When will the GPU shortage end?
This is killing me. I need to expand my farm.
When will the GPU shortage end?
kys fag
How many Kilowatts?
O man what the fuck are you using as case??
I find it ironic, that it took an elaborate mathematical formula and availability of high processing power to make people build supercomputers in their house.
We will literally cook the planet while chasing profit.
Anybody have any idea on where I could get a good deal on rx480's or better in bulk? I'm looking to buy 10 of them for a mining farm that I want to start.
You are too late for the party.
>When will the GPU shortage end?
When people stop trying to farm.
>This is killing me. I need to expand my farm.
>We will literally cook the planet while chasing profit.
at least we wont have to rely on gold / silver
LOL. Right
You coinfags are the scum of the Universe.
Just pay More for them the price of bitcoin always goes up anymore Shirley make a profit in the matter what!
There are going to be a lot of good gfx card deals on ebay in the not too distant future.
Cryptos are reliant on working IT infrastructure. A couple of EMP blasts will wipe out billions of coins in a few minutes.
We will always rely on rare metals.
Wait for next generation cards and pre-order as many as you can. If you end up getting too many, sell the surplus on eBay with a markup.
It usually takes 2-3 weeks for new cards to be optimized for mining. Then demand rises, price rises and you can sell them to gamers with 100% markup, probably more than you would make with mining.
This was said a year ago, when Polaris were released.
I'm still waiting.
It's even funnier 10 years later, new date is summer 2018
Name one major world currency that is based on metals
Currency is an abstraction of value. Such is based on availability of energy and means of production.
So - all currencies are based in rare metals and energy sources, because all currencies represent a value of a given economy.
Where are all the cards going? They have to be going somewhere. They have residual value so its likely they are not being thrown out.
AyyMD hasn't released more energy efficient mining cards, and even then, Polarii are very efficient.
So the cards either die and are binned or are still being used to mine.
Then bitcoin is based in rare metals and there’s no such thing as fiat
Thanks for the revolutionary economics class
>Then bitcoin is based in rare metals and there’s no such thing as fiat
But is represented in binary form, which is volatile.
But that's wrong. Currency today is a reflection of what is essentially debt. The implicit concept that by handing over $x someone will compensate you with $x of bananas/ass/gold. It isn't supported by anything other than faith in the federal reserve and the currency itself. What's worse is that when and if the SHTF occurs gold and silver won't have worth until there is a rebound and stabilization of the economy since silver and gold have limited working value.
sup Sup Forums
Vega has the highest hash/watt which is why they sell like fuckin hotcakes
How does any faggot with 100 cards in their house think they are going to compete with this?
It’s based in nothing the US dollar is based in nothing
mining porn thread
can it crack my wife's son's wpa2 passphrase?
You seem to be under the impression that it's a race.
As long as you have one card, you're already making profit. You won't necessarily get it in any reasonable time, but you're still making money. Having more just speeds up the process and makes it a viable way to make money.
Kys energy wasting degenerate
Every major world currency is based on gold.
>Every major world currency is based on gold.
Not since the 1970s when fractional reserve banking was introduced.
Strangely, purely coincidentally, worker wages have stagnated since then
It is a race. You need to make your money and get your money out ASAP before the bubble bursts otherwise you will never be able to pay off your hardware investment. The more people mining the more difficult it gets.
You're a disease to the whole computing industry, ramping up prices for something entirely worthless because you will never make a meaningful profit, but just make it harder for PC builders like my self to afford shit they need.
Fuck you, OP, you really are a faggot.
Neck yourself.
I see shit like this in the making and on the road towards full maturity and I am reminded of the history of civilization/empire collapse due to broad based abuse and misuse of precious resources. When you live to see an idiotic trend like this in action and get to see all of the gears turning at every level it is a privilege. At every rung of society you see the active mechanism and greed driving people to madness. Not a single person is w/o excuse from the poorfag with one GPU to the richfag w/ 1000s to the kikes and wallstreet insiders running the exchanges to the whales moving the market. Not a single one of them is any better than the other. This just goes to show you even though fags complain about the 1%, etc who fuck society over to get wealthy, if given the chance they'd do the same shit they do. Literally pissing the world's most precious resources down the drain to perpetuate a delusion. These fags are headed on a crash course with something beyond their wildest imagination
jfc retard
The planet is cooling you nimnut, we are entering a mini Ice Age
I don't get the mining meme, but I tell you what I am loving all the manchild gaymer tears it generates.
