/neofetch/ thread

neofetch thread. post yours.

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stop feeding the botnet


no one cares fuck off to /wg/ retards

But the botnet uses the KDE filepicker.
I might switch to Vivaldi soon.


wait, someone actually uses a light colored terminal? how do your eyes not hate you?

Neofetch: The Movie


It's not that big of a deal because on day time I get plenty of natural light and at night Redshift helps a lot.
I've used dark colors on the terminal and text editor but settled with light themes.


>not runing your OS from a TTY
what a bunch of faggots


henlo goys

you again...

>no Gentoo logo by default
I'll stick with screenfetch, thanks

> anime website

this was so hard
fetch-fags are fucking retarded

what part of "default" don't you understand?


It's there. There's something wrong with your system if it can't display it.


It's probably because the kernel doesn't have "gentoo" in the name and the program is too shitty to figure it out any other way.

or trying to run a bash script on a zsh shell?


i know this isn't tech support, but my neofetch doesn't want to remove info from print after i comment it out in the config file. help.

/usr/bin/neofetch and ~/.config/neofetch/config?
There's also neofetch --disable [option] or neofetch --config [somefile]

Greetings, fellow Mint user :3

i didn't find anything useful in the bin file, and in the config file i've commented out the infos i don't want shown, but they are still shown. i've even reinstalled it, and even deleted the info from the file and it still shows it...

where would i have to put the --disable option? i've tried with bashrc, but that just runs it every time i open up a terminal. i've tried with config, and neofetch, and xinitric, and xresources... nothing simes to work

anything with -- goes right after the command in terminal

right. thank you for your patience. is there any way to make those changes permanent? (i've already commented out the config file but the output is unaffected).


got it. i just put an alias command in my bashrc with the --disable command.

thank you again.

Teach me your way, senpai.
Don't tell me those ricing needs high-end computer. ;_;


White is easier on the eyes than any other color. It's science.

Ubuntu 17.10
Customized theme

RIP in pierces Unity. I'll go back to 16.04 soon.


watching white things on my screen literally hurts my eyes. dark things dont.


don't have any wm decorations or interesting bar


I asked about path to config because I've noticed that ./neofetch launched from a downloaded folder still reads .config/neofetch/config instead of the config file in the downloaded version folder.

Also this for desktop.

Installing gentoo here for my new router/lan-dns/nas/nextcloud build. RAM is consumed because this is actually a fedora install disk and I didn't bother to shut down the grpahical install stuff

... this is actually a very good reason. Though, can't you use a patched Firefox? I was sure there was a branch with the Qt file picker.


>more than one clock
>that icon pack
>that I-hope-it-is-ironic windows orb
you can do better

Why Starter?

very cute

>HD 5870
godly card desu, wish I could've afford it 8 years ago. How well is it holding, user?

>godly card desu, wish I could've afford it 8 years ago. How well is it holding, user?

Very nicely, thanks for asking. It was £300 back then when I bought it, must have been in 2010. I can't max out any newer PFS games [and also they don't work on this system] but I was re-playing Portal 2 over Xmas and it was just beautiful. It handles a lot of games very well, though ironically most of what I play these days are pixel graphics games.

fbgrab next time please

because it was installed on this netbook but im going to try GNU/Linux on it soon.

I'm surprised you have such high RAM usage with that. Pic related.

>tfw can't find a reasonably priced 1440x1050 multiplexed LVDS panel for this thing

Hello Mac OS users. Comfy day we're having. I might try out one of those fancy tiling WM's everyone is talking about for Mac OS.

Fuck off Ben, you mentally ill degenerate.

what am i looking at here?

noice, you probably want to go with something very lightweight (Debian 9 + XFCE or something else with LxQt). Maybe even Debian 9 + vanilla Openbox.

>and also they don't work on this system
Game is hard. On the bright side, you can actually get good performance with FLOSS drivers now and Wine got much better. Tons of VNs to play. Did you play Doki Doki?

>CPU Usage: 67%
what are you running, user?

nice hackintosh, enjoy OS X
though game performance will be lacking depending on what you play

Mental illness.

Setup isnt too bad. Just set a transparent panel as a taskbar (I'm using xfce). Audio visualizer is made using a transparent terminal called tilda, and the bars are from a program called cava.

I'm actually autistic lol, fight me.

>what are you running, user?
apt upgrade ;_;

>not aptitude upgrade

I see you're using best OS user, nice

>Did you play Doki Doki?

I didn't know about this but it's got great reviews and it's free, so I'll give it a go. Thanks, user.

hey, at least you don't have the management engine.

>I'm actually autistic lol, fight me.
come at me

I used to like GNU/Linux, but I find Mac OS to be much more comfy. It isn't free software (obviously), but it works great. I'm going to dual boot Windows 10 for VR support (Oculus Rift), but most of my time will be on Mac OS.

not him but you gotta download it from their website instead of steam if you want native linux support

Happy to help, please post your opinions on future desktop threads, user. I look forward to reading it, hope you have fun!

also, be careful with spoilers, since it got really popular and people can't stop with the memes.

Does it have a Linux build? I didn't know that... can't find anything in the official page.

its with the windows file


is this the new desktop thread?

>tfw you can finally take part in the neofetch threads
Finally switched from Windows (7). It's like I feel revived now.

Thanks to the damn Intel hardware design flaw, this beautiful uptime got reset as ramnode had to reboot everything to apply a patch.

Here have my fetch + ncmpcpp

>host: H81M-HD3
Yeah, I'm sure you "switched."

Why not i guess

Try dwm

>tfw having the opposite feel
>own macbook
>can't rice it

Yea, why not.


>browser and terminal open
>3,800MiB used
So this is the power of cinnamon

feels comfy

Why do you use zen kernel?

I was about to pull my hair out trying to figure out why I couldn't get the CPU frequency scaling to work the way I wanted to (it kept capping out at the default CPU speed even with intel_pstate=disable) so I just decided to try a different kernel and all of a sudden, I was getting my 5Ghz like I was supposed to.