allowed them to cannibalize the market. So no.. crypto currencies don't contribute shit .. they're a cancer feeding off auxiliary markets and consumers.
He meant if money from selling to miners is going to make gpus better.
finally someone who isn't a idiotic sheep about this whole thing
They simply are not. They had a chance to make crypto only cards and force these shitheads into them just like they force people out of the pro-segment via software/firmware restrictions. They chose not to do this because they simply didn't give a fuck, enjoyed the heightened demand having done nothing different to their software/hardware stack and simply gave zero shits about the people who made them the viable companies they are today.
If crypto crashes hard, do you think people are really going to be tripping over themselves to buy abused GPUs on ebay for anything more than a 50% haircut off MSRP? Both ngreedia and ayymd claim that the future of GPU tech is compute. Leather jacket man made it a point to define that gayming means fuck all to them in terms of revenue at CES. Now you want me to believe these two assholes will face uncertain death because of crypto crashing? Something they both claim is an even smaller aspect of their earnings than gaymen?
Obviously, they're lying about something. GPU makers are being greedy fucks who have a monopoly and a lack of competition. As such, they're doing all sorts of dickheaded shit to corner, segment, and exploit the market on both the supply end and demand manipulation side.
What's going to happen is that new entrants are going to come into this supposed 'compute' segment that they claim is worth a trillion dollars and is their sole focus and cut their dicks off .. then they're going to come running back to the traditional GPU market begging to be taken back.
isnt the majority of the compute market miners?
or is there some other giant i don't know about?
because i was referring to when ALL of the big cryptos crash and the miners cant justify the power and space costs of the mining rigs and make their exit in the form of dumping all mining assets where ever and for whatever they can get for them
it's like 25 here in Germany.
fuck my life. And its still fucking shit coal because convservatives.
> isnt the majority of the compute market miners?
Hell no. Miners buy Consumer GPUs. They're part of the consumer market The consumer GPU market is only worth $100 billion according to leather jacket man :
IT : $3 trillion (data center / pro GPUs)
Self Driving cars : $10 trillion (projected)
Lisa Su is found indicating here that miners are a small slice of a huge consumer GPU market.
So, both CEOs stating that miners are small fraction of their consumer GPU sales....
Are they lying? If so, you see the nature of a corporation.... They lie, manipulate, and do dickheaded shit to make money including letting a bunch of jackasses cannibalize the market that made them once they have other revenue sources....
> or is there some other giant i don't know about?
The formula is supply and demand. I explained what's going on w.r.t to that here :
Nvidia/Radeon consider gaymen to be low-end, low margin, and a small slice of the future pie they are seeking. As such, they're putting it out to pasture by segmenting out compute from consumer cards allowing them to charge higher margin and they're pushing gaymen into APUs and the cloud. It's why Ayymd yanked Vega from production. It's why there is nothing on the roadmap for a year+ regarding a mid/high end vega. It's why you haven't heard shit about consumer Volta. Yet, you're hearing tons about APUs from AYymd, BFG from Nvidia which is nothing more than an APU tethered to the cloud and its why you're hearing them both rant about compute and why you're seeing $1k+ sticker prices for the upcoming roadmap.
As for why there are no GPUs in stock.. It's because they both cut supply big time, demand has risen, and there isn't shit on the horizon.
> Mining bubble pop
50% off MSRP.. if there are better newgen not a problem.But i explained he play here
>MSI Armor
Fucking kys
>And its still fucking shit coal because convservatives.
No, that's mostly because they still need it for reliability because enough grid storage for wind and solar isn't a thing. That and its better than being beholden to the Russians for gas and you pussies are scared of a tsunami wiping out all your nuclear reactors or something so they are going offline in 3 years.
And I'm pretty sure you can thank about 1/3 of your energy bill for renewable subsidies and mandates.
i completely forgot about all the shit with tesla and self driving cars
i know the gaming market and consumer is small but i had no idea how tiny mining is in comparison with the upcoming sdc market
thanks for the info based user
But Hinkley Point is being built by EDF?
Maybe you should turn off your american ignorance within three years.
I thought it was like 36c average for the Nazis. Anyway maybe if you didn't impose strict regulations on coal it could be cheaper
You're welcome. I've been watching this closely for some time and now understand what both of these ass clowns are up to. What neither of them sees is that they are going to face serious competition in this so-called yet to materialize compute market which eclipses their bread and butter.
No one owns the compute market yet because there hasn't been a fundamental technology to cement it. All of these so-called compute architectures could be made obsolete in the blink of an eye given a new alternative approach.. which is being weighed as these ass clowns continue to dog out and shit on the market and people that made them.
For shits and giggles, not that I'm rooting for them but intel could very much snap back and dickslap the both of them (radeon and ngreedia) in highly parallel compute... 2018 is going to be a hellavuh year in hardware. It hasn't even gotten started and I already foresee tons of greedy/myopic roadmaps that is going to cost several companies dearly.
>But Hinkley Point is being built by EDF?
What does this have to do with Germany?
>I thought it was like 36c average for the Nazis.
It's about 30c
On the flipside, selling solar or hydro power nets 12-15 cent/kWh even for the smallest plants