ITT : people who can enjoy Sup Forums flawlessly and without any of Hiroshimoot ads
ITT : people who can enjoy Sup Forums flawlessly and without any of Hiroshimoot ads
A big reason why Sup Forums is so shitty now is because that Clover defaults to Sup Forums
Error posting
There aren't any ads with 4chanx
What ads?
That is true but that doesnt make it a less excellent program.
Clover ian't even in the app store. Pretty much only Sup Forumstards use it in the first place.
anyone else have this bug where if you're using captcha v1 in clover, when the captcha pops up, the keyboard doesn't open so you can enter the text? I have to press submit button which obviously fails captcha and then the second captcha that pops up, the keyboard will show.
I use Sup Forums-x, uBlock Origin, and FoxReplace and Sup Forums has become maximum comfy.
That said, when I'm on my phone Clover is actually pretty good. Way better than the Reddit equivalents.
>No ads
>Still has captcha
>tfw clover master race
Mine hasn't updated in over a year
Is that right?
Floens, I know that's you. Update your fucking app.
Happens to me, I go back to the post field to open keyboard and then it stays open as I do the captcha
It got moved to F-droid and removed from the play store
Hm, ok that works for me too and much less annoying workaround at least.
It doesn't on mine
>still no text selection without quoting the entire post
I use brave mobile
No it doesn't dipshit.
I have it on there but haven't seen an update in I don't know how long
You will laugh but thanks to Clover going on Sup Forums by default I learnt valuable things just by lurking occasionally.
>not buying a pass
ITT : people who can enjoy Sup Forums flawlessly and without any of Hiroshimoot ads or an incompetent dev that couldn't be expected to tie his own shoes reliably
>using dashitchan
Mimi is superior though
Why's it shit in your opinion then
>can't filter tripfags
ITT: phonefags thinking they're special for using a dedicated app to browse a website
I stopped buying passes since the Sup Forumsfestation got so bad.
If I go a single day on Sup Forums without seeing "cuck" "soyboy" or some other retardation then I'll renew my pass the very same day.
Not him, but I'm too used to use slide when navigating instead of pressing back button. Its sidebar also too cluttered to me. But at least its posts screenshot feature is nice.
So this is a thread for everyone who uses an ad blocker?
Mine defaults to diy
I always have to do the google captchas when I'm trying to post with clover anyone got a solution to that. I hate being the test animal for their shitty ai
Or you can just fuck off back to leaddit where your salty ass belongs.
It didn't "move" to fdroid. It's just available there. Downloading it from github directly is better.
Clover has the best user experience and interface out of all chan apps.
Omnichan is also pretty decent.
You can enable legacy captcha in the settings (advanced settings) but it will still ask you to do it for threads
Anyone know an iOS app I can download? Clover is not on app store
This was true. At least it's no longer the default.
You have to go back.
This to be perfectly honest with you.
Still decades behind 4chanX.
>he doesn't have a pass in preparation for captcha apocalypse
>giving money to a liar that has inserted malware into the site multiple times
>he thinks $20 matters
>he thinks it's okay to give money to people that exploit you regardless of how much you're giving them
I use mimi yet they use same logo
I got the first update in awhile less than week ago
How to change the post time from "x minutes ago" to the actual datetime?
And can I change single element colors in a theme? E.g. the backlink, or the greentext
>going on Sup Forums by default I learnt valuable things just by lurking occasionally
You won't learn shit by "lurking on Sup Forums occasionally".
Dedicated generals can often be useful, but that isn't an "occasional lurking" anymore.
Also, I just realized, on Sup Forums, cancer is everywhere but in generals while the rest of the site has the exact opposite situation.
What the hell...
Mine defaults to a retarded cooking board
so, Sup Forums?
Not him either but I don't get notifications from my post, although I like the (you) feature it comes with like on desktop but still get no notifications. I also hate how you can't just swipe back to the catalog/list and vice versa
mongolian moving drawing television discussion food tasting and observing board
captcha apocalypse will be the perfect opportunity to finally leave this shithole.
My thoughts exactly
I'm having a bug in 2.3.1 where the entire app freezes whenever I click the replies to a post. It happens every time. Tried clearing the cache, reinstalling Clover, restarting my phone. Nothing. Anyone else have this issue?
The power of freedom and open source, my friend
/ck/ is one of the last few good boards, fuck you
I love enabling Clover watching thread feature, pinning every thread possible on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and activating the "notify about all post" option then attaching the phone to my hot hard cock and letting it vibrate until I reach ejaculation
It's true
mine defaults to /an/
>making links with spoilers clickable
>bringing highlighted threads at the top of the catalog
>feature for viewing all (you)'s and/or highlighted posts at once
>fucking fixing catpcha v1 soon because of legacy captcha apocalypse
god bless ad blockers
If you use the default extension you're both new and stupid.
Where did I say anything about using the default extension?
Sorry m8
I hate phoneposters too. 4chanx is just so much better than the default.
Sup Forumseddit need to go back.
Can I create custom themes? I don't like the default ones.
>Being THIS lazy
Don't tell me your mom wipes your ass too user
>try to use captcha v2 on my old android phone
>it always crash loading the captcha
It's the opposite with me, captcha v1 crashes while loading.
Dunno, but that guy better fix shit or else.
Mine defaults to /ck/, I am having way too much fun on /ck/ for some reason
>preferring a better UI/UX is lazy
what an ugly app
>ordering boards you need to drag and drop whilst scrolling 100 times
>looks ugly as fuck, srsly..
>captcha loading takes forever
it's started defaulting to /ck/ after people here whined floens, needless to say, /ck/ became full of shitty fast food threads
>You are.