/hpg/ - Headphone General - Template edition

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

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Not the same user from last thread but Fostex hp-a4bl vs jotunheim will be powering a pair of LCD-4


Laptop and smartphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Super comfy
>Sound signature
I don't really care
>Past headphones
Xiaomi hybrid pistons and some Amazon basics headphones

finally getting some use out of my hd598s

takstar pro 82

reccomend me a power amp, my budget is $3k

good one

I wanted a pair of cheap ear-buds because I lost the ones that came with my phone, so I just bought a pair of Sennheiser CX 300 ii Presision Bass Earbuds. They seem to have had good reviews everywhere online, and they were only $30.

Anyone ever have em before? Good buy or is there something better in that price range(

stole a better looking template from kaede/6XX user

I just got the HD 650 and don't understand all the shit that it gets from people on here. These sound absolutely incredible.

welcome to the club user

Enjoy your veiled low-fidelity garbage. Should have gotten the superior HD600.

Fuck your fidelity, it fucking sounds good and that's all I care about. I'm not here to analyze or review the quality of a recording.

There's no reason to be upset, fidelitylet.

>schizophonic sources

The headphone cord that's plugged in looks like chains.

a question to anyone who owns JDS Labs O2:

if you have the batteries installed, do they recharge just by being plugged in?

the whole idea with batteries in a desktop amp is a bit silly (and lets not pretend it's portable).

enjoy the superior hd6xx headphone, user.

ces announcements so far:

>sennheiser hd 820 - closed version of the hd800s. $2399.
>sony mdr-1am2 - closed dynamic, lighter with updated pads compared to 1a. $299.
>audeze isine lx (pic related) - 10/20 driver in a plastic housing? possible reaction to monoprice m300. $199, or $259 for lightning version.
>shure usb-c to mmcx cable - for rubes without 3.5mm, built in dac/amp. $99.
>monoprice m1060c/m565c - closed planars. presumably same drivers as open variants. $330/$230 respectively.

>plastic toy garbage
>ringing garbage
very nice

Still with stock pads because it's comfortable enough for me.

Yeah it's braided and it's a very nice and heavy cable


So, someone on SBAF made the 'closed HD800' 'mod' and measured it, HD820 is shaping to be a sexselent one.

Actually quite surprised that this 'slap shit together' measured so smooth.

My sides.

How the fuck it measured so flat with NO SMOOTHING is funny.

speakers or open headphones for when in my room?
do speakers have to be louder to annoy the neighbors? can I just keep em lowish volume so I dont or are they fine and wont bother anyone?

user where are you at?

>no head
that's not flat that's a treble cannon


Who /actually sad about 3d waifu/ here?

I'm too lazy to edit a picture at work
>Waifu: Marissa Meyer
>Headphones: Sennheiser HD 800
>Favorite Album: "Fragile" by Yes

$200 - $400
Audio-GD NFB 11.28
>Type of headphone
Full-sized over the ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
No tight clamping, and velour ear pads are important
>Sound signature
I prefer the frequency response to be as neutral as possible, a good soundstage would be nice
>Past headphones
Upgrading from my AKG K240's

I actually really like my 558's.

want to replace my m40x with something better closed
150-250 euro price range including amp and dac if needed
should I get beyer dt 770 80 ohm, ath-msr7, shure 940 or something else? Is the fiio q1 alright portable amp/dac for these?

sakura deserves to be loved

I went to a high end audio store to demo high end headphones


Hold the fuck on.

So you HAVE to get the new HDV 820 dac& in order to even use the HD 820 in the first place? Is the dac& bundled with the headphones or what?

No bundle, headphones sound fine straight from your phone.

But it only comes with a Pentaconn connector?

Has three cables, 6,3 mm, xlr4 and 4,4 pentaconn.

multiple separate cables included in the box

>should have gotten the superior DT880


I tried out the HD600's in a hifi store and I didn't like the slight peak around the upper mids to highs, somewhere around 7kHz. The depth in the soundstage also wasn't impressive, it was too forward sounding.

