>Be me
>Install Arch Linux
>Feel smart
>Try to build packages
>It goes well for days, pacman is fun and great
>Windows is for fags
Then one day
>Can't install db4.8
>Comments on AUR say something I don't understand about editing the PKGBUILD file
>Read the PKGBUILD file myself
>Lots of stuff is commented out, explaining what is happening
>This must be for me to do myself then
>Try executing the commands myself
>Half of them don't work
>sudo reboot
>Arch fails to boot, gives me a message saying "Bailing out, you're on your own. Good luck."
I am now in a deep depression. I have to lug my desktop and desk out to the hallway to plug into the ethernet in order to install this shit again. I'm using windows now and I can no longer pretend I'm smart.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
> >Try to build packages
> >It goes well for days, pacman is fun and great
> >Build packages
> >pacman
>Be you
>Make a shitpost on Sup Forums
>Hope you get a lot of replies
>Realize you're a pathetic sack of garbage who spends Friday night writing bad shitposts hoping you'll get some modicum of social interaction
>Kill yourself
Wow you're a meanie
I just use windows 10 with the linux subsystem so i can get the programming tools i need. I hardly have any personal data or software installed aside from two video games. Keep shit simple guys, use a PC for getting shit done instead of pretending to have a hobby
the fuck
db4.8 can't be related to what happened, you fucked up your kernel / bootloader somehow.
Try not to delete random files and you'll be fine next time.
I apologize, your shitpost is just mediocre, and you shouldn't kill yourself, but you should definitely reconsider your life choices.
Like I said, I just started manually inputting commands I found in the PKGBUILD file, which fucked it up. I can still view my system if I boot from the LiveUSB, so I was able to save my memes.
Fuck yourself
This is just how Arch works. It does this one day, and that is it. If it hasn't done this to you, you either don't update, or haven't been using it long enough. I would try Debian if I were you.
package() {
cd "$srcdir/db-$pkgver/"
cd "build_unix"
make prefix="$pkgdir/usr" includedir="$pkgdir/usr/include/db4.8" install
# Remove documents to save space, these can be found online if needed.
rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/docs"
# Remove conflicting symlinks created by make, should never overwrite
# main libdb symlinks to current version. Programs that need or use
# db4.8 should be able to find it.
rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libdb.so"
rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libdb_cxx.so"
rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libdb-4.so"
rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libdb_cxx-4.so"
# Rename db4.8 bin files to not conflict with current db version
# installed. Programs that need or use db4.8 should be aware of this
# name change.
cd "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
for i in *; do
mv $i db4.8_${i/db_/}
# Install license.
install -Dm644 "$srcdir/db-$pkgver/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
When you ran rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/docs" (for example) you removed the /usr/docs directory recursively since $pkgdir was not defined.
You shoulda just read the wiki page on the AUR, it's not that hard.
you're supposed to edit the PKGBUILD file, not randomly execute commands found in it you retard
Actually, user, did you run
cd "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
for i in *; do
mv $i db4.8_${i/db_/}
in particular? Because in that case you literally made every single executable on your computer unusable.
I look forward to my first real experience with something like this
it's part of the reason I chose Arch in the first place
How can I make my own packages for arch linux? I heard pacman is a lot better than apt.
I'd like to get involved in the community.
it's really easy
Yes. I've always felt that this is where it all went wrong.
You can fix it! Boot up to the LiveUSB and mount your drive on /mnt. Then do
cd /mnt/usr/bin
for i in *; do
mv $i ${i/db4.8_/}
It won't be able to fix any files in /usr/bin that originally started with "db_" though, but it will fix 99.9% and will likely get your system running again unless something else is broken.
All that happened is that you renamed all of the files in /usr/bin so your system can't use them.
Arch is a baby OS if you arnt looking for a "just werks" experience. Install gentoo and never touch systemd.
how often do people usually update on arch?
I was thinking of weekly updating saturday morning to give myself time to properly take care of pacnew files etc.
do people usually update more often?
Gentoo is for toddlers. If you really aren’t looking for a “just werks” experience, install LFS with llvm musl.
That could be the least "just werks" experience that I've heard of. How would you even make it worse? GentooBSD?
no thanks, I'll stick to my comfy lfs+systemd
>how often do people usually update on arch?
