>Dog dog = new dogFactory(&dog, "Puppy");
Dog dog = new dogFactory(&dog, "Puppy");
Other urls found in this thread:
>using factories
what the fuck even is this shit?
I know its java somethingoranother but like wtf?
It's not java, it's meme patterns being forced down your throat
its not OOP's fault that you cant write well structured classes.
>Coat coat = new coatFactory(&coat, dog, "Dalmatian");
Button button = (Button) new Button(r.findViewById("button"));
Button buttonButton = *(&(static_cast( new Button((&r)->findViewById(L"button")))[0]);
void (*(*f[])())();
>Hello World!/n
Every time I look at Android code, I want to kill Andy Rubin.
What tea is that?
brainlet tea
Java programmers are extremely prone to forcing this shit though.
And design patterns make sense in the world where you're stuck with nothing but unreliable programmers who have to make something.
This guy is probably in charge of many such brainless programmers now.
It's just a sad fact of the corporate environment. Getting skilled labor is extremely hard.
Nah, he's just a bit-fiddler who doesn't know what software architecture is.
Most of the time, you don't write something one-off. Most of the time, the programs you write have to be changed and maintained.
Being fast and elegant is not important. Architecture always comes first and performance is last.
Ultimately, design is the only thing that is going to matter long-term. Performance is going to change next month with new computers, so why waste time optimizing for soon-to-be obsolete computers?
But if you do your design fine, it'll move over to new computers just fine, because it will be maintainable.
No, hard.
Sure you can always pay ludicrous salaries to get whoever you want but now you're just in a pretend world where that's a solution.
Lots of skilled programmers simple don't want to leave. Lots of skilled programmers prefer hobby projects over more money. Carmack made a rocketry startup rather than being a very well paid consultant.
And with outsourcing being a thing the hill of wages you have to climb to get a good programmer into a company that relies on India. How can you justify hiring one guy when you could hire 50 Indians?
Management certainly can't.
So it's hard. Tons of convincing to do. Difficulty in finding a person willing to do the work. And of course you need to evaluate these people's worth to you. Their environment may be drastically different and you won't get the return their company sees.
I also get a hunch the idea of 'expensive' is likely coming from some idea of hiring PhDs. They don't factor in here.
He's now the VP of technology at Activision and has worked for multiple decades in their industry now i believe.
But I don't care to convince you you're wrong. You're clearly just a deceived programmer. I consider your kind a lost cause. You'll be reinforced by your environment over and over. It's important to place this kind of viewpoint in this thread though. Because they tend to be overwhelming with (understandable) mockery of design patterns with some defenders spread about. It's appropriate to face design patterns seriously.
Something you probably don't realize is that you're implicitly declaring OOP as the God paradigm.
You didn't even read the blog I see.
I saw the blog, it's funny. It's cute how game devs seem to think they understand software engineering.
And you, you're just an easily influenced young boy. Had you ever taken a look at game code, you'd think twice before listening to those guys.
Thanks for reinforcing readers view of you.
Not trying to persuade you, I know it's useless. People like you must learn on your own.
Person objFaggot = new Person("op is a faggot ");
Wow oop is hard guise
>let's make everything complicated
See: design patterns.
See: Anti design pattern
A programmer had a problem, so he decided to use Java. Now he has a ProblemFactory.
This fucking shit, who the hell actually knows what R is meant to do?
Why in the world are you passing a reference to to the variable you are setting to the factory method?
Flywheel or all the resources and handles or something like that.