/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user's new PS Vita motherboard he bought off AliExpress is stuck in "Manufacturing mode" • user gets a nice new Audio Video converter • user gets some shit copies of Tamagotchi's that were meant as stocking stuffers they reset far to easily • user was memed into getting the TS100 soldering iron, it works great and user uses it to upgrade his tiny quadcopter straps a tiny SQ11 camera to it • user gets fancy flip clock and it feels solidly built • user assembles $12 t12 soldering iron kit • user forgot pic of his new Christmas Tree LED DIY kit it's a little bit more complicated than expected • user gets his Cool on with a Dodocool DA106 • user out on THOT PATROL with his new strap/patch • user recently got his Redmi Note 4 a few days ago and while MIUI was good he swapped it out for Lineage • user receives the latest earmemes the BGVP SGZ-DN1 • user posts short review of 2.5mm to 3.5mm headphone cable that recommended by another user • user reviews some new items • user can't stop buying chink shit • user buys his Chink shit at walmart • user considers the UiiSii HM7 to be complete garbage • user worries about getting chinked • user receives a waifu pillow, but it doesn't fill the void of a real gf • user finds some possibly fake Porta Pros Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Should i buy leather wallet from ali? How can i find decent lifetime shit?

>silver KZ cable still not here after weeks of waiting
This isn't very optimal chi-fi

If you want decent chink shit that lasts a lifetime, Xiaomi makes actual leather wallets too

i ordered a android tv box from gearbest
tracking says its in poland since two weeks
i wonder if it will arrive
lately gearbest is pretty shit, some 3m usb cable i ordered will probably never arive

also you should all get arc lighters off of ebay the cheep ones start to disappear

I received a new band for my Mi Band 2 today and it's rougher and way harder and less flexible than the standard - can anyone recommend something a bit closer (preferably identical) to the original?

why did you create this thread when already existed?

You sound upset.


anyway, real thread is here

>being this desperate

How sad.


They can be hit or miss, good thing they don't cost much


And a AliExpress link that I couldn't paste for some reason m.aliexpress.com/s/item/32740252174.html

Check their prices, they're not really cheap compared to other chinkshit and most of their "lifestyle" Mijia products aren't in singapoor.

Is this the autist who thinks RegularOP and anyone who posts lists are working for leddit and some china store?

That's a slow plane

what is a good electronics diy kit to learn soldering?, I see a bunch of stuff i ali but I'm not sure which to pick because I have zero experience soldering.

There's mixza shark, monkey, confetti, but what about the chicks?

>safe-chat defense force engage!

once again, the REAL THREAD (created before this damage control one) is here


The only one in need of a safe space here is you

Thx for the bumps

friendly reminder that raging at people liking what you don't like it's a blatant sign of immaturity, going out of your way trying to change something that's been the norm before you even discovered this general, when all you have to do is literally skip reading a couple of lines and has virtually no impact on your dealings with other posters, invalidates your opinion as a functional and reasonable human being

reminds me i've got a shark on my country's postal service limbo

what are you waiting for, /csg/?

If you put this kind of autistic energy into anything useful at all, you might not be a permanently bitter NEET.

which of the super cheap chink fountain pens aren't memes for actual use

anything that beats rock zircon at or under $20