/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and _monitor_ suggestions; click on the blue title to see notes
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>Avoid Intel until security and performance issues are fixed: theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/
>A8 9600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM)
>R5 1600 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>R7 / Threadripper - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal
>Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports

Graphics cards:
>Consider Vega 56 for a Freesync monitor
>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
>GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>GTX 1080Ti

>A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor

Previous bread

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.ca/GeForce-Graphics-IceStorm-Backplate-ZT-P10710G-10P/dp/B076S4RT1J/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515435221&sr=8-1&keywords=1070 ti

Anything new on the Intel bug/patch? Haven't kept up since early last week. Trying to find a good set of windows based benchmarks for pre/post on an 8700k.

Its still shit, it rapes I/O on both linux and cuckblows, and the wangblows update will probably end up being forced on win10

should I wait?

>can't decide between R5 1600 and 1600x

What does X470 offer over X370? More USB?

y720 with
gtx 1060
256gb ssd
1000gb hdd
for 1044 USD

Homemade desktop
32gb ram (ayy)
256gb ssd
500gb hdd
for 1205 usd
I don't live in usa so both these are very very cheap and building myself wouldn't come close

Wait for 2600

the second one, by a long shot, you'll need more storage tho

I should point out the first one is a laptop

Thanks for the reply m8.
So basically, you're advising me to wait until next month for one of these ryzen APUs (after lurking the thread that's kind of what I had in mind), but the motherboards that "natively" support them won't release until april. That sounds fair, and I can definitely wait until then.
Not sure how to go about flashing a bios though, I'll try getting more information about this if I needs be.
By the way, the 2400G uses the same chipset correct? Isn't the extra price worth it? (price isn't too big of an issue for me, I just don't want to invest into something for which I'd have no use)

I would see if you can get a prebuilt with Ryzen. otherwide, the second one.

We could tell. The i7 7700HQ is laptop only

>you'll need more storage
I have a 500gb ssd that may or may not be broken
buying and replacing with ryzen would be cheaper. that said, I'm weary of buying too much into this stuff, I haven't seen convincing proof that amateur consumers will be affected significantly. but if it becomes a problem I'll replace it

The 2400G and the 2200G are the same basic CPU with a few changes between them. Any motherboard that supports one will support the other. I prefer the 2400G due to its power, but so long as you get a decently powerful 4 core, you should be fine.. Both use the same chipsets, yes.

specifically regarding gigabyte, they are introducing the higher tier lines for AM4.
In that particular board a better VRM section (with a functional heatsink) than on the x370 gaming series, including the k7. 2x nvme 32gbps too

and more usb too, actually.

>higher tiers
gaming 9 when?

I just want a level playing field.

How much better is the i5 4590 compared to my fx 8320e? I play games like swbf2 and modded warband.

Thanks for the information, cheers

>actual heatsink fins on vrms
fucking sweet

over the past 3 days, graphics cards went up by $100-200, what happened?

>wait for the prices to drop
aren't the prices still rising?

It's 50% better in anything that doesn't scale past 4 cores/threads. Basically the same in multicore.
My question is in what world would you be buying a 4590?

For RAM, yes. For video cards it will die down as mining does.

will obsolesence start going slower now? seriously, I don't see games going much more demanding unless developers just become gradually more lazy

It was only $130 for the computer on ebay which also came with 8gb ddr3 ram. I was also worried about switching to win 10 as i dont like to do any system updates.

I also got overly excited about that point in particular.

Is there any point in upgrading from DDR3 to DDR4 RAM? I have 24GB of DDR3 from years ago when I originally had 8GB and got tired of running out of memory so shelled out for 16 more GBs.

Can developers get more lazy? Hell yes. Look at battlegrounds

DDR4 can go reliably much faster than DDR3.
However, that means nothing unless you have a much faster CPU.

Does having DDR3 hinder the CPU at all though? Like, if I have an 8700k?

have we reached peak graphical fidelity tho? the next meaningful step in quality seems like we won't reach it for ages

no, hardware is always behind

no, there is still much to be had. Just look at open world games like the witcher 3. Already damn good but it sure could make use of better models, textures and objects. And the added work devs have to do for that isn't even that much, we just don't have the computing power to practically use it.

Just bought
amazon.ca/GeForce-Graphics-IceStorm-Backplate-ZT-P10710G-10P/dp/B076S4RT1J/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515435221&sr=8-1&keywords=1070 ti
Am I retarded?

I haven't seen any improvement since then though. And hell, I haven't seen much difference before that either, it's just an outlier from high effort

I need to RMA my lga 1150 motherboard, it's all set to go
Anything I can do to get a spare Mobo to kill time?
Like motherboard rentals?

no. probably a bit louder than full size models though.

