>pirate Wangblows 10 LTSB
>use a debotnetting tool to remove as much botnet as realistically possible
>disable windows defender in registry
What is even wrong with you are doing this?
>pirate Wangblows 10 LTSB
>use a debotnetting tool to remove as much botnet as realistically possible
>disable windows defender in registry
What is even wrong with you are doing this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>pirate Wangblows 10 LBGT
Well done on fucking up the acronym you stupid motherfuck.
The B stands for Botnet
if you are pirating windows, WHY would you go with 10?
Lettuce, bacon, gay, and tomato.
Because it support new hardware and games?
yes yes. Just put luinax on UsB tails and tor for your sick stuff. blah blah blah
You can't de-botnet closed source proprietary software.
Windows 10 is spyware incarnate, it was made for spying, it has more holes than swiss cheese.
Microsoft controls the system not you. Stop being a delusional idiot.
bisexual erasure please go
>What is even wrong with you are doing this?
literally what?
>use a debotnetting tool
>replaces microsoft's with its own
>what is external firewall
Jokes on you, that debotnetting tool actually put you on a botnet.
>tfw Guhnoo/Leenux
>tfw no need to debotnet
>tfw nice
That then you're going to deal with stupid shit not working anymore because of your obscure version and your disabled services, -and- you're going to love just visiting a random website by mistake and getting fucked in the ass.
why do you faggots argue about this everyday? nobody is ever going to care about you enough to spy on you. you're not setting a privatization trend by using linux. all of you look for the best way to do something and never fucking start.
>trusting the crack but not microsoft
>What is even wrong with you are doing this?
Try that in English.
Why would anyone trust Microsoft at this point?
If you distrust the OS so much, why would you run it on bare metal? Stick it in a VM so they have to use more obscure NSA shit to read your littlest pet shop erotic fanfiction.
>Trusting pajeets, slavs and chinks over our very own Silicon Valley SJWs and heroic intelligence officers
>What is even wrong with you are doing this?
Sorry no speako earthchan speak
All crackers are more trustworthy than Microshit.
>get legitimate Enterprise
>use built-in group policies editor to set up everything the way you want without relying on "Spyprivacy Antibeacon Xtreme Optimize Debloat Tuner 2018 Professional Ultimate Edition One-Click Tool"
But yes, you can turn everything off by clicking a few buttons.
They know what you’re doing. Congrats on getting on the flagged list.
picrelated is what you get when you follow a chain of links that lead to the "source"
and you can't even tell if he used group policies at all, or if he configured them properly ( "Allow Telemetry: Disabled" ). All that's said is he flipped some privacy switches. Did he use microsoft account? Did he disable cortana? Windows will obviously always "phone home" to check OS updates, store updates and license, as well as spotlight pictures and various cortana related shit like "tidbits" and what not.
Until there will be proof of actual private information being sent to microsoft, like "here you can see a folder named "CP" full of jpgs being sent over in a zip file to this microsoft server" - this whole "privacy" discussion is nothing but a tinfoil circlejerk.
alright i found his comment in the archive
he just installed Enterprise, and did nothing else at all, meaning all the live tiles and tons of background services, as well as telemetry was enabled and running.
as for the "microsoft confirms unstoppable windows 10 tracking" it's based on a single comment:
"In the cases where we've not provided options, we feel that those things have to do with the health of the system,”
and guess what, they did provide options for enterprise. Expecting anything else is plain retarded.