>TFW Laptops are finally getting to the point where you can actually game without weighting a ton
Stay mad desktop purists
>TFW Laptops are finally getting to the point where you can actually game without weighting a ton
Stay mad desktop purists
Other urls found in this thread:
>I can only afford one of the 2
Get a job, baby boy.
everytime i've played a game on a laptop screen/keyboard i've wanted to kill myself
i would rather buy a nintendo soywitch
I've gaming on laptops since 2006. The most GPU-demanding games are usually the most shallow ones, so I didn't miss much.
>Implying I don't have both
I'm talking about purists who think you should get desktop and nothing else for some retard reason
Modern gayming laptops have decent keyboards and screens. And you still can attach external ones.
I hope actual VR becomes common in my lifetime so I can fuck the bunny
Enjoy your sweaty palms.
>Being this obese he thinks everyone experiences the same sweat as him
It's a shame everything is chiclet shit nowadays. Gaming with 7-rows would be amazing
my alienware 17 r4 is 10lbs but i like it
>windows ui still can't scale properly on small screens
checkm8 laptautists
>hot enough to cook a egg on your lap
15 inch 1080p screen isn't small m8
>ubuntu 17.10 breaks bios
checkmate Elon Musk
>implying the opinion of a furry matters
>ad hominem
Sure, maybe you can play 4 year old AAA games on a current laptop, in the same way as you could play hl2 on a laptop from 2008 just fine. It's not that laptops are getting better for the time period, it's that you're becoming older and earning your ability to appreciate older titles.
>4 year old games
You can play Witcher 3 and recent games just fine. Gaming on a laptop has changed a lot
>I have poor eyesight therefore laptops are objectively bad
i think it will get to the point where you can game without buying 100s of dollars worth of gpus
you can basically play any game that was made in 2004 with an integrated graphics card on a modern laptop
>being cucked to the OEM if anything fails
>being cucked to the same specs for the rest of the laptops life because "muh thinness" means soldered everything
in 2025 you will be able to play gta5 with an integrated gpu
>can actually game
Get out.
I could play Half-Life 2 on my 2007 laptop as well. Witcher 3 is 3 years old dude
Wow, impressive. His point was that you are playing 4 year old games and your counter-argument was "My 2018 laptop can play games from 2015 at 30 FPS on medium."
Half life 2 was never graphically demanding, the opposite actually, because Source engine was well optimized that it could run on a toaster, terrible comparison, Witcher 3 is still seen as demanding by today's standards.
But if you insist on "recent", sure. Hellblazer can run fine on a good laptop these day. Happy now faglord?
My desktop fits in a backpack. Where's your god now?
Where's your battery now?
I'm not sure what's worse. The fact you don't know Windows automatically enabled their dumpster tier scaling on your shittop or that your vision is so poor/you're such a luddite that you can't recognize distorted UI elements. Either way you're a shit eating pleb but I shouldn't be surprised by this coming from a Windows laptop user.
I only keep the scaling on my 10 inch tablet, 15 inch laptop is fine at 100% scaling
Check your glasses mate
>playing gayms
I want manchildren to leave
>Witcher 3 is still seen as demanding by today's standards.
no lol it runs on consumer laptops
>you can actually game without weighing a ton
I mean I guess you'd get pretty fat if you sat in front of a desktop all day.
What the hell, how could a bunny be so sexy?!
You wouldn't game on a laptop
I already can do that on my 5500u. I had thought it was playing on my gt840m really shitty so I checked and I had forgotten to take it off power saver mode which I had set to only run things on integrated and force the 840m off. I mean all the settings were down but it was at a stable 30fps I was surprised
i bet $20 bucks you are a furry faggot that wants to take it in the bum from 3 horses at the same time.
I need a nice light laptop which only has a desktop grade CPU and possibility to connect external GPU through thunderbolt.
That would be perfect.
Even better if it had meme touchscreen and was ultraconvertible.
Will this ever happen?
The fuck is this shit?
Power is not the issues with laptop, it's the whole reliability and upgrade.
Those piece of shits break quite quickly unlike the big hunks of metal and screws.
The land before time.
>And you still can attach external ones.
>Buy gaymen laptop for $2300 because fug desktop
>Can't play league or overwatch with track pad
>Buy mouse
>Now I need a desk
Just build a gaming PC and buy a Chromebook and you'll save yourself $1000.
iirc GTA5 was more of a cpu intensive game
Minus the chromebook part... my gaming pc is kinda old now (sli 660tis still play modern games a good graphics settings.. even though the most recent game I played was witcher 3 and I can almost max it out). But my laptop is a thinkpad t61p and it works just fine for what I need it for on the go.
