How is it? Why do you use it?
Anyone use Fedora?
this was my first experience with loonix, back in 2001
Using it now. It's a good distro. Stable with lots of packages.
Run it on a production server. Used to be a big fan of debian but it grew on me after I maintained another server with fedora. Ended up sticking with it, it's pretty good. Wish it was rolling release though.
>How is it
Pretty good and stable.
>Why do you use it?
It's not ubuntu
RH7 for me. kinda miss the look and feel of gnome 1.
*tips* i only use redhat and stalledman software to impress mladies
>It's not ubuntu
at least ubuntu is not a public beta test for a pricy corporate product and offers a lts version.
You'd be better off with CentOS or Scientific in almost every regard.
Indeed, ubuntu is much worse
yeah, no. ubuntu is a great distro for people who need a reliable daily driver. fedora is good, too, but the lack of lts bothers me.
t. ex-redhat
Spotted the spawn of neo-yuppies
Fedora rawhide
yeah, after rh7 to core 2 i used gentoo a few years and since then ubuntu.
>it just werks
>Running dev on production servers
Tempting but no. Muh uptime.
Before switching to Gentoo, I used RedHat 9.x and Fedora Core, so I'm using Fedora now with the new computer. I think i'll switch back to my regular distro or FreeBSD eventually, but for now, I'm happy with Fedora. Wish I had a package for autocutsel tho, and the damn documentation for Fedora is pretty poor. Nothing like what I'm used to.
>RedHat 9.x
it was GOAT and bluecurve comfy as fuck. kinda miss it.
F27 has the best Wayland support out of the box of any of the major distros at the moment. Snappy.
>rolling release on a server
I wasn't talking about servers.
I think we should just stop pretending and admit everyone in this thread works at redhat
works out of the box, first to introduce new features (had Wayland in 2016), kernels updated quickly, CentOS is great for server use.
i'm sure Ubuntu + Debian is fine too, but since i started using Fedora + CentOS i familiarised myself with the ecosystem and am pretty happy with it.
I use in a VM, to check if I could change my main OS (Debian stable) for it. Looks like I can.
NSA botnet
I've used it once and i quit because of the RPM shit. Just garbage compared to APT. I did try another disto that also used rpm's but it didn't do it for me either. Of course this was a long time ago with a netbook, has it gotten any better since like 2013-ish?