I really dislike upgrading to a generation that's pretty much reached the end of its lifespan but i guess that's just me being a poorfag. When i upgrade i do it shortly after release

The 8700K (8th gen) only supports DDR4. 6th and 7th gen processors can use DDR3L, but that isn't worth using because DDR4 offers better performance in most things, such as less stuttering in games.

besides being shitty games battlefront, battlefield 1 and battlefront 2 actually come with some impressive graphics improvements. Besides that there's going to be another game of the decade like the witcher 3 at some point. I really hope CD project doesn't go the way of the jew after the immense success they've had with the game.

>tfw didn't double check and bought incompatible RAM

I feel like a fucking retard. Now I have to wait two to three weeks for new sticks because every store is sold out on the one I want/need.

I just want to play with my new fancy PC.

I am a poorfag, I'm just getting so many mixed messages about this new release and how it will effect prices. I was going to go for a 1060 6gb but I figure this will save me money in the long run since it sounds like prices are only increasing. Am I still not retarded?

DDR4 looks super overpriced. I'd assume Consair is the go to?

I'm such a moron when it comes to backplates; ever since I saw the asus zenith extreme every board without one lookss below par. And I know they're a gimmick, particularly in motherboards.

>not checking the most important aspect of PC building

Branding doesn't matter, but specifications do (especially on Ryzen).

each game has seen most money going back into production, that's a good sign that they're aiming to keep their forward momentum in quality

outside the qvl or straight up ddr3 instead of ddr4?

prices won't increase much more. Samsung and hynix dumped dozens of billions into new flash/dram manufacturing plants that will go online in the next 1-2 years.

What are you concerned about? The card is fine, but i would've waited for ampere and maybe whatever AMD has (if we see consumer cards from them at all until the end of the year) instead of jumping on a generation in its dying breath that will be replaced within the next 4 months

>prices won't increase much more.

they already reached the peak. What could get worse? The chinks can't pump any more RAM into phones, the mining shit won't get any worse and samsung/hynix are massively expanding production capacities.

In my defence, usually I've just bought ones with right DDR number and clock and everything has been just fine. Never checked compatibility list from the mobo manufacter. At least I learned something important today.

And typing this makes me feel like even bigger retard. Holy shit why didn't I ever check it?

>prices won't increase much more.
>implying gook jews have a limit on how much they are willing to flog you out of your money.

I got the 1600X, really happy that I did

I'm in your exact situation for what it's worth and I'm getting a 1070 Ti.

I wanted my first build to a budget build, but upon further inspection I realized it just doesn't make financial sense, since I'll just have to upgrade in no more than 2 years. If I'm paying an arm and a leg might as well get something that'll last for a bit longer.

Outside QVL. Sure didn't work. At least I can return the other one, but I opened the packaging and the seal on other. Hope I'l lfind a buyer for it, RAM is stupidly expensive.

I'm getting it because I really fucking like my VR headset. I also need to upgrade from my 770. I know 1060 6gb can't run everything available in VR right now and definitely won't be able to for future, larger releases.
I can still cancel the order, I ordered it out of stock so who knows how long that will be. If I need to wait a year I'll keep the order but if it's 4ish months I can do that. I'm just not convinced I'll be able to get something better for the same price once it releases. Been getting so many mixed messages.

This is all me, I've decided on getting the Ryzen 1700 because a friend's getting Ryzen + and I can get the 1700 for 200€, the MOBO would probably be newegg.com/global/es/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813144024&cm_re=X370-_-13-144-024-_-Product

I still need a case tho, some user recommended the Corsair 600c/q but the one with the panel is expensive for a plastic panel, it also doesn't have Type C USB which would be useful

I'd be ok with changing the MOBO to an ITX/mATX tho so any suggestion of cases that use that and can fit the fuckhuge GTX 1070 Windforce is welcome

All DDR4 should work on all DDR4 boards
QVL just says if it will work flawlessly

phantom 820

you can't increase the price for consumer cards much more because most people want to stick to their

I see the i5 2500k's more expensive than when I bougth it like 6 years ago, why is that? Any chances of reselling mine at a decent price?

honestly, if you're looking for a good budget X370 board, I'd say to grab this one instead. More expensive, but it's better overall.

This is what me and my friend though when I went to whine to him. I got AsRock X370 Killer SLI, tried to fit Kingston HyperX Fury Black, DDR4 2133MHz in it and it didn't even fit properly; the lock wouldn't snap in to the place and hold it. The PC went to a boot loop (booting then shutting and booting again). As far as I troubleshooted, none of my other components seemed faulty. The RAM wasn't on the QVL list so I assumed that was the case.

will the b350 mobo be compatible with new ryzen cpus?

yes, but you'd have to update the bios.

