I know this isn't Sup Forums but you had to admit, the PSP was something special back before smartphones existed
and third party programs had amazing support
I know this isn't Sup Forums but you had to admit, the PSP was something special back before smartphones existed
and third party programs had amazing support
Yeah. Back then you had the GP2X and shit like that, but none could get PS1 shit to work well.
Besides today it's fairly irrelevant. Really cheap but a smartphone usually has better GBA/SNES emulation.
Yep, i had a full cracked psp, with the disgusting loader menu, old good times.
Is it worth getting one to fuck around with? What can it emulate, and is it a better experience than these android thingies you can get from china to run emulators on?
Just get a Vita, they're not much more
What's the hack like? Easy? Difficult? Well documented?
It's a WebKit exploit, all you have to do is visit a website
You need FW 3.60 or below. The hack is just visiting a webpage.
Sweet. Is that on the Vita specifically or all of them?
What if I get one with a newer firmware? Possible to backdate?
Anything newer than 3.60 and you're fucked forever
IIRC if you buy new you're guaranteed to get 3.60 or below.
>Is that on the Vita specifically or all of them
Do you mean PSP? They're completely different hardware with completely different software and hacks
Remember getting a PSP with 2.0 firmware and downgrading to 1.5 for CFW. Good times. Still have it. Just needs a replacement LCD because of the dead pixels
They only make been vitas in Japan only. Those are guaranteed to be above 3.60.
Only if you manage to find a old Vita that hasn't been opened in 2+ years will be on 3.60 or lower
Or he could simply buy a used one. The good Vita hasn't been made for years anyway.
Well then I'm retarded.
That too but there's a chance someone already updated it. If you go out of your way to find a 3.60 Vita people overcharge for it.
Your best bet would be buying a 3.60 or under Vita motherboard from AliExpress, eBay, or your favorite repair shop. To replace all you need is a screwdriver.
>3.60 Vita people overcharge for it.
niqqa its because its the only hack out there for the fucking thing.
Maybe the price will drop after Sony forgets it and exploits on newer firmwares become avaible but for now i'll charge higher for my v3.60 vita
The scene pretty much gave up on looking for a 3.61+ exploit. The guy behind Henkaku has 0 interest and nobody has stepped up to the plate to take the reigns. So 3.60 vitas will stay overpriced for quite a while. Which is why I recommend the motherboard swap method. Instead of paying $200+ for a 3.60 Vita, you pay $70 for a Vita from a pawnshop or whatever and then pay $30 for the 3.60 motherboard and swap. You now got a hacked Vita for $100 less
>tfw took the risk and bought a used vita and it was indeed on some ancient firmware
the only complaint that i have is that psp games really look bad on vita, but i have a psp too so that's no problem for me. if you know a way to apply filters hit me up.
Anyone know any sites aside from ebay and aliexpress that still sell custom replacement parts?I've been trying to find some for years now and I only found ethier abandoned websites or dead links
>deleting your post to add only one word, which is misspelled
also no, gl user
I didnt realize my original post got uploaded i refreshed and saw them both my bad
still got a psp 1000
what do with it?
Adrenaline on Vita has filters for PSP games. Hold the PS button and then click settings. I prefer the GPU filter for 3D games and scanlines for 2D.
Watch porn on it.
Use it as a MP3 player with visualizer.
Play games on it.
Did any console have a better homebrew scene?
They were really able to push this console to its limit.
Probably the Wii U. They managed to port over Wii's homebrew legacy and even improve upon it. You can make use of Wii U's additional PPC power to make certain GameCube games run faster.
>You can make use of Wii U's additional PPC power to make certain GameCube games run faster.
I heard about that and was curious about making use of it.
But what's the best the Wii U has to offer?
You can convert any PS1 ISO to a PSP game file. I've been playing Crash Team Racing and Oddworld on my PSP.
Shove in butthole.
Post pictures.
