Hi Sup Forums, what can be done to get more women into tech? Right now it's a complete sausage party, and I think the world can benefit by having more women solving its problems.
Hi Sup Forums, what can be done to get more women into tech? Right now it's a complete sausage party...
Ok, I'll take your bait. Explain to me how more tits n' pussy mashing away at computers can solve your world crises.
eliminate schooling
eliminate social media
allow interests to be naturally explored and followed
Has anyone actually asked more women if they'd like to get into tech?
if someone isn't interested in something because of school or social media, he wasn't interested in it to begin with
> "solving" problems
Check the catalog, OP. There's already a Sup Forums humor and a Sup Forumsore thread active.
>I think the world can benefit by having more women solving its problems.
There's no reason to believe that.
we would have a lot more basement scientists if video games, tv, and social media didn't exist
If women are equal to men, then why does it matter who's solving the world's problems?
Forcing everyone to use genderless suits that hide any trace of sexual traits. Now we can start talking about women being in the same place as men, and with some hard work, women in tech.
sounds like a great excuse for someone who failed to develop his interests to make. current generation of nerds grew up on internet forums and video games, yet they still had loads of fun in their basements. if something distracts you from your interest, you're clearly just interested in something else
escapism-friendly enviroment is never a valid excuse, and without one means of escapism person would just find another one. your "potential amateur nerd guy" would just start reading books, or watching movies, or do whatever else you can do without facebook and vidya
Holy shit user you've solved it. Whenever someone says "moar womyn in stem bcuz muh diversity" just say "if women and men are equal, why does it matter who is in stem?". Screencapping.
The obvious response would be that women and men are not equal and that due to differences between them it would be beneficial to have equal representation in STEM.
>because if women and men are equal, lack of women in some fields has to mean there is some kind of social problem, possibly discrimination. and that's where i, angry red-paint-haired, slightly fat woman without any purpose in life come in
You are the reason why we can't have anything nice.
Or maybe women simply aren't as interested in STEM fields as men. But, since women and men are equal, there being more men isn't detrimental in any way, so why does it matter?
This is backpedaling on part of the feminists, and in order to make this claim they are necessarily admitting that men and women are not equal.
is a stronger argument than but the original presumption "they're equal, it doesn't matter" forces feminists into a catch-22.
No catch 22. Necessity of equal representation is is not questioned. Doesn't matter if they are equal or not, equal representation is untouchable. If you question it you are a hitler.
Oh look, another Sup Forums cancer thread.
If they are equal, then the distribution of men and women in jobs is irrelevant.
If they are not equal, then the distribution in jobs must be 50/50. This means they are not equal.
Honestly, I don't get the mental gymnastics feminists do these days. I don't think you're one of them dumb feminazis/SJW faggots user.
This user is right.
>Necessity of equal representation is is not questioned. Doesn't matter if they are equal or not, equal representation is untouchable.
According to whom?
According to faggot SJWs/feminists and the current political climate.
According to people who can into sarcasm
>escapism-friendly enviroment is never a valid excuse
coming from fucking anime poster
Positions should go to the most qualified candidates. If that happens to create a workforce filled with men, then that's just the way it is.
No, I didn't mean it as scarcam, I honestly believe this is the thought process of those SJW types. Equal representation is not to be questioned; contemplating the thought that equal representation doesn't have to be a thing in some areas is a grave crime for them.
Threaten them with poverty and air pollution. Women in tech are mostly chongs and poos for a reason.
gr8 b8 m8
>what can be done to get more women into tech?
For a start, get rid of all the Weinsteins. It is full of them. In fact, the IT dawk is either aspie or groper.
high pay. flexible hour. they would probably hate it
Fucking nothing. If they want to be into tech, they'll be into tech.
>Hi Sup Forums, what can be done to get more women into tech?
First off, isn't it better if women can kickstart her own IT company?
>Right now it's a complete sausage party
Letting women manhandled in sausage parties isn't an encouraging one.
>I think the world can benefit by having more women solving its problems
Let me rephrase this.
I think the world can benefit by having more workforce and a more competent HR and auditors that can give out improvement plans for all employees and employers for all departments regardless of position, gender and race.
What can be done to get more women into Logging, Coal Mining, Offshore Drilling, Commercial Fishing, Roofing and other dangerous unappealing jobs that men are expected to endure?
you can't. I'm an engineer and I helped my sister raise my 3 nieces after her husband died. naturally I didn't want them to turn into mindless bimbos so I tried my best to get them into science but whatever I did, they went full girl mode.
e.g. when I bought the oldest one a chemistry set with a bunch of experiments, she mainly wanted to make her own perfume to smell nice.
they all hate math with a passion and boy do they suck at it. getting them through their highschool classes is a pain already.
at the end of the day I realized that I can't force this. they are girls and they like what they like.
maybe we should start an exchange program. coal miners and cosmetics chicks switch places to get that 1/1 male/female ratio
There are not enough male prostitute. The ratio is almost like in the female:male ratio in IT.
So balancing problem solved.
I've seen this thread way too many times, I'll bite this time.
Having few women in tech is literally a non-issue. There are a lot less women interested in technology compared to men, it's only natural that fewer of them end up working in these positions.
Those who do usually have no problems, and if anyone says otherwise they are in sad denial.
You are so wrong, kiddo.
>Solving problems
nice meme
Why don't you try get women into an industry that's actually essential to society functioning like garbage disposal? It's one of the most male dominant.
This. Same goes if you ask why there are few males in nursing, that's because many aren't interested in it
Women don't want to be in tech because of how misogynistic the industry is and the only way to solve this is by getting more women into tech through diversity programs.
What can be done to get women into coalmining/plumbing/and construction? Right now it's a complete sausage party, and I think the world can benefit by having more women cleaning up shit and mining dirty rocks.
i'm not making any excuses though. i loved and still love video games, yet i was often programming instead of playing vidya (or even mixing it together and modding), and in result now i'm doing what i always wanted. neither video games nor anime reaction images had kept me away from coding, fucking around with amateur electronics, whatever else.