You likely put it in wrong or didn't use enough force. DDR4 pins are all in the same form factor so if one doesn't fit anything else will not.

Fucking hell there's just so many unknowns. Do we know how big an improvement the next generation will be? Is 4 months just a guess or somewhat confirmed?

That's my mindset too. I bought this guy years ago and the GPU is really all I need replaced. It cost a fuckload but if I had gone lower I'd have needed to replace it already and that would have probably cost me more in the end.

I got a 1440p monitor a while back
as ive used it ive started to notice more imperfections in the panel.
how hard is it to offload these things used? it's pretty large so shipping will be hell

all AM4 boards will be compatible with the new CPUs and the socket is supposed to get new CPUs until 2020. Even the A320 stuff as long as it comes with VRMs that won't fry themself i assume.

asus prime is bullshit.
check AHOC's channel on am4 boards.

>DDR4 2133MHz in it and it didn't even fit properly; the lock wouldn't snap in to the place and hold it
that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever

>Do we know how big an improvement the next generation will be?
The usual 30% in each performance range +- a bit

>Is 4 months just a guess or somewhat confirmed?
Q1. We'll probably know more in a few days.

The Prime X370-A is BS because it has a 4 phase vrm. The Prime X370-Pro though has a 6 phase VRM and a decent heatsink for good overclocking

I'm not new to PC building, I know I didn't put it wrong. It fits only one way, right? I used as much force as I dared. I'm really baffled too, how it cannot fit?

>In a few days

I guess I'll cancel the order then. Thanks. Doubt it will have shipped before then anyway. Is this likely to be a new line where most price tiers are replaced with new cards or is it going to be a $1,700 top of the line single new card?

Are these prices considered normal?

thanks for the clarification.
I just lumped all primes together.
But i'd still say to go with the strix then, if you must stay within the 2nd tier of x370's. Or the gaming 5 from gigabyte.

It will fit if you force it in the correct way.
Boards can be more resistant when you insert the DIMMs for the first time.

this, you're either trying to insert the sticks with the wrong orientation or not applying the necessary force. Shouldn't be too much neither, but they aren't anywhere near zero insertion for sure.

maybe, we don't know if we'll get more info from CES.

Yes, the price brackets will stay roughly the same. They have done for generations.


Any problems with this build?

What you would say the correct way is? I tried it again, using a much force as I can, it won't go past certain point and I can't lock it in place (you can just pick it up from the slot with no effort).

>CES Jan 9-12th

Oh so less than a week even. Definitely cancelling then. Thanks a bunch. Last question, if a new generation is announced do you think the prices on the current stuff will go on sale/drop in general? Card sales even on black friday were at most 3% which is silly. If I can get a 10-25% discount I'll get whatever.

the QVL is for optimization and validation purposes, just a remider of which modules the MoBo maker guarantees to reach the nominal speeds from your sticks. outside of that, all ddr4 DIMM's are pin compatible, even if your motherboard doesn't have it on their qvl, they definitely can at least slot in your board without issue.

forgot to mention, do I need additional cooling other than case fans?

Pic related is my server. A haswell Pentium and H97 board. I'm looking to replace it with this


This server is just for file sharing, printer sharing up to a total of 5 simultaneous users. Tips? Advice?

Align the notch in the DIMM to the notch in the slot. Straighten the module if need be and press down.
Your 1070 Ti has no price.
550W is on the lower end of things.
Additional cooling only if you desire silence.

they definitely, absolutely, need to snap in.

Not a very good picture, but it won't go further than that. The lock can't keep it in place. I'm just fucking baffled what's going on here.

You could probably buy a used Xeon combo for the same price
You need to press HARDER
Pins should definitely be further in.

how do I know how many watts my PSU will have to be?

What CPU and GPU?

Holy shit I thought I broke the mobo, I pushed so hard. But it fit in! Thanks for being persistent with me guys.

>Used Xeon
No thanks. I'm looking to get new hardware. I don't need the power the Xeon brings and I don't need the power bill.

That and fuck Intel and their Meltdown.
Based on hardware. Single CPU and single GPU? A good 550w will do you fine. 650w if you're paranoid.
Push nigga push. Gotta show them DIMMs who the fucking boss is. That motherboard is going to take those sticks. And it's gonna like it.

i'm a tad horny, desu
>y-you can push it harder, sss-senpai

Don't tell me you're jerking off to DDR4

gotta smack it with a sledge

>Not getting excited by PC parts
>Not building all your computers will a full raging hard on

Normies get off my board REEEEEEE

I got a chub.
I really did.