>be 19
>everyone around me only knows facebook, instagram and youtube
>9gag is their main source of entertainment
>phones are facebook machines
>fav vidya is app games on google play
>wont talk to me unless I use facebook messenger
>I'm an IT genius for being able to lego up a computer from parts
Why are people this age less tech savy than people who grew up in the 90s?
I thought the western population should be smarter every generation
From what I can tell it only regressing
What do Sup Forums? Is there any hope for people to be tech litterate?
Be 19
There is no hope nor escape.
I was thinking about that lately, like my younger sister who grew up with all this tech around her has no idea whats even wi-fi.
We've made it too easy. When I was growing up, you needed a fair bit more technical knowledge to keep your system ruining properly. Those that weren't interested simply didn't bother, and that's how we got the slow, virus-ridden, dust-clogged Windows PC meme that's still around today. Now hardware is at the point where further advances are meaningless to most people and everything that could possibly make your device run (better or) worse is so far removed and hidden from what most people look at. They simply don't care too learn anymore because they don't have to.
Watch the movie Idiocracy. It was a prediction that is coming true.
hold on, boy
you must be at least 21 to post on this board
The average normie spends ~4 hours a day on social media...
>Don't use any social media
>Don't even use a smart phone
>Get tonne of looks / comments
>Nobody talks much, all communicate via facebook / snapchat or whatever
>Have no friends because no social media
>Never had a girlfriend
Hard to meet people, they're always glued to their phones.
I hate what the world has become. Vain. Selfish. Shallow (Yeah I really want to know what you ate today and your last shit).
The smartphone was a mistake. It's smarter than the people using it.
Go to a monasteries as pilgrimage, if you're serious about getting gf/wife. That's where good girls are
>be 19
>everyone around me only knows automatic transmission, hydraulic-powered steering and brakes
>car is not their main source of entertainment
>mustangs are mac auto machines
>fav car is 70hp toyota
>wont drive with me unless I use safety belts
>I'm an automechanic genius for being able to lego up an engine from parts
I have an example for that: I explained my mom how to use whatsapp and it took me 1 hour
>grew up in the 90s
>work in summer camp with 16 y/o lads
>we hang arround, no programm right now
>suddenly my phone rings
>young lad instantly stops
>sinlence for a few seconds, phnoe keeps on ringing
>"Why don't you pick up the phone?!"
>"But I'm having a conversation right now. If it's important they'll call again."
>lad looks at me
>unable to comprehend
>almost crying
>"No, but.. YOUR PHONE RINGS!!"
Tech became more accessable to make more money.
I live right next to a religious sect and the girls that come there look cute and pure. But I don't believe that stuff and I can't fake that I do just to get a gf, how long will that last if she is into it?
>Why are people this age less tech savvy than people who grew up in the 90s?
There are more developers and power users today than there ever has been. The number of normie users has outgrown the number of power users because every generation of developers makes it easier for the next generation.
Tell her the truth. Who knows. Don't build relationships on lies they fall apart
First. get the girl
Second. free her mind (she should be clever enough)
IDK but it's pretty mindblowing. My little sister is on the computer and tablet all day. She does not know what a web browser is and asked me if the internet is stored on the computers HDD
>be 19,234
>everyone around me only knows canned and processed food
>stores are food machines
>won't talk to me unless I use a certified butcher to kill my food
Why are people this ages less wilderness savy than people who grew up in the 9000s (BC)?
I thought the homo sapiens should be smarter every generation?
From what I can tell it only regressing.
People don't even know how to sharpen a hunting spear or skin a wolf or make a fire.
Pretty much this.
Those good old days never really existed.
90% of all people are stupid, that's how it is and always was.
>grew up as troglodyte
>everyone around me only knows cooked meat and sleeps near the fireplace
>hunting means throwing spears or rocks
>fishing or berries are favorite way of getting food now
>can't get no mating partner unless I give them a present
>I'm a hunting genius because I can kill a wolf with my bare hands
>nobody kills wolfes with bare hands anymore, not even the small ones
I think you should just explain it to her if she asks. How can she know these things if no one explain it to her
Hah, great minds think alike..