Can we get an /ig/ - indigo general thread going again? Was good last night...
If anything, it helps the computer technolo/g/y industry in general, trickle-down economics they say...
Feel free to ask away here. By the end of the week, if certain things I'm observing don't change, I'm going to make digital coin systems a special project of mine.
This. Hearing all these children cry about their toys getting more expensive is hilarious.
GPUs aren't toys. They're used for things like protein folding and cancer research. Beyond that, I acknowledge the humanity in a person buying 1 or 2 for entertainment. There is no defense for using 10,100s,1000s of them to perpetuate a ponzi scheme that squanders a precious resource and disrupts human entertainment/legitimate research computing.
But don't you think this is good for the computer Sup Forumsrafix industry? They can put more money into R&D for better Sup Forumsear down the road...
Any citation on that?
>see all the digital currency shenenigans
>put 1000 EUR into BCH, ETH, and LTC equally about a week ago for shits and giggles
>check up on it today
>already gained ~250 EUR on it
Holy fuck is this a bubble. I cannot even. I'm gonna leave it be just to have some, but this whole thing looks dodgy as fuck.
The future of technological civilization on Earth faces more existential risk from people enthralled by MSM memes like you seem to be than from Proof of Work. Before you parrot more of that stuff, think how cryptocurrencies' power consumption might grow (where it is on the S-curve today), what CO2-heavy processes they may replace (hint: ever drove to a bank because you couldn't do what you wanted over the Internet?), how it will affect the probability of a global nuclear war, etc.
No. This is a pleb tier excuses/logic with no casual connection. The lion's share of the profit is going to distributors, retailers, and asshats reselling for profit. The R&D was already put into manuf'd cards of the current generation and next before coinfags arrived on the scene. Nvidia's stock has doubled many times over before it took off. They're doing just fine.
Crypto proof of work algorithms were purposely made inefficient to seed the currency w/ a pseudo asset backing. By your logic, purposely writing shitty code that takes up 100x more resources helps the computing industry by perversely demanding more resources. Sorry brainlet, that's not how things work. Misallocations of resources and purposely abuse/inefficiencies harm in the grand scheme of things.
Crypto currencies are a fucking cancer and soon they'll be dealt with as such.
No sir. If currency is not based on value of the economy, then inflation occurs. There are some mechanisms that incentivise people to either spend or hoard money, but if there is/was an influx of money into the system, the system will automatically adjust value assigned to a single unit of currency.
This is why printing money does not work long term.
Balance of an economy is emergent, thus it will always seek to equalize value with its representation in currency.
Debt is just promise to generate value in the future. SHTF is essentially calling the bluff behind the economy. See china in 10-20 years and US in 20-30. Same thing happend during the great depression or with any economic bubble to date.
Same thing with bitcoin price. Its current standing is a promise that it is going to have real, physically backed up, value in the future.
crypto currency was a mistake
>they need
At least he's doing calculations that handle financial transactions. You were going to play games.
It is a race to get as much real money before market forces will force reevaluation of value of each crypto.
Plot twist - its real value might be higher then currently assigned.
I think everybody already realizes instinctually or intellectually that humanity has been living way beyond its means and the whole thing is going to come crashing down in the next couple decades. Every year we see the waste and we think "well this can't keep going on", but it does keep going on. Somehow we keep over populating, we keep squandering energy and every other resource, we keep fucking up the environment and we never end up really paying for it. But we all can sense that wherever we are headed, it's not good, and we will be forced to atone. We know if we have kids that they will have it much rougher than we do. Not just us anons, everybody seems to sense it.
What we are seeing now is the desperate attempt to get a piece of the pie before it all collapses. To form a nice memory before we know nothing but sorrow. This disconnection from reality is requiring an ever increasing amount of resources to prop up the delusion.
The decadence is a distraction from the onrushing disaster. We are the guy in the disaster movie taking a swig or a hit before being overwhelmed by a giant tidal wave or hoard of zombies.
