Will it ever be finished?
Will it ever be finished?
never ever
Outsmarting communist ideologies like intellectual property is a job that is never done
What is its purpose if you can just use Wine anyways?
It's a cute idea, but it will never be a thing. Atleast not until we've all died of old age.
driver support, actual native performance, documenting API's, making sure this stuff is available for whatever people need with it.
I hope so, and I hope that there's a way to install the Windows Vista or 7 Aero glass UI on top of it. I would run it on a bunch of old ThinkPads.
ip is communist?
If by finished you mean it reaches XP compatibility then hopefully in the next few years. The development seems to be finally speeding up.
It goes against everything that a free and open society stands for when it's abused and used as a cudgel by big companies against well meaning individuals. There's not a good reason for a giant company like Microsoft to try to shove lawyers up the ass of some hobbyist developers that have barely been able to accurately replicate their products from 15 years ago. Seriously, react OS is barely as good as server 2003 minus all the usual Windows applications, the driver support, and any of the stability. ReactOS is in no way a threat to Microsoft's current spot in the market. Hell, you can't even install it on a real PC without giving yourself a fucking aneurysm. If Microsoft wasn't run by a bunch of greedy pricks they'd be congratulating the team on their incredible efforts they've put forward thus far. They've been at it for like 20 years now.
>intellectual property
>communism wants to abolish property
>IP is communist
This is your mind on Sup Forums.
not even once
Because Linux and other free Unix-like operating systems are absolute garbage, without exception.
Not nearly enough professional programmers...
probably no
To my knowledge, Microsoft has never done anything against ReactOS whatsoever. If you're referring to the infamous code review, that was a pre-emptive choice made by the project itself.
This is going to be a "modern" freedos.
There's a lot of russian government embedded machines and old software that runs on XP.
Hence why WINE and ROS are getting so much money from them.
It takes a big powerful centralized state to enforce intellectual property in the first place
They're getting almost nothing, if the Russian government funded this properly it would have been a serious threat to Windows by now (even including post-XP versions).
Communism is by definition stateless.
>Communism is by definition stateless.
Something not a single communist government has managed to become, ever
It's better than before
WINE has seen explosive growth since like 2012
WINE is a completely separate project with far more actual community support that just happens to share some code due to compatible licensing.
It takes a big powerful centralized state to enforce any form of private property in the first place.
Otherwise, it's the law of the jungle: anarchy.
They're practically joined at the hip at this point
Thats not a bad thing, I just finished playing MGR without even needing to fuck with any settings
It's not a "yet another Linux/Unix distro", it's actual separate IP of an OS. A standalone OS that is not Windows, BUT fully supports DefectX and other Windows-proprietary features, so after ReactOS gets to the state it's able to fully mimic Windows 7 x64 Bit SP 1 - Windows 7 WILL die the fuck out, as well as 8 and 8.1 alongside with it. A daily reminder ReactOS already almost completely functions as an XP, and has partial 7 mimicry. Not long now. I'd say in ~5 years tops. Considering that literally ~14 people working on this and that it's not government-funded, the amount of things they've managed to already accomplish is downright INSANE. The goddamn thing even runs Skyrim. PROPERLY runs Skyrim. Slowly, yes, but PROPERLY. And the "slowness" is ONLY because full drivers supports wasn't finished yet. Once driver support becomes fully accomplished - it's all ogre.
No, you can enforce private property with small government or even even if you went ancap. But the viper known as intellectual property requires a state to enforce otherwise its worthless
When I read "Will it ever be finished?" I was thinking of GNU/Hurd. No, neither will.
Ancap is just as much a theoretical concept as communism, ironically enough given who its supporters are. It cannot exist by definition.
And if the minimal government is strong enough to defend both itself and others' physical property, it does not take much more force to defend intellectual property as well.
Windows drivers
>To my knowledge, Microsoft has never done anything against ReactOS
They can't. The documentation and code is so-fucking-clean off of any copypasting or stolen shit, that Micro$hit literally can't make a case even on two signs. ReactOS is abso-fucking-lute IP made from scratch, with no borrowed code, it's just that it MIMICS Windows AND supports DefectX & other typical-of-Windows functionality, but it's ABSOLUTELY NOT Windows. And neither the Unix/Linux nor anything else, too. It's completely it's own thing. It's not even BSD.
It's only been moved from a private SVN to Github within the last couple months.
The project does seem to have picked up pace in the last couple years thanks to the mutual co-operation with WINE.
WINE in return has gained stability and features with code sharing.
2020 is windows 7 EOL so I expect there's going to be much more interest in ReactOS.
50% of people will diverge instead of choose w10
25-30% mac
10-15% reactos
5-10% linux
0.01% bsd (no h8)
>Communism is by definition stateless.
t. Retard who doesn't know what communism is.
God willing it will.
>what are software patents
You're so fucking delusional, it's ridiculous. Especially on those Mac numbers.
Nobody cares about forced updates or telemetry outside Sup Forums... where Windows 10 is still used a lot.
>why use freedos when we have dosbox hur dur
kill yourself OP
The only point of using windows is for legacy software...
With windows 10 you lose 75% of the xp-7-8.1 era programs.
At that point even mac software is superior to modern Windows 10.
NT is even worse.
Now all stuff works better under Linux
Then they weren't communist governments.
>Communism is by definition stateless.
>t. Retard who doesn't know what communism is.
Holy fuck you are dumb. How the fuck do you survive day to day? I literally can't imagine being as dumb as you.
Leave Sup Forums and never come back. Your presence here is an embarrassment for this very board.
you know some of us could try asking them if we can support there project.
>wasn't real communism
the memes makes themselves
Communism is a stateless and classless society. By definition, the state and parties must not exist. All members are equal and have equal political power (aka, direct democracy). What Soviets and other countries were is just a totalitarian variation of communism.
>communism is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon thecommon ownershipof themeans of productionand the absence ofsocial classes,moneyand thestate.
the people that have power currently will never give it away
Don't bother. They're either too ignorant to allow themselves to learn something or they actually don't have the mental capacity to comprehend what you're saying. Either way you're wasting your time.
That's why you take it from them by force.
>All members are equal and have equal political power (aka, direct democracy).
Ok, who then do you put in trust to setup and administer the infrastructure for this "direct democracy"? Maybe we can setup a small "committee" to make it happen. Do you see where I'm going on?
What you are talking about is not possible, there will always a hierarchy of power. You're idealistic.
Windows 10 is slowly killing all win32 executables so ReactOS will be irrelevant even if it's finished.
Wow. 200 years of communist theory destroyed in a single Sup Forums comment. How will communists ever recover?
Are you seriously trying to define communism to me right now as nothing more than a free and open society?
>implying anyone uses UWP
Even .NET is questionable now that Microsoft has been fucking around with the included versions on newer Windows releases.
Win32 is the only bedrock of stability now. Everyone should switch back to it, unless they're making toy apps for phones of course.
>That's why you take it from them by force.
And these people with all the power, they're just going to use their power to stick their dicks up their ass while you "get rid of" them?
Communist -theory- isn't destroyed; it is an idealistic model. But history has shown that in the real world, a hierarchy of power will always exist. It has been observable. That's just the way it is.
being a drop in replacement
plus being able to leverage the wide driver support of Windows
>driver support, actual native performance, documenting API's, making sure this stuff is available for whatever people need with it.
apart from drivers, Wine does all of this
Wine hits native performance (hell, there's been fun shit where running under Wine has been faster than on Windows). It is explicitly not emulation.
hurd will be "production ready" probably sooner than reactos
there is no stability with windows 10