/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread


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Is there a point to using FLAC for older music like swing and old jazz? It's from times with worse technology, so it doesn't really need to go beyond that of a 320kbps MP3, right?

Do I need an antivirus for an android phone that has bank, paypal, amazon, ebay apps?

i hope that senpai will notice me today

Is there an app or some other way to mute my left headphone on an Android phone that does not have a native option for audio balance?

Bluetooth headphones connected by a cord and Id rather not have to snip that cord if theres a better solution.

What possessed you to use such a faggot ass picture?

Don't download/open shady things in everything that has the capability of procuring yourself a damage.
That's your antivirus.

> The antivirus was in you, all this time
> credit rolls

I need a 450nm og 5+ glass set that I can wear over prescription lenses

Try it, if you like it, use it.
If there exists something like Lofi, you can bet that music is subjective.


Are there such things as Android apps that replace the default phone app? I want to try something new.

What your future self will think of your rudeness user? You'll continue to cherry picking only the part of your character that fit your narrative?

Ignore anything "audiophiles" tell you. FLAC is useful for one thing only: archiving. Listening to FLAC makes no sense, because it sounds identical to a transparent lossy encoding like MP3 V0.

Shut the fuck up

>It's from times with worse technology
unless it's pre WW2 then the technology was decent

The new female ninja turtles seems a bit off

sorry you're deaf user

i have a scarlett solo and the included usb cable is too goddamn short.

what's a good simple 6 foot a/b usb cable? no cheap chink shit please

What I want:
>open thread
>left click on picture(thumbnail)
>it automatically downloads to disk (no need to right click/ save as)
>saves with post filename, not numbers 1512....png

if possible:
>disabled on spoiler pictures
>disabled on catalog


Balance -100% might work.

thats not a faggot picture
this is a faggot picture, owo

What is the best single board computer and can I get one that respects my freedoms?

if you install 4chanX and enable it, you'll have this lil thing next to the image

>that does not have a native option for audio balance?
I posted a screenshot of where the balance option should be, beside Mono Audio. Its not on my phone.

Also would rather not void the warrenty.

Why is C++ "that important" on big gaming companies?

Why the fuck did opera just update itself without asking me when i disabled any and all auto updating functionality ages ago

Disabling cookies through umatrix doesn't actually disable them. It makes them so that they can't be accessed. What about indexeddb? Disabling it breaks websites because they literally want to break to force you to enable it so they can track you. wtf to do?

Mom just got a new laptop.
She is insisting that she has to get Norton Antivirus.

I need help from those of you who have had to deal with this stuff from their parents. What Antivirus or anti malware should I get for her? Common sense 2018 can only work so well, and I don't want for her to waste money on a subscription to an antivirus

At what point does the CPU, currently, become a bottleneck for gaming given a top end GPU (not SLI)?

What should I do if I want to make a lot of money Sup Forums? Should I mine crypto? Start a business?

Dont use websites that break your privacy

get a job

no antivirus needed

Is the official microshaft W10 download page not working for anyone else here? It just shows a blank page.

Step 1
>have a lot of money
Step 2
>invest in index funds
Step 3
>make lots of money simply by virtue of having a lot of money to begin with

That's how the world works. If you can't get over step 1 you'll simply be a wage slave forever.

I have a job right now, you will never make the big bucks working for someone else. I thought Sup Forums was smarter than this?

kinda this
my sister was notoriously getting her PC infected with crap so i got her a linux and the problem got solved

Reposting my unanswered post last thread ;_;

I have an android chinkphone. It could run 1080p 60fps videos easily. But whenever I try running VR vids (using those random VR apps from playstore, with my cardboard), the vids always stutter and slow. If I play said VR vids using my regular player, MX Player, it run just fine without stutter (but of course it doesn't support VR mode).
Does anyone know why is this? Is VR mode really taxes my phone or is it those VR Player that doesn't have correct codecs or something? Because in most of those VR Player settings I could only find HW acceleration at most, but in MX Player there's a HW+ mode.


get a better job

Alright close, how do I disable this now? I don't want this embedded reply shit

That's impossible.

It isn't

Forgot pick

This is really annoying AF, who the fuck uses this? rebbit?

in the top right you'll have a wrench. clicking it will get you to 4chanX config. everything about replies will be at the very bottom in the main section
i'd recommend experimenting with all the options for a bit and see what you like the best

Will a microfibre cloth with water on it be safe to clean my monitor?

take one nanosecond and look at the settings

What are the chances my work will get a notice from their isp if I torrent something on their network over double encryption vpn?

Write a simple JS script.

Yes, just make sure the cloth isn't sopping wet

I did and I can't find it,

Safe, yes, also stained.
Dont use water, isopropyl alcohol is the best.
Solves more junk than water and evaporates faster without leaving stains.

Then look again and use keywords to find it, its quite obvious

Paste this into you're [settings] [x] custom css and see if it does anything.
I don't think it does anything.
a.fileThumb img {image-rendering: optimizeQuality;}

Over 50% of Americans are in the top 10% at some time in their lives.