Cancer comes in many forms. Crypto currencies are one. Your mention of something being Brain Cancer doesn't change the fact that crypto currencies are Lukemia. Nice try at deflecting though. The future of civilization faces assaults on many fronts, you morons are just the useful idiots waging battle against it from a different angle... and spare me any bullshit about it being an economic revolution against fiat. This shit is fiat 2.0 with a giant fuck you embedded in its core to any semblance of freedom and privacy we have left. I'd love some jackass brainlet to pipe up about the delusional economic benefits of crypto coins, i'll blow you the fuck out on every front. You dumb fucks are so blind you don't even realize whose running the goddamn exchanges (Wallstreet)
or they could play video games all day long
> This is why printing money does not work long term.
Pop Quiz dumbfag, how do crypto currencies 'print coins' every day? Hint : Look past the decimal point dipshit. Your self-delusions are impeccable.
The thing that caused the problem in the great depression was the fact that we could not print enough money all we could do was try to go mine gold and turn that in to money and we needed to be able to generate money out of nothing printing money out of nothing is partially what got us out of the great depression you are 100 percent wrong
why cant the cryptos at least calculate something useful like fold at home.
> Human enjoyment/entertainment necessitating 1 unit per person
> Coinfag using 10s,100s, 1000s to perpetuate a purposely made inefficient algorithm to further a ponzi scheme
Mfw when you're so fucking dumb you think the two are equivalent.
>Doing financial transactions
>Actually just solving advanced mathematics in the form of hashes to get 'money' that will never actually equate to anything but wasting energy and resources
At least games are somewhat useful in the sense of you actually get a useful and viable fucking outcome in the form of entertainment and relaxation.
How do you function?
Very good question.
Because then they wouldn't be as sexy because they would be easier to explain. Crypto currencies are popular because it takes an hour and a whiteboard to explain the basics of it to a layman. While if it the explanation was as simple as "we create new coins by calculating folding of proteins with computer hardware" it would be easy to explain and therefore not as sexy.
>I think everybody already realizes instinctually or intellectually that humanity has been living way beyond its means and the whole thing is going to come crashing down in the next couple decades.
You can argue that western societies replaced an universal socian driving force, be it God, King or eternal revolution, with jolts of momentary pleasures, while living lived void of deeper reflection.
But what you have wrote above is incorrect. We are always living our means, because we are not in the mice utopia. If we exceed them, then basic physics will remind us of it.
Physics also tells us that if you have energy, you can do anything and there is a shitton of energy we can tap into. People are crafty beings when being faced with adversity. We will do literally anything for the promise that one they we can do nothing and thrive.
You are the reason there's a shortage. Please commit sudoku and stream it somewhere. Post the link.
Going into the great depression we used gold is a standard coming out we didn’t and we haven’t had one again I wonder why ?
The gold standard certainly did not prevent the great depression LOL
get locked in a closet with bill cosby, weinstein, sandusky
>The future of civilization faces assaults on many fronts
You seem eager to express your opinion forcefully and at length. Don't wait for someone to post something for you to refute; just tell us what you think matters and why. Some falsifiable predictions would be nice, too.
>a giant fuck you embedded in its core to any semblance of freedom and privacy we have left
It sure depends on whether you compare it to gold, cash or Visa.
Atonement is coming tha's for dam sure.
Everyone claims they sense it but they keep doing the same shit enroute to the fall.
> What we are seeing now is the desperate attempt to get a piece of the pie before it all collapses.
Oh for sure, it's a textbook historical pattern. It often means the fall is near. You see the same pattern in market crashes or any 'blow off' event. You see in nature when overcapacity hits a breaking point and you have a steep retraction in population as it regresses to the mean. Yet, you can't tell the ape in the human mind anything about course correction.
> To form a nice memory before we know nothing but sorrow. This disconnection from reality is requiring an ever increasing amount of resources to prop up the delusion.
Yes, you see what I see user.
> The decadence is a distraction from the onrushing disaster. We are the guy in the disaster movie taking a swig or a hit before being overwhelmed by a giant tidal wave or hoard of zombies.
Indeed. However, Some will be spared .. some wont.
Not having a rosland gold and silver ira
American education everybody
Each bitcoin requires more computation then the previous. You cannot just wish 2000000 bitcoins into existance. This is why bitcoins are so attractive - they are resistant to politics and are held by a mechanism that is far more secure which is mathetmatics.
Bitcoin cannot be falsified, cannot be tampered with, cannot be replicated, cannot be wished into existance and printed ad infinitum.