Any news on the Sup Forums homebrew for the PSP?
it was great because you could hack it to shit and make it do pretty much anything
to this date the only gaming console I bought that actually felt like a full featured product and not a shitty DRM ecosystem honey pot
Can emulate everything perfectly, except for GBA/SNES, you might need to fiddle with settings a little but for me the GBA & SNES emulation is fine.
Better quality than any chinese knockoff, at lower performance.
VITA is good but the OLED burn-in is a risk you have to take.
worth it just to play the silent hill games on it
Where did you get these info?
All new VITA are above 3.60, buying used VITA is stupid because most of those have burned-in screen.
GBA is trash, frameskipping is incessant.
SNES is better if you're using a recent build, not using Mode 7 and not using Super FX.
>GBA is trash, frameskipping is incessant.
What games?
AoS was running fine for me, so is MZ.
Wii U homebrew scene is a joke.
I couldn't get Megaman Zero to run at full speed at all. Metroid Fusion is fine, but Metroid Zero Mission has many rooms that run at below full speed.
I've tried a few different emulators. tempgba4psp, gpsp-j, gpsp kai. Not sure what I'm looking at here though and I don't have my PSP to hand.
nintendo ds kicked it's ass desu.
PSP was ahead it's time.
>but a smartphone usually has better GBA/SNES emulation.
But worse controls, though.
I hope the new 8bitdo controllers come our soon
3DS scene is full of kiddies and trannies.
Check Nintendont GitHub or gbatemp page
3.60 came out forever ago, every new Vita is above 3.60 by now. The west doesn't make new vitas anymore, only Japan.
I know Nintendont, I use Nintendont on my Wii.
I want to know what else I might be able to use a Wii U for.
The PSP was a good decade ahead of its time. It blew my fucking mind at the time to discover that you could download stuff FROM THE INTERNET onto it and actually have it play and work properly. Also, it had a shitton of excellent games.
I miss non-mobile phone handheld gaming.
>tfw I was phoneposting from my PSP in high school using the Java version of Opera, holding PSP in portrait and moving cursor with analog stick
PSP had java?
I did this, but with my DSi.
The V2 of the Vita uses LCD.
>what else I might be able to use a Wii U for
what else would you use a Wii for
not 3ds posting right now
Also where's my >
That's the 2DS XL, right? How does it compare to the New 3DS XL? I'd like to pick one up when they're cheap.
Yes the basic browser was a piece of garbage that couldn’t do fucking ANYTHING without failing on a “page could not be loaded” error. If you were running CFW and you installed PSPKVM (I believe that’s the name. Don’t have the PSP with me at work) you could run standard mobile PDA java applications with it. I just downloaded Opera Mini’s .jar version and used that to browse the web. So much better and never had problems loading websites.
I would like the New 2DS XL if it didn't look goofy as fuck
Having large bezels on the side and slim bezels on the top and bottom makes it look... odd
Build quality is a little bit on the cheap side and the top screen is wobbly compared to N3DS XL.
Speakers on the lower side are not a problem.
Also I got it for like 90 ameribux so that's cool.
Reminder that you can hack your Vita to accept the scene's MicroSD card adapter. My Vita doesn't mind that Sony never actually came out with a 128GB card.
One of the best, if not the best handheld gaming machine.
the only thing that blew my mind as much as the ps since then was when i first got my surface pro 3
The screen was garbage. Any game with lots of motion just turned into a blurry, ghosted mess.
They fixed it eventually. The screen differs enormously between different PSP models.
So true for the phat model, still have mine. I beat corpse party on it but damn was it a nightmare. Since the entire screen scrolled when you walked to the edge, the entire screen went full vaseline mode.
>he didn't have PDAs
I had pic related in elementary school.
We were looking at nude amateur pics every break.
Good times.