Cars don't impact your life the same way computers do.
Just explain to her. Fuck, if you have money buy her PC parts and have her assemble it herself
fuck off, satan
whats even the point of whatsapp.. i can send text messages or emails from my phone if i need to and thats more than enough for me. all those social media company owned apps do are data mining and only a retard would use them.
Stupid thing to do, force a person to change their beliefs. It will backfire horribly
Not just the west user
Its the same in pajeetland
The jews won this one
good thing that my phone is always in silent mode.
the dissolution of the glorious soviet union was a mistake
>tfw you need to be radio engeneer to have TV
>tfw you need to be car mechanic to have car
>tfw hard to find descent quality spare parts for literally everything except what your friends stolen from factory
>tfw western VHS player costs more than car or flat.
fuck this shit, not even talking about medicaments or entertainment.
t. russian
>internet is stored on the computers HDD
at least she has the slightest inkling of a clue (browser cache)
that would actually be nice
21 is about as underage as 19 from adult perspective. Nowadays people are basically children until around 23-24 with some exceptions being people who get into workforce earlier and actually grow up.
>phones are facebook machines
What else would you use a phone for?
What wasn't she getting?
>less tech savy than people who grew up in the 90s?
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Lots of people were not tech savvy in the 90s.
If anything, a lot more people got into the internet now because it's easy to, unlike before when it was all dial-up and no tutorial whatsoever online to look things up
>I'm an IT genius for being able to lego up a computer from parts
in the world of blind, one eyed is a King
>From what I can tell it only regressing
of course it is it's not Sup Forums but the reason of this degeneracy is 1. Democracy; 2. Socialism (and leftism in general); 3. Rejecting Christianity (and) western culture.
>What do Sup Forums? Is there any hope for people to be tech litterate?
why would you want that. Most people are sheep or cattle and they don't need that knowledge.
I think you could count Sup Forums as social media and we know how much you spend time on Sup Forums, user......
You have it backwards, all it happened is that now computers and phones contain what normies want to use and they are easy to access.
Back then normies just used computers for creating a text file and writing shit, and phones just for calling.
They never were powerusers, they never understood how to build computers, they never knew anything under the tip of the iceberg that is the IT world.
When things will become easier, normies will learn them to, so maybe in future they will actually be programming their own apps but will still not know how to root their phones.
>Why are people this age less tech savy than people who grew up in the 90s?
- having a computer at all wasn't a given, wanting to use it wasn't a given
- having internet access wasn't a given, it also likely wasn't always-on or fast enough for video
- since being on the internet all the time wasn't given, primary contact method was still plain old telephone, and contact is primarily what most normalfags use the internet for
basically, the kind of people you're talking about simply didn't have a need for a computer in the 90's. it's not that people got dumber, just different groups use computers now
Are you British by any chance?
>don't use messengers because they're owned by big companies
>use sms, which is also owned by big companies
The absolute madman haha
i don't get it
>First. get the girl
oh fuck, DON'T !
>free her mind
you wanna free a creature that isinprisoned willingly from the very day of her life ?
>force a person to change their beliefs
leftists should change beliefs
or do you seriously think that propagating pedophilia and racism is good ?
Me 25.
Have no idea how car works.
Only use it to go shopping.
Just nod your head and laugh at their memes if they insist on showing them to you, be sarcastic if you want to fuck with them. Brainlets won't understand your achievements if you try to force it upon them and you will find like minded people sooner rather than later if you are looking in the right places. Cash in on your knowledge and use it for the betterment of your life and career. Remember, humanity has always followed the Pareto rule, where the smartest/richest/most powerful have controlled the rest of humanity. Don't believe in the bullshit of equality.
Me 25
Have no idea how car works.
Too afraid to even try to get driver license...
>t. 23yo
Idk what happened. I think the rise of ADHD has to do with this as well. My brother has it and all he does is watch Keemstar and h3h3 from morning till he goes to sleep. He's your age too.
