Sup Forums humor thread
Sup Forums humor thread
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Heh, nice one OP.
Windows 10 has better image quality?
everybody is using VIM i dont understand i edit everything mousepad xfce editor or juse use nano why vim ???? why?
gave me a hearty chuckle
this is just lie
>current state of intel
>the hackerman new about it all along
>tfw your laptop has intel
>$EDITOR is set to vi
>script opens $EDITOR
>close terminal window
>open a new one
>export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano
>run script again
every time
hahahahah this
Vim can be found on virtually any system with either GNU userland or Linux kernel and more. If you know Vim you can edit on many, many platforms from PC to embedded devices. Mousepad won't help you when you need to editor a file on your consumer router for example.
Only brainlets use vi anyway. Real Unix admins use ed.
Pretty amazing that a piece of software developed in the same time when we were putting men on the Moon is still a standard part of any Linux distro (and more of course).
jokes on you
I just do
rm /bin/vi
ln -s /bin/nano /bin/vi
I don't see how that's simpler than export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano
or removing vim all together. why would you keep an unused package?
~ >>> vim
zsh: correct 'vim' to 'vi' [nyae]?
can I get rid of vi without causing problems? It's kind of taken for granted that you'll have vi these days
just dont use it you fucking autist jesus christ the kind of people who browse Sup Forums
I don't care enough to actually get rid of it calm your shit it's just the other guy said
>why would you keep an unused package
jesus christ the kind of people who browse Sup Forums
Open source is about choice, even if it breaks your system. Do it faggot.
because nano is fucking sexy as fuck. i used to be a vimfag, but once i got my .nanorc just the way i want it, i can't ever go back.
Julian spanking the back of that ass
You can achieve the same thing with Vim without being a faglord. I assume you own an apple phone too?
Instead of doing some productive, this specimen spends his days changing the way his computer programs look(yeah you heard that right, not the way they function or what they do, just the way they look)
The fucking corners
Stop it
>t. never actually learned to use vim editing commands effectively
holy hell
VIM - edit config files and make small/simple changes, because pretty much every distro has it (or VI)
cmon guys, post that Sup Forums humor!
rare shot of the event
>t. I was there
What did he do if he needed to take a piss?
It was Ukraine around 2005, right?
it would break visudo and then you’re stuck knowing how to edit that and verify your changes
are you a bad enough dude to edit your sudoers file with whatever ubuntu uses as s notepad.exe clone?
We still use rockets that are old technology. Because they work. Amazing
there was no pizza in ukraine in 2005
>sources: i lived in ukraine in 2005
where are you now m8?
If he lived in the Crimea, then Russia
>when your propaganda is shit to begin with, and still manages to age so poorly
I don't live anymore.
Fuck am I looking at?.
woops, meant this
is this relevant user?
I mean, I do think its funny, but its not at all Sup Forums related
quite hard to read this one
shit you're right, I'm sorry, not much I can do about it now though, promise its funny if you're willing to squint
Fuck it i'm not updating my BIOS
Somebody claiming to be Kim Jong Un broadcasting "niggers tongue my anus", then somebody claiming to be the US Navy telling him to cease transmission and fuck off.
Damn, that's hot.
And gay.
More of this guy?
sadly no
>what is ring 0?
>what is ring 3?
>what is a ring?
First Unix book i bought back in the 90s had a chapter on vi, so that's what I learned.
Whenever I'm in a terminal, "v i [enter]" is pretty much muscle memory for me.
Just tried using it.
apparently q then [enter] exits it.
I tried for about 15 minutes to exit Vim then lost my patience and gave up.
How do you into Vim?
Do you have to reboot the computer every time you're done using it?
You can do :help which will lead you to the very detailed help doc which will lead you to vimtutor. Vim tutor is a ~30 minute exercise to show you how to use it. You can also use the vim cheat sheet online after you know the basics. Hell, even opening vim with no extra commands tells you how to quit.
backstory please?
>Hell, even opening vim with no extra commands tells you how to quit.
that was the screen i tried to quitted from.
I got stuck on that screen and could not exit window.
It's likely a lan party, and they had to get creative with seating
animu streamed from my nas and chill
Dude, are you dumb?
>lan party
i knew as much. The basement setting, dim lighting, and depressed greasy incels say it all.
That and the sad pizza.
I kept typing:
q [Enter]
but it woudn't close ;_;
What's the point of Excel? What can I do with Excel that I can't do on pen&paper?
It doesn't say"type q" does it? Well, now you know. Vim has modes, in each mode keys do different things.
it did say that tho.
I dunno what i'm doin :^(
hello please i am new hear and i want to teach me about computer
Type :q to quit, the : is important. If you want to quit without saving you type :q!
I thought as much.
Now go forth and do the vim tutor, you'll be flying through editing text in no time
holy shit i just realized this is a GTX 295
> Ukraine
>Guy is wearing a MN state gophers hat
Nope it's probably Minnesota college students. I recognize my people anywhere
>waiting for extension Ublock Origin
Wouldn't onii-chan make more sense?
>proven system performance
>robust SW and HW