Why are linux users like this when they take a screenshot of something?

Why are linux users like this when they take a screenshot of something?

Other urls found in this thread:


Needs more cowsay imho.

Because linux use, for most, is similar to being a vegan or professing to be one of the "Fashionable" religions. It's an accessory. It isn't a tool it's a state of mind and a lifestyle, something to show off for social media rewards.
Many people use linux professionally, none of them post in desktop rate threads, none of them screenfetch cowsay.

rate mine :D

because for some people, their choice of OS is a matter of identity rather than something purely functional


Not enough anime wallpaper and pastel colors.

True. Check out the tabs though.




Most of that is pretty accurate but tiling wm's are better for productivity.

Then why do some of the lead people in linux development develop linux on macOS? Why do most actual programmers use stock Ubuntu or macOS or Windows? Saying that you're special snowflake tiling wm is not only productive but better for productivity is laughable at best.

>appeal to authority fallacy
just them out yourself

Thanks for not addressing any of the points in my reply. You just confirmed that what I said was correct.


it's just one of its many advantages

If it's really so much better for productivity then why do special snowflakes only use it for their rices?

lmao it's not about what de/wm you use, it's about how you use it. same for os and shit


cause many of the so called linux users on Sup Forums are retarded geeks that don't know a single shit about linux and think they are bad h4cc3r m3n cause they installed ubuntu.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I like you already user

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Xorg plus Ncurses plus Bzip plus 2bwm plus M4 plus Zlib plus Acl plus Attr plus Shadow plus PSMisc plus Pkg-config plus File-5.28 plus MPFR plus MPC plus GMP plus Perl plus Python plus Less plus Sysklogd plus Init System plus Util-Linux plus IProute plus Eudev plus Procps plus Linux . GNU/Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps system made useful by the GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

There really is a GNU/Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. GNU/Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. GNU/Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps/Linux operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Xorg, Ncurses, Bzip, 2bwm, M4, Zlib, Acl, Attr, Shadow, PSMisc, Pkg-config, File-5.28, MPFR, MPC, GMP, Perl, Python, Less, Sysklogd, Init System, Util-Linux, IProute, Eudev, Procps, and Linux added, or GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Xorg/Ncurses/Bzip/2bwm/M4/Zlib/Acl/Attr/Shadow/PSMisc/Pkg-config/File-5.28/MPFR/MPC/GMP/Perl/Python/Less/Sysklogd/Init System/Util-Linux/IProute/Eudev/Procps/Linux!

those things aren't part of the base (GNU) system

This is windows thread now. Post your windows machines.

So you use just the base GNU system and nothing else?


I just got done fapping so now I can give you a proper answer to your shitty argument. Most of the time, you see these professionals while they're at work using their company's computers. Companies usually have policies against modifying work computers so they're stuck with the default distro configuration. Also, even if that was the case, no one cares enough about their work computers to customize. If you use twm's yourself, you'll find that navigating work spaces and windows is a lot faster than on typical DE's with non-twm window managers because of how flexible the keybindings to navigate and manipulate windows are and how cleanly and neatly twm's can arrange windows.

the correct way of operating a GNU/Linux system is to separate the core (GNU) software and add-on software with the help of /usr/local

i bet you're one of those cancerous faggots that need their ides show acid trip like rainbow colours when coding a high performance driver for a web project with genderfluid device orientation. gtfo


>increased customisation options can't be used to increase efficiency because it can also be used for creative purposes
What part of this is an argument?

What about the devs of GNOME or Gentoo? Surely they don't have that kind of company policy, right? Also, why wouldn't the company want them to use the most productive way to get things done? They would make more money. Have fun playing with your OS while others actually get work done on them.
The kernel is useless on its own.
Got enough buzzwords in there? Guess I triggered the snowflake. See? I can use buzzwords too.

See and and and This is what you shitty ricers use tiling wm's for.

nice nonfree software my nigger

Screenshots with that big ugly Unity bar on the left is the mark of the Ubuntu babby.

>he doesn't like achieving maximum productivity

> The kernel is useless on its own
this sentence shows your expert level.
snowflakes are cool btw.

Please show me all you can accomplish with just the kernel alone.

Show me all the work you can accomplish with nothing but the kernel. I'll wait.

You can achieve maximum productivity without surgically attaching a large, obtrusive dildo to your face.

>insults instead of refuting me
Nice, lad. How's losing the argument feel like?

Tell me how using a cursor to pull up windows and drag them where you want them to be is faster than using a keybind, especially with laptops.