Wasting so much valuable time. If I could go back I'd be a machine learning expert with 2 years experience thanks to projects.
Why do people keep repeating that same fucking sentence over and over again?
That's a movie with a certain point. It makes a sense and it makes sense, but it is not a prediction. Your bitter and superficial brain is not capable of seeing what world and society would and will ever look like.
There is no regression. Most people have been incompetent since forever.
stop being smug about knowing some things that younger generations generally don't know about
that's how life works
you don't know more than younger generations, you just know different things.
while it might be true that more people dick around on social media than ever before - think about what the average millenial did during his free time.
also: spending lots of time on social media actually conveys some skills - mostly communication.
just as vidya conveys some hand/eye coordination skills and such.
obviously you'd be better of reading a few books - in both cases. but that's simply about priorities.
you aren't better than other people because you know some shit
knowledge doesn't define you - actions do
obviously you might be able to do good shit with whatever knowledge you might have - but unless you do that, that's of no social significance
You remind me of these idiots saying
>I was born in wrong generation!!! I'm only 14 and I
Fuck off OP. Go complain on facebook.
go back.
hahaha your mom's dumb. Mine took 40 minutes
>I thought the western population should be smarter every generation
You thought wrong.
the flynn effect stopped around 10 years ago
I don't need to explain anything. It just werks.
I grew up in the 90's. Most people were just as un tech-savvy then, too. There was no golden age where everyone understood how to build and maintain a computer. It's the same thing with cars. Only a very small percentage know anything about their inner workings. The rest are just consumers. It's nothing more than a tool to them.
I used to think, as an advanced user in the 90's/00's that in the future everyone would be tech savvy, but it was a pretty naive and stupid assumption.
it's absolutely no coincidence that all the great programmers and hackers grew up on commodore's, beebs and other dead simple programmable machines. you had to know what you were doing but assuming you weren't developmentally inhibited even a child could learn it.
what do you have now? the linux autoconf idiot box with 700 million lines of spaghetti code and fucking visual studio. completely locked down magic idiot boxes like ipads and winrt.
[spoiler]templeos[/spoiler] is the only salvation. if you're a normie do your kid a favor, give him a memepad with tos.
"all the great hackers" is bullshit.
there are tons of new guys that are under 20 and brilliant coders
the only difference is, that todays world is much more advanced and you simply can't do as much crazy shit as back in the day - at least it's not that crazy anymore (relatively speaking)
just because there are no 'kevin mitnicks' today, doesn't mean that new guys are any less savy. the world changed.
>tfw all the "tech savvy" people around me are normalfags with "gaming PCs" running some Wangblows distro
Eternal September is just getting worse and worse
Normies off the internet reeee
Did you explained her how network stack works?
>use my smartphone solely for browsing Sup Forums
We're hitting lethal levels of irony
I love it, free money.
I opened a store for fixing tech shit,
Most people come in complaining that they don't have enough space on their phone or its slow or it has adware, i tell them to lwave the phone and comeback in a few hours; I charge them 30bucks to clear their cache, uninstall the adware and disable the pre installed apps; all of that takes 5minutes.
solid post
Yeah that's pretty smart. Learning these truths inevitably lead to depression and nihilism and the only cure is learning to profit off of people's ignorance and laziness. $30 is pretty generous of you. Local shops here charge $150 to install Windows.
>you have to be intelligent and/or knowledgeable to use advanced machines
>you have to be resourceful to maintain your luxuries
Normies btfo.
>>be 19
>9gag exists
fuck I'm old...
Millenials are so addicted to their mobile phones that they don't understand that you can simply ignore calls you don't like..
Today a car has about 60-200 microchips in it.
If you are into CS you'll probably have a better understanding of many things than Joe the repairman.
>t. millenial
Something about this pictures is utterly disturbing.
Also checked.
>If you are into CS you'll probably have a better understanding of many things than Joe the repairman.
heh, he actually thinks this. enjoy repairing that engine tick or radiator leak, I'll sit back and laugh as you put the brakes on backwards
>not being a jack of all trades
I never understood this meme, but now that i tried to run this code i do.
