>It's going to be single-channel memory shit aga--
>They'll never make them with dual-channel insi--
*Blocks their path*
>It's going to be single-channel memory shit aga--
>They'll never make them with dual-channel insi--
*Blocks their path*
Single 16gb stick it is then.
It was confirmed for being two in there, but nice try anyway.
After the OS that's like 2 games these days. What's the point?
that has got the be the fucking THICKEST bezel on the bottom that I have ever seen
>that's like 2 games
>"Emulation? What's that?"
>"Games older than 2 years? NOP, never heard of them!"
pls go and stay go
It's just a presentation model, tough. Not a fully finished retail product. If they DO release it like that, yeah, that's going to look bad. But they might as well polish and change it until February hits.
>buying gayman laptop
>hurr fuck games
>implying I know the notation for your special fucking processor series
Why does that ring look like a poo that was smeared
Because you are ignorant of eastern religions.
the poo prevents meltdowns :)
That's the remains of Intel being wiped away.
2500U is too low tier for games.
2700U is suited for gaming.
the poo keeps away the joo :^)
You're welcome here
it's not a gayming laptop, you dunce.
because you are a baka gaijin that doesn't know about the superior folded 1000 times asian religions.
Educate yourself, please.
>Modern games are 50-100gb each
>hurr just use your expensive laptop for facebook and shitty 2004 games
>buying all that integrated GPU for games
Am I in Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Modern games does not AAA games make. Ever played mass effect 3? Shit could run on integrated and it's like 30gb just in that. Now if you wanted to play the trilogy then that totals to something like 50gb.
>Sup Forums discussion
Just go.
>I'm too retarded to look up facts about my argument before shitposting
You're in an AMD thread is what and you know their biggest audience is gamers because they have shit cuda compatibility.
350~500$ tops. AMD is not Jewtel.
When the fuck are the new ryzen 3 laptops coming out?
Jeez, I need a new laptop and I can't fucking wait.
>I don't want intel
>I don't want A12 series
>I can't afford ryzen5
don't even think you can get 16gb sodimms desu
>Open source champion AMD
>proprietary CUDA
What did he mean by this?
>When the fuck are the new ryzen 3 laptops coming out?
>You can already get 64GB SO-DIMM kit from G.Skill
For games like dota2, csgo or world of warcraft is more than enough, playing AAA games with intensive graphics on laptops is retarded.
Poo in APU
>For games like dota 2, cs go or world of warcraft
There's even lower tiered model for that.
Superior folded 11001 times Asiatic religion s
Lol byte me the tao is Over There now
good luck getting 60 fps+ in raids in wow with a shitty pc.
I just want 2800 with sharp edges.
Well, it's metal, I prefer plastic with texture. Metal with texture would be best.
Isn't HP build quality shit?
>no nipple
>off center shitpad
In laptop this thin I assume it's soldered.
>being this autistic about bezel
Honestly, just grow up. No bezel is just a meme.
Good luck growing up LOL.
whom are you quoting?
You actually can if you lower the graphics to minimum in raids.
All those spell effects inside a big raid group on high/ultra details are overkill even on decent PC's.
>Shitty PC
2015 says hi, kid.
I concur with this anonymous gentleman. Grow up.
>Who are you quoting?
Modern day reality.
See techpowerup.com
nice ad hominem
yeah alright, then good luck with it maxed ou
AMD was fully freed from Linus' attempts at ransom, it's completely unshackled and unrestricted in any way on Linux now. So you can get absolutely full performance, down to the very last bit, even on latest kernels.
Nice whatever you want dude, just grow up.
go back to stealing phones, tyrone.
At least post some kind of source you dumb sack of shit.
>ad hominem right from the very beginning
You clearly have one of these at your home:
Kek, I can't imagine what drew you into that conclusion but it has nothing to do with mi post. No that I'm a nigger tho. Just grow up dude.
lmao you guys would accept literally anything it's related to AMD.
When a company doesn't fuck up royally on each and every step it takes or each and every decision it makes.
When a company has a mascot that's actually fine to look at and it's not revolting or vomit-inducing.
When a company literally the only sincerely good guy on the market currently.
When a company doesn't cuck you over each and every single day.
When a company makes great products.
When a company does no wrong at all.
When a company offers great deals.
When a company doesn't lie to you.
Yes. Yes I will gladly accept. All day long.
Rename to Ryzen
depends on the model.
so what you're saying is that you're unironically a fanboy and a shill. that when buying hardware you consider brand and company names more important than the value of the product. how fucking pathetic.
Well enjoy your Intel. I heard it was really secure.
Not me, but I agree
Welp, I found benchmarks because I was curious how well thee integrated GPU was... Can't even hit a solid 60 at 1080 on a game from 9 years ago.
AMDGPU-DC was merged, so it should work well with recent kernels.
It's there to keep Linus drop tips from breaking it
That's fancy word that indicates browser bug, but nEEEVER MIND.
>claims with no proof
Ah yes, now I remember where I am.
Neck yourself brainless piece of shit
I'm inclined to agree with you, my X1 Carbon has pretty small bezels and it just makes the laptop lid feel really flimsy. I've broken the LCD panel on it and had to replace it once and it's crazy how little space there is from the edge of the panel to the edge of the screen. Thin bezels just make the damn things more fragile.
Same goes for phones and their stupid fucking curved glass screens that wrap over the edges of the phone, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
according to HP.com
Yep. You can thank years of market-conditioning courtesy of apple.
Bezels serve a purpose - they lend structural integrity to a lid (see ) and shield the screen from anything that might get sandwiched between the body and screen when closing, such as a power cord or something like that.
>muh bezels
Fucking kill yourself cancerous numale
>dual channel
what for? dual channel is better for desktop CPU's cause 2x CCX
mobile APU'S only have 4 Cores/8t with 1 CCX, there is no communication between 2 CCX's