>the absolute state of google
The absolute state of google
imagine if these people put their energy into something that mattered
We need a gigantic pool of acid for these imbeciles
How much time until google ends like yahoo?
>the death note
Soon they’ll start burning books. But at least the Damore used google for discriminating against conservatives, so we’ll see how that goes.
The biggest redpill you'll ever read. Literally Sup Forums was right about absolutely everything.
Seems kinda familiar
>NKVD arrest list for ethnic cleansing
> I Believe Sup Forums exaggerate goolag
But Sup Forums was rigth
Google /goolag/
List of burchett
I feel for actual engineers doing actual science at Google. Must be a hell of a work environment.
watching them slowly leave and seeing how google dies will be glorious
Wow what an inspiring new idea
>Secret Blacklists
isn't that illegal?
>conservative blacklist
>alex jones
Do you guys see your typical run-of-the-mill "conservatives" as the same as Alex Jones types because these two are markedly different kinds of people. Alex Jones isn't just right wing, he is a total unrepentant shill for insane conspiracy theories.
Nope, Taft-Hartley of '47 was for labor union leaders to make public union lists, so it's for all intents and purposes legal as long as it's not a union oriented list.
Corporation/Human rights and such
>mozilla is run by SJWs, stop using Firefox and switch to chromium
There's still Microsoft!
And this is why you should embrace anonymity it comes to voicing your opinion online
The author forgot to make the blue guy say sexist jokes once every hour
Trips of jackpot
can't wait til you can sue a girl for touching your ass
how they manage to think like that? how brainwashed one can be to self hate themselves like that?
>the +1's on her comments
What the fuck
>its the same """"woman"""" that info sec thread is about
>the absolute state of font rendering
one of the whole reveals from the damore thing was
they have tons of ban/will not work with lists floating around, google sounds like a clusterfuck internally
Lmao a white men are their own worst enemy and you whiteys always complain about the Jews and MUH feminists
baka the biggest Jews and feminists are all white men
Where's all this stuff from?
>stem guy
>sexist jokes
seems like you didn't take stem.
If this gre rigth cis white men will get protect class BTFO SJW.
Why is it ok to descriminate blatantly against a certain race, political view, skin colour, sexuality
Because you believe they may be in the majority and so somehow they are all worse examples of discriminatory people than yourself?
The state of people these days baffles me. Shows some serious stupidity or arrogance.
Deal with people on a case by case basis and end systemic discrimination and you're ok.
Is there a link where I can actually download this?
Is that a tranny
Nice genders studies degree Veronica, why don't you swing by Sup Forums and get it shoved in your gash.
>Linking to Scribd for anything
Scribd links should be banned. They don't let you download anything unless you sign up and pay
Use this instead
This is
Honestly, now is the best time to hire a "diverse" workplace for absolutely SHIT pay.
You can literally make millenials into your startup slaves and pay them the minimum wage in your "cool city in a red state" of your choice, minimizing your tax burdens and maximizing your profit outputs.
It's the BEST time to fucking do business.
I don't know one, sorry.
>cisgender, straight, able-bodied, wealthy
So anyone with the tism is ok?
>sanctimonious brow beater has the must up votes
use vivaldi or brave.
> one of the people who liked that post
> "They/Them/Their" as xir's avatar
christ they're just horrible people
i use iridium, fuck Mozilla
>you will never get a bonus for shitposting on twitter
sometimes i refuse that people like that exist, its like someone acting like a meme on puporse
Found the SJW feminist.
>Google Recognition Team
Is this a joke? It feels like it comes straight out of 1984
yea been using iridium about a year. good browser
sometimes stuff doesn't work. for example southwest buying points doesn't work cuz certain botnet shit is blocked. so I just go to chromium for that 1 transaction
millions of flies can't be wrong.
Isn't this the same process that was used to domesticate dogs?
I agree. If you can't trust somebody then it is time to end the relationship.
this whole fucking thing is insane
and gaslighting has lost whatever modicum of meaning it once had
>Her daemon is Misty the Samoyed
please tell me this is not real....
>star wars reference
how can legitimately call someone a halfwit when you are ass backwards to the point that you're manually overriding any and all self preservation instincts just to virtue signal to people that would rip you to shreds if it benefited them in the slightest way.
>tried to enact legislation to force [trans kids like me] to undergo electroshock therapy
she/he/they/it is just making shit up. repeating a lie so often that people take it as fact seems to be the favoured tactic of democrats now.
t. foreigner on the outside looking in
why do you think google is throwing 7 figure benefit packages at them just so they stay?
Imagine if men jeered when the number of women was mentioned.
These people are so far up their own asses that they have become a parody of themselves.
Half a century of Marxist propaganda and brainwashing.
>the absolute state of google
How can anyone with any self respect, minority or not, work at Google?
Looks good on your resume
Most of the stupidity described in this thread is actually contained to Mountain View, so if you're not there, it can be a pretty good environment to work in.
Also looks good on resume and pays a fuckton.
You might work on the one of the few decent teams actually producing revenue.
No problem here. If I ran a company I'd do the same thing, except it would be rabid lefties getting the boot.
you must be tolerant towards everyone
except white male conservatives
honestly, if you've ever worked with these people, the are like the funny racist-uncle everyone finds slightly endearing
Realistically, how badly is google going to get fucked in the ass by this? The evidence is pretty damning and clear as day, but Google has the cash for the world's best lawyers / bribes.
>should inclusion on the list require something resembling a trial? should people be removed after some period of time if they start behaving better?
Wait, this is a "hall of shame" style list?
From the rest of the post I thought it was just going to be an objective list.
Feudalism again!!!
this shit is making my day, google can diaf
greensboro, austin, houston, richmond are the ones that pop into my head.
OH and raleigh
Don't do Google guys.
That's a man
It's a job that pays well, benefits are great, the campus is great.
You get like free gourmet lunch on site, someone will do your laundry for free, etc...
I'm surrounded by liberal retards everywhere anyway, You think I wouldn't take a job like that and still do good programming and engineering work? I'd be an open Trump supporter anyway in a way that baits out nasty virtue signalers to be hateful.
Literally nothing will happen
>she could care less
so she actually does care
absolute state of these fucking """people"""
Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens
the world is fuck
00385270 transvestives
I am trash man
See the pictures in this thread for a quick rundown.
>The evidence is pretty damning and clear as day, but Google has the cash for the world's best lawyers / bribes.
You just described most of the jewish shit going around the world
Do you think this was a secret? Google literally has a group called "the gayglers" which they're proudly promoting on their corporate website. Nobody batted an eye except Sup Forumsack tier non-normies.
Now we have a compiled legal document with insider evidence, true. But now we're not going against the normie opinion anymore, we're going against jewish lawyers. If we largely failed before, I doubt there's any real chance of success now.
HOWEVER, there's a silver lining to this: while disorganised and partly circumstantial evidence is not enough to sway the normies, and this compiled direct evidence will likely not do anything in the courts, this evidence COULD be used to sway the normies. Not by mailing them the 192-page PDF, but by ensuring this case gets as much coverage as possible, and by memeing it as much as possible. I think a lot of media will spin it in google's favour, but we saw with Trump how effective grassroots memes can be against MSM, so there's a good chance here to properly educate normies on what Google really stands for
aside from that google is a great place to work. Benefits, free haircuts, gym, pinball, and table hockey room.
>google is so bad that they still manage to make a better, faster internet browser than mozilla
i really wish Sup Forums wasn't always right
ok so step down from the committee and make a place for a black princess
oh no, but then you actually have to live with your choices...
there's no contradiction there
>mfw its true
jews are only white when they want to be