>kevin mitnick
What did this guy even do that was so special, anyway? He was all social engineering, a smooth talker pretty much.
>wont talk to me unless I use facebook messenger
had to make a fake account to chat with my m8's
>he thinks he is an it genious cause he can put a computer together
OP meant that retards think of him as an IT genius because of that, not that he actually is
ohh thats better now we just need to let everyone know how easy it really is
>Why are people this age less tech savy than people who grew up in the 90s?
People are actually, statistically speaking, more tech savvy.
>be sarcastic if you want to fuck with them
This is by far one of the most subtly enjoyable things to do. I highly recommend.
>brainless won’t understand your achievements if you try to force it upon them
I think this is where most people fall on their own sword. The sharing of ones acheivements to those around them, unless they are equally as accomplished, will almost always be self deprecating. People are the greediest animals alive and look for themselves more than anything.
Trying to bring others up with you will only slow your climb. Better to shed the excess baggage, be courteous, but brief, and focus on ones own goals.
I don’t mean to be cynical and suggest being an overly secretive person; just know the things to share and the things not to. It’s hard when you’re all excited about something but more often than not, these slips are regretted later.
>do you seriously think that propagating pedophilia and racism is good ?
Where do you think you are?
People don't interact with cars the same way they do with computers. Driving a car and fixing it are two different things, while using a computer is just using a computer, you should already have every tool you need to fix any issue you encounter at your hands. When a normie uses a computer and can't do X, they don't use google to find out how to do X, they ask one of their friends who they perceive as tech-savvy and think they must know the ins and outs of every software platform in existence for help, who then go on to do what they should have done in the first place and just google how to do X in Y.
The correct analogy would be riding along a normie who asks every minute "what does that sign mean" or "what should I do in this situation", even though you've already told them a thousand times, which of course doesn't happen in real life, because people actually have to take tests and prove their driving ability in practice to get a driver's license.
Fuck dude, I'm a literal hacker at work because I could reset a PC's internet connection without touching the modem, or install a patch for the PS4 version of PES 2017 (it's just putting a folder on a flash drive and pressing "import" in the game).
>inb4 back to Sup Forums
>be me
>sat in pharmacy waiting for prescription
>man in his early 40's starts talking to a woman a little younger than him
>"I bought my son the Xbox 360 X One X last Christmas
>woman replies "Oh, I think you mean the Xbox One X?
>"Um ye"
>man continues to be btfo for the rest of the conversation
>woman knows more than the man about fucking games consoles in 2018
>I still cannot believe this shit
I don't understand how anyone under 40 can be so oblivious to tech, in 2018. I actually cringe when I see people struggling with Windows' generic, meaningless pop ups, too. Then remember it's probably because they have a social life.
What the fuck, are you a cuck by any chance?
and yet here you are on Sup Forums (a social network) and posting pseudophilosophical bullcrap no one cares about
>Sup Forums
>Social network
This is an antisocial network, nigger.
same difference
This scares me. I'm also 19 going to college later this month. I really don't want to be surrounded with normies :( it's kind of an autistic trade though so hopefully there's some losers I can relate to.
Have you ever started a new job/new school where you were forced to use Facebook and messenger? I feel like that's going to happen.
Donald Trump was on professional wrestling
The most popular bottled water has added electrolytes
Consumer entertainment devices, including televisions now have integrated advertising
Jackass (ow my balls!) is now a staple of internet media themes
I can go on
People are generally stupid and don’t care about how things work. People around me think I’m weird for wanting to know how the world around me operates.
Sup Forums is the modern equivalent of ancient Greek wall graffiti; a medium for shitposting
He's a jew.
Ah fug. I'm 18 right now and I'm about to leave my college with 2 A levels (computer science and physics) and a btec in IT. I don't plan on going to college but instead plan on doing an apprenticeship with an IT firm doing level 1 tech support while also studying for an A+ certificate.
My plan is to go from level 1 tech support through to 3 and then get to a Sysadmin role. What certifications other than A+ do you fags recommend me getting along the way?