I have a lot of duplicate porn links, how do i auto-replace the duplicate lines with blanks in a text editor? Notepad++ doesn't seem to have a plugin manager anymore with newer versions

Assuming they put money into a 401k or other retirement plan

it's your fault for mindlesly updating it

thanks user

I need a new CPU cooler. My Corsair H60 pump worked for almost four years before giving out, and now I'm eyeing Noctua's air-coolers. What cooler would you recommend?

How do I patch CVE-2017-5753 on Linux? Already on the latest kernel

I need a 5 or 8 port, reasonably small gigabit switch. What is the absolute best thing I can get for under $40? I don't mind used stuff/ebay.

>hook up two dc motors, two LDRs, an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor to an arduino
>these things are supposed to work together
>can't get the code to work but whatever
>suddenly the one dc motor begins to spin whenever i plug the arduino in
>it does this no matter what i upload to the arduino
>having touched any wire at all
>it just suddenly does this

Depends, budget, CPU, case size?

Dell PowerConnect 2808 on eBay.

Malwarebytes and uBlock Origin.
Run Adwcleaner every now and then for her.


>isopropyl alcohol is the best.
Unless the screen is plastic.

get some tp-link. been using these for years

is water wet

no. it's sticky

How the fuck do I get rid of this fuckhuge titlebar in xfce?

Oh and also I can't figure out how to put the panel at the bottom. Though other than making me feel extremely retarded this is a minor concern.

Is there a way to get a NFS share mounted into the Android (LineageOS 14.1) filesystem, feels like a searched the whole internet for this without any luck

When I click on any set of pictures on Panda they come up as a broken or missing image. I've tried disabling both ublock and umatrix but neither seemed to be causing the issue.
Any idea? The thumbnails are fine and the issue only happens when you click for the full image.

Occam's razor tells me that you probably missed cookies or local storage somehow. However, the website could possibly be fingerprinting your browser based on a number of properties you can't clear easily. Things such as plugins and supercookies.

A thing can only be called wet if it has some water molecules on it and is observed in dry/full of air environment. If the thing is fully submerged in water, it's not wet.

When I open a program my CPU usage goes to 15~20% and then the fans go full speed 1 second later my CPU usage goes back to 1%

1) is it normal to get these spikes when opening a program
2) why does the fan go ham. is it a bad fan curve?

How does one install a "minimal" or DIY OS like Debian netinstall or Arch, when the system comes with no drivers?

How do you get the wifi drivers to download the wifi drivers?

Windows 10?

Did it on windows 7 and 10

In Windows 10 is normal thanks to stuff like Telemetry (The Compatibility Telemetry service, not the Keylogging service).
Then there is stuff like AV real time scans (Such as Windows Defender or another AV).

But spikes shouldn't happen unless a heavy program is run.

Most distros have just about every NIC driver you'll ever need. Download the wireless drivers over that.

If your wired network card isn't supported, download the packages you need on another computer and transfer via usb.

Is antergos any good?

Trying to find a manjaro replacement since I found out that the manjaro devs are trash and untrustworthy. Antergos would be my go to if it's any good.

No one?
This is what it looks like. I tried deleting cookies, clearing cache but nothing.

is it possible to make a dual boot with windshit and a systemd-less linux distro?

Just whitelist panda?
Its not like tenboro has any ads or trackers on the site.

I tired that already. I the only thing that's changed is that https seems to be broken or not working properly today.

tried using a VPN, maybe the the servers are rangeblocked, which is unlikely tho if you'r not living in a 3d world hole

I found the problem. I had ticked "Strict HTTPS: forbid mixed content." in umatrix.
I feel like a fucking spastic. Thanks any way.

I have a full-size tower and a Ryzen 1600X @ 3.6ghz that I'm thinking of clocking up to >4. Can't do that when it now idles at 55°C and reaches 72° under load. Money is not an issue.

Reposting from last thread.
If I have two strings s1 and s2, you can compare them using a lexicographic ordering. From this you can create a mapping of Strings onto Doubles, such that if s1 < s2 then lexDistance(s1) < lexDistance(s2). I've been referring to this as lexicographic distance in my code, but does anyone know if this has an actual name?

double lexDistance;
int charIndex;
foreach characterPair (c1, c2) in (s1, s2):
characterDistance = c1 - c2
lexDistance += 1 / (characterDistance ^ charIndex)

perhaps you'd like to, if you have dynamic IP, try the site for yourself and see what exactly is the cause
meanwhile i'll double check if i got rid of all super cookies

Answer: sort of, depending on what you are doing drug the audio. If you are just listening, and never intend to convert the audio to any other format, and storage has any significant cost to you, then just stick with lossy. If you don't care about storage, intend to convert the audio to future formats, or intend to manipulate the audio digitally, then lossless is better.

openmediavault is a huge bitch (i blame debian) and i'm looking for a server that'll run deluge and emby. what operating system should i be using? i know nothing about virtualization, all i know about is freenas/omv/unraid

Bump for this question


what's a good way to convert a static HTML page to PDF or latex or so? on debian if that matters

You are fucking retarded.

How safe is keepass to store my passwords if I use the on screen keyboard for the master password?