seems that aero themes/visual effects/etc. may significantly slowdown things after the meltdown update, especially on hardwares which only have integrated graphics and an intel CPU older than the haswell generation, so here is the trick:

start menu > type appearance in search > click on adjust the appearance and performance of windows > click on "adjust for best performance"

now everything looks a bit like crap, especially the text bechause the cleartype is disabled. do this next:

start menu> type cleartype in search> click on adjust cleartype text > check turn on cleartype and choose the best looking text samples you see from there.

now the final step, enable windows 7 basic theme if you don't like that windows 98 looking taskbar/window borders/etc.

right click on desktop > personalise > choose windows 7 basic from down there (basic and high contrast themes category).

now enjoy your windows 7 like before and never update to that windblows 10 commercial adware crap, atleast until 2020...

Other urls found in this thread:

Just install Gentoo.

Just install *BSD and enjoy the most UNIX© experience

Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.

>you have to disable the only palatable feature of windows 7 in order to use it

Or upgrade to Ryzen.

No, thanks. I enjoy Aero and it doesn't slowdown my computer.

classic theme has tearing issues

Now enable vsync to deal with the tearing

I wanna stick my tongue under her skirt

>make it look like Windows 98
wintel does it again!

>implying I install the update on a pure gaming windows system when I have a linux thinkpad with external 24" screen, dock, keyboard and mouse for paypal and all monetary/password requiring shit

HAHAHA, get fucked people with only 1 machine

>Unironically wanted to give an LTSB a chance and try to keep my system up to date
>The entire lineage of windows is ruined by meltdown workarounds
Just fucking end this Microsoft. Windows 7 is the last MS OS and windows will finally die with it.

I have a laptop with an i5 3317u, so Ivy bridge. Is it gonna slow it down that much?
How much time for intel to start making processors without this bug, so I can buy a new barebone laptop and install Windows 7 on it?

I also have a laptop with i3 ivy, the slowdown isn't noticeable at all, probably bechause it was allready slow by having an old 5400rpm hard drive, most likely ppl with fast SSD's on their systems will feel the most noticeable performance drawback.

You know what I'm gonna do instead ?
Gamble, hope that nothing hits me while I wait for CPUs without the flaws to become available, then get a new mobo, CPU and graphics card (update was due anyway) etc. all at once, throw Win7 in the trash, install Linux and get used to it. I doubt this'll do much but it's basically all I can do.

It's all trash these days, all trash. You need your secure conncetion, you need your script blockers, you need your firewall, you need your anti virus software, you need your passwords only to then have some dumb fucker come along and blow it all to hell right into an unfixable state due to faulty hardware.

So next I need to wait for the few guys that fucked things up to unfuck things and trust them to not have fucked up again because they're the only guys serving the market and to also pay them (again) for something that's hopefully not horribly fucked in the near future. Isn't the world a wonderfully stupid place to exist in ?

We're so fucking doomed as there's never a working and acceptable plan b for anything. It's always either heaven or hell.

>not using Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
o I am laffin

Please don't make indecent comments about Nanami-chan!

>beleives that windows 10 LGBT have less botnet than the other versions

As a home Win 7 64 user who hasn't updated in 2 years, what is the name of the update I need for meltdown protection and will installing it (re)enable telemetry?

>tfw didnt update
>tfw looking at everyone elses gimped rigs and lost performance

>My Rig=Goku
>Intel= Ginyu

>seems that aero themes/visual effects/etc.

Do people really have these resource draining things turned on? Use Windows Classic Theme and turn this shit off (pic).

I suggest you install all update rollups and then delete the diagtrack service and all telemetry upload tasks from the task scheduler.

Is the update even out yet? I thought they pulled it cause of some bugs. I thought computer programmers are supposed to be smart people, why are they fucking up so hard in making patches and deploying them?

As a Ryzen user i don't even need this update, i have the wuauserver disabled by default too but thanks for reminding me to blacklist that particular kb package heh

Know that installing the update just makes it less likely to be affected as it's a hardware fault they're trying to fix with software updates. And ofc you're not done with one update, as all the other software then also needs to be updated but the fun doesn't stop there, no: eventually you'll run into other issues than a mere performance drop. If you're using Intel there'll still be the Intel ME, which is full of flaws. Don't know if AMD has something similar.

The best thing you can do is to get a script- and adblocker for your browser in case you don't have one yet and wait for some not affected CPUs to become available... that basically everyone else also wants... *sigh*

Thankfully, all I've done is install the monthly rollup update last week. No downsides from what I can tell just from that. Gonna wait till they get their shit together before I do anything else.

amd has psp

>installed monthly rollups
Enjoy your telemetry

Nice OP! Maybe tomorrow you will teach me how to replace the blue wallpaper with some awesome wallpaper, and change the color of the taskbar too! Amazing! I just spent 2 days using computers, thanks!

I guess it's a good thing do this to every W7 system I set up anyway. All my PCs look like they're still on 98SE or 2K. I like my OS like I like my women: Clean, delineated, and gray.

Where were you when your sister needed you OP?

>Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.
the advantages of win-10

currently using windows 7 and need to format, I would legit switch to Ubuntu but I will still need Windows for Photoshop/Games :/

Dual-boot. Also Gimp is a nice alternative.

are next to nothing.

Just play your games in VMware

Can someone post the updated debloat guide for windows 7? And which updates to remove and which to install?

Does newest set of patch makes keyboard / mouse not working?

I got call from relative. He uses Windows 7 and apparently after Patch Tuesday January 2018 his mouse and keyboard does not work.
The hardware is 8 years old, probly AMD.

There is one comment confirming it:
mentioning that.

hai not meltdown though desu

That's the only purpose of the anime girls, to be the best sex material for our expanding minds


Install parabola.

It's arch but free as in freedom.

>especially on hardwares which only have integrated graphics and an intel CPU older than the haswell generation
I have a T520 with iGPU. Are you telling me this fucking kike shitshow will 'significantly' slow down an i5 2520m and an HD3000 that by no means is fast but certainly should have no problems moving Aero, is the performance impact that big?

I expected w10 tan to point a gun to nanamis head

lol just use mac, it actually works unlike other BDSM based distros

>implying hackintosh on a PC is not BDSM

Win7 Pro with i5 3470, 850 evo ssd and a gtx 1060 6gb here. Currently pondering whether I should install the great meltdown fix that will slow down my system, or go full ham and use the free upgrade to win10 that's available until next week (win 10 isn't affected that much by the fix, as there are fewer syscalls in general, e.g. the fonts are rendered by the kernel in win7).

here's the best tip.
1. Reinstall windows 7, preferably the last version before they moved to the new update system in 2016
2. Download and apply StevenBlacks host file
3. Install spybot antibeacon
4. Configure windows for maximum privacy and disable windows updates
5. Preferably block Microsoft's domains on router level
6. Enjoy 100% performance

You can easily reinstall windows if it doesn't perform well after an update. Don't fall for w10 meme. Microsoft is using all sorts of lies and misinformation to switch as many users to 10. Fonts being rendered by the kernel isn't even an issue.