I only said Chromebook because they're cheap as fuck and can easily run something like GalliumOS. A Thinkpad would work too since the price is comparable.
fuck off furfag
That's EXACTLY the point imbecile, before you couldn't count on laptops being able to play those games. Now that gap is diminishing
This exactly
The problem is OEM either give you a nice thin laptop with U processors and TB3, so the eGPU would be thermal throttled, or a big laptop with HQ processor but with a terrible discrete GPU that you don't need
Hopefully 8th gen processors will fix that issue since they're quad core
My Skylake i5 mobile CPU can play GTA 5
>where you can actually game without weighting a ton
What do laptops have to do with you being a fatass?
Battery life is shit. I rather keep my desktop for games, and an x220 for portability. Gaming laptops is only for people that move around a lot, like kids of divorced parents.
honestly in the last 3 years, we've made some pretty good strides in that
will probably never happen desu
> you can actually game without weighting a ton
Sure I love to wear asbestos gloves.
Razer Blade Stealth
Would be fucking great tho.
The Razer Blade Stealth has a U processor, which is exactly what I was saying. But hopefully 8th gen will change that
From their site it says:
>Quad-Core 8th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-8550U
All I want is a 12" fanless Surface Pro clone with a Ryzen APU. Showing up at a LAN party with nothing but a tablet would be cool.
>Ryzen APU
I wonder how many hours it would last.
That would be bad for cooling actually. High wattage cpus need a fuckton more cooling than mobile and powerdraw would deck the battery immensly just to browse.
Surface Pro is fanless with an i5 15W TDP (7.5-25W cTDP) and doesn't throttle too bad.
All Ryzen mobile chips are listed as 15W TDP (12-25W cTDP). Even the big one with 10 CU.
it helps that games are stagnant as shit when it comes to graphics and physics. lazy ass developers aren't willing to innovate because they get paid fuck all, due to the highly competitive market. games dying on release because of social media and early access betas killing games on arrival. what a terrible time for gaming.
Don't listen to unemployed people
i feel sad for you OP, not mad. peace
enjoy your 60hz plebshit
>gaming on a laptop
>too poor to afford PC & laptop
>doesn't know that a Switch is infinitely better than a laptop for gaming
>muh gaems
>>Sup Forums
This is about portable hardware being able to run demanding tasks, and here the benchmark happens to be games. Sup Forums is about games only, so shut the fuck up
there are laptops with 120hz displays now, you know? not that i would recommend buying one, but they do exist.
Product Highlights
8th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-8700K Processor
17.3" 3K QHD, 120Hz 5ms Matte Display with G-SYNC
16GB Dual Channel DDR4 at 2400MHz
250GB Western Digital Blue M.2 SSD + 1TB 5400rpm HDD
Killer DoubleShot-X3 Pro with Smart Teaming
Thunderbolt 3 connectivity
Color illuminated keyboard
Built-in Area Fingerprint Reader
Windows 10 Home 64-Bit Edition
you can buy that shit for half price in a mini case if you defend muh portability for these overprices ...
Stay mad little children
Same here, would be pretty dope as a secondary pc.
the coolest games I played were never really demanding. Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Warband, Minecraft, etc. What kind of games does OP play I wonder
um yeah, extacly what i would expect from an adult
Exactly, I also found some indie games to be more fun these days
My laptop has been able to play Doom and quake for years though.
Can someone explain why people still get so bootyblasted over gaming laptops? They have quad core CPU's and desktop-grade GPU's now. You can even get laptops with decent keyboards if you want. I'll never understand the people who say you HAVE to get a desktop.
>gtx10x0 laptops are too big
>mx150 laptops have not enough power
>waiting for Ryzen ultrabooks
You are aware that scaling can be disabled, right? You don't need that on a 15.6" 1080p screen.
>have laptop
>selling for desktop
>might keep laptop
>might not
what do?
laptop is decent but is becoming outdated. can run pubg. can do anything i want. a few errors here and there but its just the age catching up, i think.
>Sup Forums will NEVER understand how scaling works
Kek people whining about scaling always reminds me of that screenshot with people saying 4k phones wouldn't work because the text would be too small. Just the other day there was a thread about a 21" 4k monitor, it was full of retards thinking the text would be too tiny to read.
I try to keep at least 2 systems, cause you never know when one will go sideways and you'll need a backup to help you recover.
why would I want to game on a laptop?
>What is Max-Q
But ryzen notebooks are weaker than the mx150
This, especially during this Meltdown and Spectre fiasco
I'd love an XPS 13 packing a ryzen Apu
So you can go to a lan party without bringing an autistic amount of gear.
I believe I read something the other day about new Dell laptops being equipped with Amd Raven Ridge processors.
15.6" are still too big. If they'd have decent screen-to-body ratio, like xps, that would be great.