>Implying I can't use key binds when using a Gui


I personally use both for whatever is more convenient for me at the time, usually where my hands are positioned. I find the options to be more productive than the lack of options.

true, and GNU is a complete operating system which simply lacked a kernel

What about proprietary video drivers?

> milk is useless cause it's not cheese
> the kernel is useless cause it's not a one click installer for a fancy distro
if you really need to ask what the valuea of that code base are you don't know a shit about software engineering.

Not for Greg Kroah-Hartman, a major Linux kernel developer.


Poor argument.

And you never addressed what I said and made a shitty straw man. Try again.
Never said that all major developers/programmers don't use them, just said that a good portion do.

> try again huh huh
everyone wants to waste his time arguing on the internet. please, take the point for that argument.
> made a shitty straw
i'm too lazy to google the translation of that. i assume you said something homophobic.

There was no point, and I'm guessing you're an sjw snowflake to think that was homophobic. Have you never heard of someone reaching for straws in an argument?

they actually are better for productivity, but the time that you need to maintain them can be used to do more productive stuff

i guess you're from Sup Forums?
no, i'm from a non-english country (no, it's not poo in the loo.)

So basically what you're saying is that tiling wm's aren't good for productivity? Interesting...
I don't go to Sup Forums, I don't like all their hate, only reason I called you out was because you assumed something was homophobic. Is it somewhere in Europe like s[weed]en?

Source for wallpaper?

i sometimes visit other boards but most of them are full of shit. especially Sup Forums and Sup Forums and all others. /biz/ went to shit cause everyone shills coins and this fucking pink wojak meme makes me go full retard. sweeden is a shithole. too many elk and nokia.

You said "straw man".. Not " strawman" you illiterate nigger.

The other side probably thought you were calling him man.

Stop being such an internet faggot

You're conflating Linux users with people who make a big fucking deal out of using Linux

I've used Linux for my job for the last 10 years. I don't go around bragging about it like I'm some fucking superior entity. It's just an OS

True. and I agree with what you said. Only reason I asked was because I have a few friends who are in Sweeden.

wow lad.

>calling someone a nigger when they start losing the argument

Go back to Sup Forums

did you call me a straw man?

I was implying linux users here, but you're right.

Im not even arguing you nigger.

I'm literally telling you that you wrote "straw man" and not "strawman" you nigger

>implying it can't be both with context
Lad... Go back to your subreddits.

possible some dark forces are trying to compromise the site and split and silence the users. maybe i should quit sleeping and go to /x/ and believe everything they post.

> racial insults
are you working for a major fashion lable?

Divide and conquer is what they try to do.

Wub wooby!

You are actually retarded

i don't find a better explanation why rekt threads and worse shit are posted. sometimes it's harmless shit like spidey memes but usually it's disgusting. even on Sup Forums people post this disgusting shit. maybe it's a shadow op from twitter or reddit to make users switch to them.

Thanks for refuting my argument

Oh wait, you didn't. You decided to insult. How's losing feel like?


>Non-free OS for anything but games
No thanks! My Windows machine is basically just my game console hooked up to the TV.

>tfw lived long enough to see freetards leonidas'd into the manlet soyboy pit


én négerem

Hi is this the desktop thread

stop using harmful software

The simplest tiling configurations are the only ones you need in 99% of situations and are trivial to do in pretty much any WM.

best girl

Fashion label? I don't get the reference.

So I'll just answer - No.

OK Dick Head

Fuck Uriel, he should kill himself.

>I just got done fapping so now



because it triggers u :) eat my cum

try again later

No one is arguing that tiling wm aren't faster. It's just the simple fact that a list of accomplishments by tiling wm users could be counted on one hand.

These are macfags

>Doesn't have anything on their desktop

What's wrong with being organised.
I got bored of staring at an ever growing collection of shit on my Windows 7 desktop, so after I moved to Linux and got GNOME I didn't bother checking the "allow icons on desktop" box and now I've gotten used to it.

Add shit like Pentadactyl/Qutebrowser/Vimperator to the list.

>Then why do some of the lead people in linux development develop linux on macOS?

1 - 0
where is your example?

it's useful so people don't have to ask what themes/fonts/de/distro you're using


Cause they seem to think they are 'cool' and 'different' for using Linux.

In reality they are pretty pathetic.

>implying you can't use a tiling WM on OS X

Superior Intelligence.

it appears you are 12
you know you're not supposed to post on this website