1/5 I was able to get thw wifi to work and watch porn in the eighth grade, 10/10 fantastic piece of tech
i thought i was the only one! i had an ipaq in elementary, then a dell axim x5, and then an x3
Fuck no
No expandable storage
2x 3" 262x144 displays
32-64MiB RAM
Memory Stick slot
4.3" 480x272 display
More capabilities (PSN, Movies/TV on Memory Stick and UMD, built in web browser, Internet radio, camera and GPS addon hardware, etc.)
specs don't matter, both consoles had games
They do when you're running emulators.
Playing GBA on a DS > Playing GBA on a PSP.
Literally what is mind blowing about the surface pro 3?
I'd love to see you try PlayStation or N64 games.
The PSP can't play N64 games for shit.
Sure it's not the best but at least it can. I'd rather play choppy Super Mario 64 than not be able to play Super Mario 64.
or you could play super mario 64 on a device that won't run it like shit instead of insisting on WAHOO BING BING BING in public, /or/ you could play literally any of the thousands of games that run fine on a mobile device
the psp could only emulate PS1 half well and that's because Sony developed the emulator, its SNES emulation was shitty and its N64 emulation was even worse. you shouldn't submit yourself to 15fps trash just because it's a novelty
The DS has a port of Super Mario 64 and it isn't 20fps frameskip hell ps. slower if you want sound.
>or you could play super mario 64 on a device that won't run it like shit
We're discussing PSP vs. DS, a device that won't play it like shit isn't an option.
>insisting on WAHOO BING BING BING in public
Where did I say anything about playing in public?
>/or/ you could play literally any of the thousands of games that run fine on a mobile device
I do play games on my Vita.
Sounds like bullshit. How is N64 emulation possible on a machine around as powerful as an N64?
can you read?
We're talking emulation.
You're talking Super Mario 64. That's a game that received a DS port. That port runs better than the PSP's emulation.
Super Mario 64 was a mere example, you dense twat.
Daedalusx64 is aggressively optimized for that and Zelda, it's even worse at any other game.
The only thing the PSP is any good at emulating is Genesis and older, with PS1 is an aberration due to having the same CPU architecture and an official emulator.
>The only thing the PSP is any good at emulating is Genesis and older
Again, the PSP may not emulate N64 well but at least it can.
>with PS1 is an aberration due to having the same CPU architecture and an official emulator
No fucking shit, point is I can play PlayStation games and the DS can't.
Point I'm getting at is that specs don't really matter. The DS and the PSP both have good libraries whether or not you count emulation.
Point I'm getting at is that the PSP had better hardware for homebrew (more power, expandable memory) and better software (doesn't just boot to a menu that chooses between your game and Pictochat)
The homebrew scene on the PSP is the best in recent memory, although the DS had some overlooked quality.
When it comes to software, I'm less inclined to agree. The DS library is far better than the PSP's and it only becomes a fair fight when you pile on emulation, multimedia and other miscellaneous functionality.
>The DS library is far better than the PSP's
I'm talking everything but games. System software and capabilites, homebrew software, etc.
Yeah, that stuff's better.
Challange accepted. But first i need a new sd card, my old one is now used in my pi....
how thin and portable it is for a full i7 windows computer. its really neat to be able to carry your main shitposting machine around with you everyhere and throw it in the dock when you get home and run your dual monitors desktop setup, or plug it into the tv
The Slim has an IPS LCD panel now. Bought mine around 3 years ago I think.
I went to two sorta preowned tech stores in my city the Vita's normally get updated when handed in when I went to the second one someone had sold a vita about an hour before and they were about to format and update it I asked them if I could get it before they did anything to it and they said no because it has someone's data so I went on google and saw about wiping from the safe menu on boot I told them they let me wipe it and buy it which was good this was only in the summer. I did the same thing with 3ds' they seem pretty hard to get in stores on lower firmwares but now that magnethax exists I guess it doesn't matter with those
You are not alone, fellas. I had a Palm Tungsten T, and a Palm Tungsten T3.
It got perfect on the OpenPandora. Waiting for the Pyra to perfect dreamcast and n64