Which distro would you recommend that's lightweight, has huge library of compatible programs...

Which distro would you recommend that's lightweight, has huge library of compatible programs, and doesn't have gimicky bloatware? Do you have any recommendations? And don't you dare say gentoo.

Other urls found in this thread:



Or install ooboontoo and remove the software that you don't like.

Debian stable

Also, not a necessity, but I'd like to be able to install it to my HDD.

Gentoo. Alpine. Void. Sta.li.
Debian is bloatware.




This. Because of
>huge library of compatible programs.
And if someone isn't in the repos, there is the AUR, which isn't an elegant solution but gives you a idiot proof way to get the software you want


Install Gentoo.
I've compiled 1,000+ packages on a ~6 year old Thinkpad. Compile times aren't that bad on an Intel Core*. Lower tier CPUs will feel like hell on Earth until you get a wm or de running with a terminal emulator. But once you do, everything is smooth as silk.





Why is the Gentoo logo just a Luvdisc pokemon?


Lubuntu works for me


Debian lxde

if you have an older pc or a netbook, puppy (which is basically a lighter debian)

idk why is your mom a harlot

I use Debian and I enjoy it but I guess I have to change now.

KDE Neon, runs great on my shitty hardware (1007u cpu), it's based on Ubuntu 16.04 so it has great compatibility.
also checked.


ZorinOS Lite (Xfce)


Trisquel Mini 7.0

2nd this, no complaints


My little brothers shitty hp laptop is completely cucked to the brim with spywear and viruses, it's completely frozen and not even ctrl alt delete can save it. What should I install for him? He needs something easy to understand for his puny little brain, but also no MacOS level bullshit so that he can actually learn some about tech and file management. He likes his vidya but it's affecting his grades so no need.

Mint xfce


Small size, ~100MB

Boot time is well under a minute, 30-40 seconds in most systems.

Xubuntu/Lubuntu probably

Either or Ignore


3 different people telling me 4 different things. Now I don't know what to chose

Well did you throw "lightweight" in there just for fun or are you actually installing it on a 20 year old toaster? Any distro in $CURRENT_YEAR is light enough to be usable. What are you using it for? What does it need that Gentoo doesn't have since you specifically excluded it?

I'm not OP.

Oh, I was pretty lazy when scrolling through the thread. That was my first post here.

Anyway, anyone starting Linux with no prior experience should go for Mint. They polish the little things more than others. After you know what you are doing you can choose any distro. The DE will dictate your user experience mostly, if it's not a weak machine try Cinnamon. If it is, probably XFCE.

This is on the short list of good answers. My only heartache using Arch is systemd, but it would be a pain in the ass to force it over to runit
If this is trivial and anyone knows an easy way to do gentoo or arch with runit
>I'm only begging

What's wrong with systemd user? Stop resisting.

debian netinstall because it is a barebones debian build, tons of packages, can be rolling release if you want

What can I say, I'm a minimalist meme lord

Or any of its derivatives if you need a simple install (namely Antergos)

take Linux Mint Debian Edition 2, get rid of MATE and get LXDE or XFCE

The numbers have spoken.
Install gentoo


Manjaro/Parabola. Both Arch Linux-based rolling distros, but both offers normal graphical installation as well, Manjaro being more newbie friendly, but Parabola having focus on everything being libre. Both come with openrc-options if you don't want systemd.

Being based on Arch Linux you have access to the latest builds, AUR, very minimal, slim and fast by design. Also no tradiotional, periodical distro mumbo jumbo-mass upgrades and outdated software/kernels, but also you don't have to use the bleeding edge either.

Ubuntu Mate, real nice.

Linux is bloa...

You can easily switch to OpenRC

Simple and lightweight

Just pick something that has a relatively large following, and use Xfce as your environment. Personally, I'd go for Debian Stable w/ Xfce if you want true stability and no need for updates, or Antergos with Xfce if you want access to pretty much every program on linux. Even though it can be shitty sometimes, the AUR has a lot of stuff.

Antergos (or straight Arch) with Xfce


This is now /dg/ - Doubles General.

That blurry text

Debian has systemD up the butt. Otherwise it would be a nice "just werks" distro.

FreeeBSD :^)

Yeah go with mint

>Best advice
>Best numbers
You can't go wrong with it OP

install slackware

more like TrashBSD lmoa

Install NixOS.

Arch, or ditch Linux altogether and go openbsd.

Unironically Arch with i3

We have the same laptop and use the same terminal font uWu

Debian. Pick your branch.

Just use Parabola then.

The average Arch user doesn't even need the gargantuan aur repository. You can do that useles rice with something like FreeBSD perfectly fine.
