>using (((free))) software
You are supporting communism without even knowing it. There's nothing wrong with this anyways.
Using (((free))) software
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Kill yourself, shitposter
That's fine, I and my parents lived in communism and we got a free house thanks to it.
Faggots were shot too so I can only see the positives.
Free software has been right wing for years now.
Not an argument
Free shit isnt right wing
>free software == communism
>using free software == communism
i love you pretentious western faggots that have never smelled communism
>t. Tanenbaum
Im a Pole, so yeah, I know what communism is. Free software is commie shit
I don't care bitch. Software code shouldn't be hidden. That isn't moral. IT NEEDS TO BE OPEN SO I CAN KNOW IT ISN'T DOING SHADY SHIT
Dude, if you are ok with collective owning of shit, pls be my guest
Only with software
orly? when has it sent somebody to the labour camps
>collective owning of shit
Nigger there is no collective owning of software.
The owner is the author.
>not wanting the (((developers))) breathing down your neck 24/7 is gommunism
oh again this stupid shitpost
Fully automated luxury communism is the future. You can have it today with gentoo.
I am unironically a Marxist-Leninist. I don't say "but that wasn't REAL communism" because I agree with Stalin and think he did nothing wrong. The fact that free software is communist makes me like it even more.
>get full ownership of the product you buy
You have to go back.
>because I agree with Stalin and think he did nothing wrong.
the absolute state of reddit
Reddit is a liberal site. You'd feel plenty safe there, my epic bacon libertarian Sup Forumsro.
>still not getting that free software is about freedom, not price
nice assumption, reddit. i would upboat this post so hard.
Low quality bait.
No you're not
And you don't know shit about communism
yes I am, you stupid fucking cuck
That's like saying deleting program)s you don't like is genocide. Free software wasn't a tenant of the major communist societies in history, so you need to defend this statement with more than just "communism = free stuff and capitalism = paying money for stuff so free software must be communism!"
He hates when you make that comparison.
Communism FORCES you to share.
Cool, fuck those people that would rather trash stuff than let someone else use it.
enjoy the Windows blackbox you cumguzzling stooge
Guys, the thing is that communist based societies will never work cause money rules the wolrd, and there isn't just one type of food, car, house, job... But communist based software (as in collaborative) could work. It is also not just about the price of the code and the collective shit; free software protects our privacy and our freedom as users of the system we have. Maybe the act of giving your innovating code idea to the community is not something that developers would like, but I think is the only thing people can criticize. A bunch of code lines are not as important as knowing Google and ISPs are noy going to collect where and what lolis I download.
Sorry for the English. Shit was cash.
Enjoy faggots enjoying your shared butthole then.
Free as in freedom, not gratis.
>not able to differenciate liberalism and communism
American education does it again
same, but unironically
>free software doesn't force me
Try WordPress environment, it's communist's wet dream.
Still though everyone who's making money out of theme development is doing it against the GPL since they'll fuck your ass if you try to resell the theme.
Americans can't deal with this fact