If you don't use Windows, you are either a faggot, autistic, a neckbeard, a computer illiterate normie or a SJW.
Prove me wrong.
If you don't use Windows, you are either a faggot, autistic, a neckbeard, a computer illiterate normie or a SJW.
Prove me wrong.
Or you're just somebody interested in other operating systems because an enthusiast might get bored of using the same thing over and over again. Or you're just somebody who has a job and needs something other alternatives offer that Windows doesn't.
How do I turn on microsoft ads in Windows 10?
go to Sup Forums, browse the catalog and look for this thread
>he doesnt use reactos
what a fucking microshill
enjoy cortana stretching u out with her strapon
Or you want additional 30 % of performance and non bricked PC
i use kde trinity so its ok
Hi I recently gave up with windows 10 because it is a pile of excrement unprecedented in the history of software and have reinstalled Windows 7, the last True Windows and the only Windows that still works good. How do I stop the cancer that is windows 10 coming back and infecting this lovely new OS? Please help microsoft tech support will not help me.
If you can't in any way contribute genuine discussion on this board, you are either severely underpaid for what you're promoting, bored, fascinated by shitposting or just have way too much free time.
Prove me wrong.
>Prove me wrong.
> Sup Forums.org
Simply turn off auto updates and install critical fixes/patches manually when necessary (WannaCry, Meltdown, Spectre).
And if we do use Windows?
Why would someone so afraid of technology come to the technology board?
Oh right, to troll. Epic!
If you unironically think that everyone on Sup Forums should use the same operating system, you have mediocre computer skills, and you'd rather cultivate an echo chamber around yourself than widen your skill set. You'd better have something going for you other than computers. If not, you'll waste your life here.
Honey, SJW uses fagOS (just like faggots), computer illiterate normies uses windows, neckbeards use linux and autistic people (read as mental issue) uses probably windows, because their parents aren't tech savvy.
Hackers uses linux.
how are you a hacker lmao
I use whatever works best for what I'm trying to use it for, and I'm not a retarded fanboy. You sound like a Sup Forumstard soyboy.
Install the LTSB edition. It has no store, no cortana, no edge and no "apps". It's what windows 10 should have been. It's essentially 7 but with flat design instead of aero.
Saged and reported
Hack me.
I can't.
Did you have to bump?
> I'm dumb and I'm searching friends who are also dumb
>something other alternatives offer that Windows doesn't.
like what?
this might have been true in the past, but today there is literally nothing that can't be done on Windows