ITT: Botnets you use.
ITT: Botnets you use
I don't run my phone gappless and i use youtube for music streaming sometimes, always with an ad blocker on... Its my unsecure device so i always keep an airgap between it and any secure devices.
I guess my T410 is also an unsecure device but thats somewhat unavoidable.
I do not believe Waterfox is a botnet.
Do you have any proof/argument it is?
no i just wanted to post waterfox as a replacement for firefox
Sup Forums
Oh, okay.
I trust Waterfox and Brave nowadays.
Not a botnet. Shit, but not a botnet.
Also tits or GTFO.
>not a botnet
fucking mozzarella shills..
Remember the Firefox Focus scandal?
Remember the Firefox Mr Robot scandal?
Remember the Firefox closed-source DRM scandal?
Remember the Firefox Eich scandal?
Remember the Firefox Pocket scandal?
Remember the Firefox Cliqz scandal?
Remember the Firefox Telemetry scandal?
Remember the Firefox profiling scandal?
Remember the Firefox data collection scandal?
Remember the Firefox RiseUp scandal?
Same. jewtube is the only google product without a decent alternative.
>the only google product without a decent alternative
As a youtuber, I hate this more than you could ever know
all of them
I can't not
probably the dumbest one to use
what is a good alternative?
Good meme addresses too
At this point user, Firefox is more of a botnet than Chrome.
No, really.
literally a literal botnet in a literal sense
>Broadcom WIFI non-open drivers
>Intel non-open drivers
>Android with gapps
proton mail
How long until tits on TV in america?
Not longer, than in anime.
Tits are the symbol of welness of nation
preach brother!
They've done it here and there but the big cable tv companies will always fight it and pretend it's soccer moms influencing the FCC.
The pay-for-tits and profanity business model is too strong..
No asked
>windows 10 at work
>other microsoft products at work
>lineage with gapps (although their rights are very limited)
Waterfox implemented the same binary blobs that added hidden tracking services to firefox.
>Waterfox implemented the same binary blobs that added hidden tracking services to firefox.
Whoa lollll what's the mr robot scandal?
Is Discord botnet?