PC (motherboard has decent physically isolated sound)
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Enough to wear for a few hours. More is better but not too bothered
>Sound signature
Best possible soundstage.
>Past headphones
HD 380 pro. Momentum 2 for commute but I don't care for brands

I'll buy into your meme coming from an AKG K400 should I get the HD600 or HD650

Oh shit. Figured Sennheiser had gone full jew and told people to fuck off unless they buy the HDV 820 as well. Can't live without my 6.3mm connection.

akg k712 pro

While I like the looks of it I've not had a single sennheiser headphone so I was looking where I should go to

Get the HD6XX from Massdrop.

hd600. the colorway looks better imo

Im not one to wait forever for stuff like that

But how does the sound compare to the K400

Are we doing these again?
I'm really curious about how the actual thing will sound.


I had a good panasonic headset but it broke so I had to buy this cheapo crap

Thinking of Philips X2s but wondering if there is anything a bit more neutral or just plain better around ~$100 more?

>Figured Sennheiser had gone full jew
I mean theyre charging a thousand dollars more than the 800S for two bits of glass

>same old shit
>nothing new
anyone mind posting some new headphones or a list

>low volume
>lot's of unique parts
>lot's of r&d
>audiophiles perceive cost as quality

Better charge pocket change for it.

Hi pls respond someone

"On every street" is a fucking terrible album; Dire Straits indeed. "Heavy Fuel"! What the fuck was Knoplfer thinking.

You knew Dire Straits were fucked when Mark teamed up with a load of blues artists, calling themselves The Notting Hillbillies and releasing "Missing, Presumed Having a Good Time". There was one great Knopfler track called "Sweet Way" but the rest of the material was just self congratulatory masturbation.

Yes, maybe Knopfler was letting of steam after Brothers in Arms but the difficult follow up album was tragic.

here's my shit taste lads

HD600, the best headphone in the world, obviously.

Love mine as well, just need to replace the earpads because they started tearing apart.

holy shit that's horrible

I know this is headphone general, but are there any recommendations for earbuds? Not inear headphones with those soft rubbery tips; hard plastic earbuds

I'm considering the 600/650s but I've read they have a pretty limited soundstage. What would be a good alternative for greater soundstage(gayming/film)? X2s and akg 7 series seem like the only options


Soundstage is a meme and terribly unimportant.

soundstage is a preference, stop being misleading

hes just a snapheiser shill

I'm not being misleading. I've owned headphones with tiny soundstages and huge soundstages. It's pretty much the most unimportant attribute a headphone could have.

I don't care who he is

well you should thats what they do
everything else is bad hail the hd600/650
dont take any senheiser or schiit post seriously

same! and I agree with you. it doesn't help with positioning in games, and it's not objectively better either. it's a preference. if you say otherwise you are being misleading and you know that be true. I enjoy movies and games better with larger soundstage, not because it's objectively better but because I prefer it that way.

Everybody is a "shill" according to this cancerous asshole. Don't take any of his posts seriously.

I don't give a flying fuck about your brand or headphone wars, shut up already

AD900X and K702 have great stage, HD600 stage is rather small but the imaging is not bad actually.

Holy shit lmao, what a fucking autistic loser.

Whoa, never noticed his tendency to misspell it every time. That's funny.

any better ideas on how do deal with this long ass cable?

hi friend, make a minixlr to hd800 hyper short converter


what amp is that?



if the HD650 has "emphasized" bass than motherfucker the HD600 truly are some no bass headphones

good idea, could do the same with my lcd3s and just use one cable for both. thank you.

You Sup Forumsuys better not be memeing me.

>paying $70
They're usually on sale for $50, you got memed.

>the sound I hear all around me every day in real life is boring, especially those pesky live concerts
>I wish real life was melanin-enhanced

>This item is not available for your country
>This item is out of stock
>This item is unavailable
Amazon was my only option

Cancel and order from Newegg to save $13.

that's a great album

Just get apple ones

Its important to me
I don't care as much for pinpoint positioning as I do for a sense of audio surrounding. Good soundstage combined with good audio dev in a game creates a much more immersive experience for me

That's what I wanted to do in first place

buy used for $30
np, the sennheisers also are notorious for using tiny wires that break off, especially for the hd800 with it's connector. you'll be saving the jack on your hd800 from breaking