Ladies and Gentlemen. Straight from the horses mouth: >The performance impact of the mitigation on 8th generation platforms (Kaby Lake, Coffee Lake) with SSDs is small. Across a variety of workloads, including office productivity and media creation as represented in the SYSMark2014SE benchmark, the expected impact is less than 6 percent. In certain cases, some users may see a more noticeable impact. For instance, users who use web applications that involve complex JavaScript operations may see a somewhat higher impact (up to 10 percent based on our initial measurements). Workloads that are graphics-intensive like gaming or compute-intensive like financial analysis see minimal impact. > >
I shouldn't have bought that i7-7700k for Arma 3 last year...
Jayden Butler
kill yourself AMDrone ARMA works perfectly fine on my haswell
Jordan Butler
no way around it, AMD is trash tier for games
Daniel Hughes
Joseph Taylor
>Windows 10 is hit slightly harder than 8 and 7
So Microsoft was spreading FUD as expected
Cooper Cooper
Actually, this is about accurate.
We have our app-pool farm for one of our products tuned to run at about 40% total capacity during peak times.
Given machine rotation and out of band patching, we brought another 150 machines (dual Xeon E5 2660 v2 / 64GB RAM / 2x 500GB SSD) online to pick up the slack.
If we took those 150 machines and put them back in spares, we'd hit about 55% total capacity during peak, given that a certain % of machines will be out of service at any given time.
We're evaluating some of the AMD options, but overall the performance is going to be about on par, so it doesn't currently make sense to replace Intel with AMD. Going forward however, we'll have to see.
Jaxson Davis
Ian Cruz
so you say that while epyc farms provide overall MORE for less and wont get affected by any of the slowdowns that intel has is actually on par with what intel has despite being low..
lol no
Logan Taylor
how you downplay the problem and in the same time you sound retarded
>This means the typical home and business PC user should not see significant slowdowns in common tasks such as reading email, writing a document or accessing digital photos
because surely this is what the majority does with a pc......
Leo Watson
>so you say that while epyc farms provide overall MORE for less No. Not given that we're already at full scale for this deployment
>and wont get affected by any of the slowdowns that intel has is actually on par with what intel has despite being low.. Epyc may have a similar power / performance envelope going forward. We'll see what the next generation or two bring.
But for now, 98% of everything is Intel.
Gavin Myers
yeah but thats the thing the overall increase on the electricity alone will make an intel farm literally the worst option even if you we are talking about day 1
Elijah Howard
So the 8th gen Core i7 basically becomes a 6th gen i7
>inb4 Intel compares the post-meltdown fixed 8th gen CPU performance to their new 9th gen and cites 20% better speeds
Owen Cruz
David Brooks
>our $1000 cpus are just as powerful at common tasks such as reading email, writing a document or accessing digital photos, as a $35 raspberry pi >t. jewtel hahahahahahahahaha
Elijah Clark
>i7 6700k gets better with an HDD I knew it was a good idea to skip the SDD
Julian Baker
>>inb4 Intel compares the post-meltdown fixed 8th gen CPU performance to their new 9th gen and cites 20% better speeds
and compare it with day 1 ryzen benchmarks
Bentley Martinez
so it was a good idea to buy intel and have them downgrade you into a p4 and it was a bad idea to get an ssd
reverse projection of idiocy
Levi Wilson
>guise, older machines running wangblows 7 will be slower than newer machines running botnet 10 >*results show best score on older machine in wonblows 7* >oops, please buy our """new""" cpus and install botnet 10 How much lower can Brian go?
Connor Ramirez
>gets better with an HDD >still worse than AMD with an HDD
Christopher Lee
It was a joke. Maybe I should have used a more unambiguous reaction image.
Jackson Fisher
And of course nobody has anything to say about the comment that made any argument for Intel as a server platform ridiculous.