The mere fact that universe is finite tells us that there are finite amount of bitcoins.
tl:dr - ur a faget.
The US didn't abandon the gold standard until 1971. Try again.
That might make sense in the context of the whole species, but not in the context of states/nations.
A nation could easilly led itself down the rabbithole of - for example - selling off most of it's major industries to foregin powers, and importing most of it's essential goods from abroad, because it's currently cheap. But once some kind of recession hits, and prices of imports go up, you will suddenly be in deep shit. There are examples of this happening in africa all over the place.
Gold act of 1933
Someday you should take the 100 level economics course
>muh bitcoins r imune to de govermant
Meanwhile all transactions go through and are regulated by the goverment.
Al Gore doesn't represent all of us dude. Most of us have common sense
Proof of work was purposely made as inefficient as possible and its difficulty designed to scale when more resources are thrown at it. This design was for several reasons. All fiat currencies need an initial asset backing to gain traction. Cryptos used computing resources as its mechanism. The other is that the transactional/distribution model of crypto currencies is fundamentally flawed. To cover that, they use an increasing amount of obfuscation via computational complexity to hide it. It literally functions as a cancer if you go through its design. As for doing something useful with the computation, that'd ensure that the valuation was cap'd and locked into the useful work it does. As a ponzi scheme, it decided against that so it could rise 1000s of % in value.
>questioning people makes you stupid
>despite the fact that the scientific model requires this and nearly every major scientific discovery that has ever been made has been the result of someone questioning the current set of facts
Not sure if serious
I concur :) Individual nations can either fuck themseves over ( Venezuela comes to mind ) or be so efficient in generation of wealth that they can indulge in what is essentially parasitism of the world resources ( US here ).
But on the whole - we'll manage.
The knife cuts both ways, if you want to champion the logic that you can do whatever the fuck you want, the opposing force that comes against you can use that same logic and it will be equally justified as your silly ass means/end.
Can govt create bitcoins? No? Then stfu and eat your poopoo.
Just by reading through this thread, i can only quote one thing..
"Remember, everyone is a world class professor in x subject relating to y on Sup Forums."
>It's a bubble!
>he says, for the hundredth time this year
Where did I say anything to such effect?
Tripfags especially.
I present you, user logic:
>Private citizens 'mine' for bitcoins, thus "creating bitcoins" by solving hashes.
>A large massively funded government can't do the same because they are a government.
Good logic there.
But the race isn't against other miners, it's the collapse of cryptos' value. We're both making money no matter how many processors the other's throwing at his setup.
Games are what graphics cards were intended for, neck yourself cryptofag
People have been calling it a bubble for years now. Meanwhile many people have cashed out and in some cases gotten very rich and it's still steadily growing. Even if it normalizes it won't be as devastating as normie think.
> You seem eager to express your opinion forcefully and at length. Don't wait for someone to post something for you to refute; just tell us what you think matters and why. Some falsifiable predictions would be nice, too.
It's just a mirror.. you're seeing exactly what you are. I'm glad you find it detestable and a joke.
> It sure depends on whether you compare it to gold, cash or Visa.
Try doing that.
> Transaction fees
> Fundamental value
> Regulation
> Inflation rate
Shitcoin fails in every comparison exampling it to be the worst fiat/transaction vehicle to ever have graced the earth.
I'll wait. Some brainlet pronouncements exhibiting you've never taken an economics class would be nice, too.
To be fair user, GPU's where created to take the load of graphical processing off the CPU, so it's used in video editing, graphics processing and shit.
But yea, cryptofags think they are some special little snowflake cause 'muh bitcoins'
That used to be the case. Now they're coprocessors for various tasks.
>being a tard
1. Can govt create dollars? Yes, arbitrary amount. Trump can literally mint 1 trillion dollar coin at this moment.
2. Can citizen create dollars? No, when you do so, you get put in a cage.
3. Can a citizen create buttcoins - yes
4. Can govt create buttcions - yes, but at the same cost/buttcoin as citizen.
Bitcoins are impervious to politics because bitcoins cannot be created in arbitrary amounts on a whim. Money _can_.
Hardly. Nvidia and AMD both acknowledged that there are far greater profits in professional/b2b markets doing raw number crunching. Gaming only looks good on revenue reporting, the margins are shit