in this thread i will install arch
In this thread i will install arch
shutdown -h now
Job done, cheers!
never installed it before
install gentoo
disclaimer: i usually use debian stable for everything linux but i like to try new stuff and concepts.
i once installed gentoo on a pentium 3 gericom laptop and then compiled gnome and firefox, took only twelve days i think.
Linux is a kernel.
nice, never used elinks before
sorry rms, i meant to say gnu
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
$ wifi-menu
>13 mins
>didnt chroot yet
come on OP we dont have all day
cat /proc/partitions
thanks i guess, but i am doing the install in a vmware for testing first
i am still drunk from yesterday so this will be slow and maybe stupid, for example i just read the manpage for elinks for a while and then decided to use it but am quitting now because the arrow keys are not scrolling like i want them to
>VM pleb
Install on actual hardware or heck off
Why do you even need to use elinks in the first place if you are installing in a VM? Just have your browser open like normal, and refer to the install instructions there. You drunken fool!
>cat /proc/partitions
what for?
To view your available disks to partition
i play linux like its 1999 and i am installing as if it was on real hardware, inb4 autist
you need to actually see what's your main drive name (in this case sda) and you'll need to create a partition table for it and manually make 2 or 3 partitions on it. I suggest you to make a gpt partition table with fdisk, go cfdisk and make a 512mb partition with bios boot type, a partition as big as your current memory gb with linux swap type and finally using all the remaining space for your actual linux partition
cfdisk /dev/sda
use mbr
create a system and a swap partition, but if you autistic enough skip swap and do zram
Fair enough. I'd usually have another device with the arch wiki pulled up to make things easier on myself though.
usually i just run an ssh daemon on the system i want to install it on and do it over ssh on a laptop, it makes it pretty easy, since you dont have to use a textbrowser or switch between ttys that way
are you using w3m?
if im forced to use a tty than yes, otherways ssh+firefox
i unironically installed gentoo before so please stop your lame normie advice, when i started the first advice was always to rm -rf the shit out of things
same here but i see this as a text adventure
i love the fact that the gentoo install guide actually starts with this iirc, would usually do that but i am playing a textadventure here
are you the user from yesterday who asks if he should go with arch or debian?
jsut asking out of curiosity
i am using less like a man, i don't like bloat
>help me install arch
>REEEEEEE i dont need your help I just rm -rf /
i will now stop posting for a while because i need some food and i want to actually make progress with the install now, cu guys later
Fuck off OP, and take your shite thread with you
What's the advantage of using "cat /proc/partitions" over lsblk?
commit sudo
I don't give a fuck... LMAO!
I am new.
Is this a meme or is this a butthurt gnu developer?
>I am new.
>not even recognizing arguably one of the most popular copypastas
You sure are.
>I am new.
>Is this a meme or is this a butthurt gnu developer?
You really think Stallman would come to this autistic unfree hell hole basket weaving forum?
GNU/Linux is colloquially called Linux.
He never asked for help.
i am back from eating and made some progress
autist points
actually followed the advice in the install txt and set up the mirrorlist, downloads are way faster now. the install.txt is really nice imo and quite userfriendly, way more than i expected
i am a bit sad that i had to go online to see the bootloader choices
Install NixOS instead.
you're a tard
it takes 20-45mn to install if you follow the wiki
>fat for main partition
>he never heard of efi partitions
But OP is drunk and took a lunch break
actually i am such a tard i will reinstall now because my choice of doing uefi boot in the vmware is too much work. as you guys can tell i am also a lazy fuck because i know i could do it but i rather have fun with the uefi part on actual hardware
>mounting your efi partition as your main partition
>i am back from eating and made some progress
How you screenshotting your tty breh?
He wouldn't post, since it requires captchas
i am drunk but i caught my error when the permission problems started
You must be +18 to use Sup Forums
>cannot even install Arch
it runs in a vmware on osx as you could tell from the screenshot naming
i can and i will, technically i already installed it, only not decided on my bootloader
You really shouldn't install new things when you're drunk, you won't learn anything.
Despite the memes, Arch is gonna make you learn, and if you really want to learn, do Linux from Scratch. If you want a completely different paradigm, try NixOS or GuixSD.
i actually learned a lot already, i read the man for pacman, refreshed my fdisk knowledge and happily used cfdisk in the end, i used elinks for the first time and i like it better than lynx, failing can be quite productive depending on ones perspective
btw thanks for the recommendations, i will look into these two, chrystalisp seems nice too, and templeos for obvious reasons
Use gdisk and cgdisk instead, sgdisk is also nice for it's --zap-all feature. Elinks is nice.
>comparing nixos and guixsd to ponyshit
>comparing them to the venerable templeos
kill yourself
first time using systemd
enjoy wasting 20 minutes of your life
just install lubuntu if it gets too complicated for you desu
Just install lubeinass if it gets too painful for you
what did systemd mean by this
alright, now i have a fully functional system, time to decide which de i am gonna use, can someone recommend a good tiling wm?
i3 if you want to rice, dwm for minimalism
calm window manager
that's the shell
the arch livecd has some interesting defaults
so, after a few hours of playing this textadventure i will stay with debian i guess, i mean i knew it before, things like apt create kind of a lockin once you get comfy with them. also i like having defaults and being able to start installed programs without editing three text files first but for learning how stuff works or for going into detail arch seems to be a really nice distro.
thanks for all the suggestions and for the nice memepic where someone writes an email to rms, may st ignutius be with you all
You really are a sperg aren't you