ITT: your favourite distro

Mine is pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

mine is fedora


Mine is Linux Mint

openSUSE = sweet thumbnail preview in Firefox's file picker

Void Linux.

Just works.


>Void Linux.
>Just works.

Is it really true?
I mean lots of people say that Void is a good distro, but I almost never heard about it before.

Well, partially.
If you use "local install", you get a complete DE and all the apps on the live USB.

I'd recommend manual install from chroot (check UEFI chroot guide) to get only the packages you need.

But yeah, never had a single problem with it.
Unless you need systemD, it's perfect.

Thanks for the info, user!
Also: is it as complicated as Arch or easier / worse?

It has a pseudo graphical installer. With it it's easier.
If you go manual route, it will be pretty much the same.

KDE Neon/Ubuntu 16.04

bleeding edge KDE on top of stable Ubuntu. Werks for me.

I see.
I'll check it out.

Linux mint kde

my favorite is linux mint cinnamon.

Mine was ApricityOS. RIP ApricityOS.


>Linux mint kde

Won't they stop developing it?

OpenBSD for desktops/laptops, FreeBSD for servers.

Void if I need Linux

Still want to try void ?

Actually, most of the Advents were pretty cool.


I use Linux Mint but thinking about moving to Qubes OS after there has been more development on it


does *BSD have any advantage over Linux?
i did some research before and i don't think there are any major difference between them(from a standpoint of desktop usage)



i would also like to see a comparison between linux kernel/distro and BSD kernel/distro in different aspects

because i am going to make the switch and use a *nix,but i cannot decide
laptop compatibility will be the dominant factor of my choice

>no arch so far
im impressed, Sup Forums

finally growing up, huh?

This all the way, time to let the arch meme die.

Debian. It’s stable and just werks without babysitting.

unironically, even through it fucks itself in interval of month or so, mine is arch btw. Have tried all: ubuntu, *buntu, Linux Mint, openpepe, kdeneon, debian, void, pacBSD, even fucking Kali and Parrot OS but settled in Arch in final.

Pre systemd, and to a lesser extent pulseaudio, there wasn't a whole lot of difference save better documentation in *BSD.

For a lot of users, *BSD will feel really similar - most of the GNU toolkit was copied off of BSD tools after all. The big difference nowadays is less prebaked packages for a *BSD (and even things that work for one that won't work on others) and a better man setup.

For BSD, I hardly ever need more than the built in man pages, and if documentation isn't up to par it is treated as a bug (as it should be!). There's also an advantage to the full stack from kernel to userland being made by the same team, and held to strict style standards.

That isn't to say I dislike linux. In the last few years in particular, linux has become vastly more available to the common end user. That is a good thing! Now more than ever it is easy to just download an iso off of the internet, throw it on a thumb drive, and click install. However, I have never found a distro of linux that I did not have to look things up online. This has led to some great resources - arch and gentoo wiki's for example are excellent no matter what flavor of linux you are running.

It also depends on your use case. I have a high res wallpaper and a bunch of terminal applications for 99% of what I need and want to do. SSH and a text editor for work. If you need video and graphics tools, *BSD might not be the right tool for the job, especially if you want to just install and go.

On a more personal note, there's a less trendy feel to the way things are done. Take containers for example - the current Big Thing in the linux world, and has led to a shift from stable to cutting edge in servers. Jails in FreeBSD have been around since version 4, and accomplish much the same thing, and better.

TL;DR: The transition isn't as big as say, Windows to *nix. However, if the use case fits for you the cohesive environment and better documentation is hard to leave. Both Linux and *BSD are excellent.

BSD shilling should be a bannable offense.


inb4 Kevin

kevin, you can't inb4 your own posts and threads

*bricks your notebook bios*


>inb4 Kevin

Oh, hai Kev!

Does it work with the GTK module Ubuntu used for the global menu in Unity?

Poor kevin.


>tfw DOS still works best


Ubuntu as well, I just wish they picked cinnamon instead of gnome as their default DE, but oh well, xfce still works fine.

Just used Solus for 6 months as a daily driver. Heard how amazing it was. My opinions (that dont mean shit)

- Solus sucks:

No right clicking the start menu
no right clicking the taskbar
no right clicking the desktop
save/cancel buttons will be placed at the furthest possible position on all dialog boxes just because
eopkg "groundbreaking" its a fork of another shit package maker no one wanted
Solus is "built from the ground up" yet any time i raised an issue with it I was told to flag to GNOME upstream as it wasnt their problem... it uses all shitty broken fucked GNOME tools with a shiny icon patch set over top of it

Ikey the pikey cunt gets treated like a king by all the fucken faggots new to linux throwing patreon donation money at him and telling him how much of a genius he is.

you can install a package and along with it 15 of its dependencies but when you want to remove said package, you are not allowed to remove any of the dependencies because fuck you.... the Solus team think removing dependencies is wrong because another app might need it. so you'll have a system full of fucking shit with apps they select themselves and modify (like removing features just for the fuck of it)

install SwagArch, I used it recently. It's just Arch with a very nice font config setup already alongside beautiful icons. I'm back on plain old vanilla arch with XFCE for the moment but I dont know how long it will take before I change. I've changed 5 times this week. VOID was the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen but that makes sense being run by MLP fags

That has not once never said before at all

>Ubuntu as well, I just wish they picked cinnamon instead of gnome as their default DE, but oh well, xfce still works fine.

OP here: I'm rolling with lxde, cause I like minimalism.


>Need to go on shady web pages to be able to watch videos
No, thank you.

Adding all those openSUSE repos is messy, wish we could add comment per repo so I can keep track of what is what.

Cinnamon? Maybe MATE, but seriously? That piece of shit has a pile of broken applets/desklets/manlets whatever. It's unstable as it gets, I laugh when someone tells me KDE is really buggy with shit like that.

Not him but Werks For Me™, what applets would you even use? I just have the panel with a clock and weather and menu. Cinnamon is the best thing that has happened to desktop Linux. I tried KDE and it was indeed way buggier on the same machine. Only thing I miss is a hotkey to toggle window border visibility like KDE has.

Install Gentoo

Tried Ubuntu, Fedora XFCE, Lubuntu, Arch, vanilla Debian XFCE. Nothing beats BunsenLabs in comfiness and ease of use.

prolly either gentoo or antergos, broham


What repos you're talking about? I've added only packman.
I have everything I need.

It caters to my autism. LFS with a package manager. :^)

From 1 to "it just works" how would you rate it?

>shooping Gentoo over Debian logo
I'm on to you.

How stable is that shit?

Utilities: alien
Packman2: kodi
Plater: atop
Libdvcs: codecs
ecsos: gsmartcontrol
monitoring: jnettop
Nextcloud desktop client:

Note: these notes from 2 years ago, it appears quite a few of those packages are in official repos now.

The fuck?
I have every package with only enabled packman except for jnettop.
I'm on LEAP though

I meant only third party enabled repo is packman

Sounds good, can't wait for 4.15 so I can use my rx 56!

>B-but Budgie 11 and Sol are going solve all those problems!

>B-but muh special Steam runtimes and muh gaming

Worst experience using a distro I ever had.

I needed a repo to play videos.
And it had a lot of errors with "1 click install".
I felt like I was back in the Windows XP era, searching shady web pages for codecs.
It doesn't get worse than that.

Oh wow, I guess its shit, how could I be so blind

-100/10. Must be literally autistic to get a functional desktop with all your favorite software.

No favorite. I use Ubuntu for desktop and CentOS for server. Been through the ricing and distro hopping phase. I prefer good support over petty shit nowadays.

>I prefer good support over petty shit nowadays.