>I was thinking of weekly updating saturday morning to give myself time to properly take care of pacnew files etc.
>do people usually update more often?
Daily. There are not so many pacnew files.
I've distro hopped around the great plains of linux, traveled among the hurds of gnu; just to learn that Arch is shit. And no matter what people say, it will break for some stupid reason. I once updated my arch machine, just for it to lock me out of my HD. Arch is a meme. Use a real distro.
My 9 years with Arch have taught me that 99% of problems people have with Arch are the result of user error.
my 15 years of using linux distros and developing open source software has taught me that you're full of shit.
Welp. I'm hard.
>sudo reboot
>Try executing the commands myself
when you start copypasting shell commands you don't understand in windows you'll fuck up your system, too.
op is NOT even using arch
he's just shitposting from debian
Aww the little Archtism fag got his feelies hurt :(
He said he was shitposting from Windows.
post link to your gits
>having to do shit like this in order to have a functioning pc
Pic related
>makepkg -cirs
yeah so much work
Infinitely more than something that just werks.
Install Gentoo
It's always the fault of the user when Arch breaks, just like every other distro.
Can we finally end the "hurr durr arch breaks" meme? So far it has proven itself more stable than Debian for me.
git gud OP
>'m using windows now
Maybe pick a distro that just werks?
Lol, install Source Mage next time
>need to use alternative iso when it complains about firmware
>just werks
No worries, Arch just detected you're a buttcoin mining subhuman attempting to fuck up GPU prices for users with more braincells than fingers.
Good riddance.
>installer puts grub on the install usb
>just werks
Can we finally end the arch meme instead?
>OP types commands into the terminal without any clue what they do
>this is just how Arch works
What? I have installed Debian to three of my PCs and it never went like that.
don't select a de next time
i did that and i just have to fucking around the networkmanager because i'm retarded and i can't configure it everytime and when i do it i magically forget how i did and i need to rediscover hot water everytime. and that never happened to me
>mental illness
>No linux experience whatsoever
>install Manjaro
>goes alright, but occasionally fucking annoying shit happens, heaps of packages I have no idea about, don't know what I have and don't have, clashes I need to worry about
>install arch
>get it right the first time
>just werks
>perfect understanding of what I have and don't have, how to isolate problems when they arise
did I get lucky, or is the arch is unpredictable thing just a brainlet meme?
>typing commands you don't understand
I had the same experience, except with Antergos first. Every program I ran would segfault eventually. Gave in and just learned how to install Arch and smooth sailing since then.
>rm rf
did you really think it's ok to run this particular code?
>Every program I ran would segfault eventually
Fucking what? How?
I've been using Antergos for 2 years now and I never encountered that.
So it didn't cause issues on your machine. I'm not saying Antergos in particular is flawed. Probably whatever combination of software I chose to install along with the OS fucked something up.
It is possible, you know.
Not him but that's pretty much why I use Thinkpads for Linux. You can be sure they are compatible because they are so common among Linux users. I currently have a X230 and it's pretty much perfect.
That's not Ubuntu
>be Linux sysadmin
>still use Windows at home
Anyone else do this? After fiddling with 200+ Linux boxes all day every day I just don't feel like doing it at home too.
What's there to fiddle? It's install and forget if it's Debian.
I'm pretty much convinced that 99% of Arch users are not employed. So much work and hassle to get a working desktop, and then you can't run half of the things you can with Windows or macOS. Why would you do that, voluntarily, in your spare time?
Hey thanks! That got me far. I can try to boot and get as far as the login service not starting, then it hangs.
Not sure on Arch but in most distros the USB Ethernet you get from tethering a smartphone is supported out of the box. That way you don't have to "lug your desktop into the hallway"
Once you get arch running you just leave it alone. updating breaks it, installing anything breaks it, letting it boot breaks it.
My zero years with Arch has taught me to avoid the headache of ruining my workflow by distro hopping.
>I just started manually inputting commands I found in the PKGBUILD file
lmao, so these are the type of people that keeps the "arch breaks" meme living huh
Why do you speak without trying it? Just don't have an opinion. You know that's an option when you don't have a fucking clue about the subject, right?