>intellectual property is bad
>everyone should be able to see the inner workings of my hard work and redistribute it for free, without permission
Intellectual property is bad
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Yes, this. It's time for software to serve its users again and not the maker.
>hard work
>Sup Forums
Nothing is stopping you from selling GPL-licensed software.
>fulfils the function the user pays for and nothing more
Fuck off back to r/socialism
>The GPL should have been outlawed long ago.
Intellectual property is not a property, kike.
Well, the GPL pretty much forces a monopoly, how can you not like it?
intellectual property is a jewish weapon enforced by the state through regulations designed to censor and suppress free speech, to stifle scientific and technological progress, to destroy creativity, and most importantly designed to prop up media moguls and multinational conglomerate monopolistic industries that would try to tell you that your private property is not your own, supporting intellectual property is a threat to your natural rights and a threat to your private property
tl;dr fuck off corporate shill
This is actually a rational remark.
People in public service are kind of meant to do exactly that to improve basic software infrastructure. Is that communism?
Die, corporate slave.
Just fucking burn.
>Calling anyone else a coporate shill while spouting out inane ancap nonsense
so communism is about free working? wow i and the communist manifiesto have been wrong for so long
You're working for the glory of our common human heritage. Keep going.
all of this is correct except for "muh jews", which is a trap perpetuated by the oligarchy to get critics labeled as anti-semites, giving them an excuse to toss potentially harmful ideas in the garbage
Now, what percentage of the oligarchy is Jewish?
Well you have 2 ways of looking at it...
Are you trying to progress technology as a whole, or yourself?
Also, you have never made anything using hard work and nobody would care to redist with or without your permission
And, if your data is valuable enough to do so, it will be redistributed with or without your permission.
For better or worse.
probably a decent percentage, as the only job the (((catholics))) allowed jews to occupy was money lender way back in the day, but to call them all jews gives critics a really easy to throw out your arguments.
IP is good as long as it has a reasonable lifespan e.g. Disney still profiting off of 40+ year old cartoons and Microsoft having legal control over something as old, as say, Windows 95 is unreasonable today considering how fast things move.
>natural rights and a threat to your private property
Sorry to tell you but "natural rights" are a fairy tale created by idealists, all of your rights/privileges have actually just been granted to you by your rulers. All of your property can be easily taken away from you at any moment if the stronger organize to take it and nature will be indifferent.
1. you literally can't have corporations without the state.
2. I don't see any rich and powerful people donating to the Mises Institute.
Almost as if your notion that libertarianism benefits the rich and powerful is uninformed bullshit or something.
Oh and
>intellectual property is bullshit
follows directly from Lockean-Rothbardian-Hoppean property rights. It isn't left-wing.
But why would anti-semitism BE such taboo in the first place, though? They're 2% of the population, so you'd expect it to be about as taboo as not liking Gypsies in Europe.
Jews influence the conventional wisdom, that's literally the reason.
Don't worry, I was scared people would laugh at my code when I first started off too, but then I realized they had as much interest in reading my code as I did theirs (IE: zero).
>IP is good
assertion based on absolutely nothing, as usual.
But when you're the dominant worldview (which is always wrong), there's never a need for intelligent arguments, is there?
>Sorry to tell you but "natural rights" are a fairy tale created by idealists, all of your rights/privileges have actually just been granted to you by your rulers. All of your property can be easily taken away from you at any moment if the stronger organize to take it and nature will be indifferent.
So your argument against natural law is that you don't even you what it is.
As usual.
You have to show that natural law exists and where it comes from. It's not up to us to prove a negative.
Fucking this
IP was created to spark innovation, not to keep people in the dark.
Stallman encourages the practice himself. Also saged for these exact same inane threads.
No bro, it's all (((them))) and muh kikes. Great point, but I don't think you should've bothered.
No, if anything, what I have to explain is what natural law /is/, because people who think they don't believe in natural law always seem to think the word means something else than what it actually means.
Natural law and natural rights mean law and rights that we can discover, as opposed to make up.
That literally is all. Nobody ever said anything about some cosmically-existing enforcement mechanism or whatever it is you fucks imagine we said.
Found the nihilist.
This always boils down to negative and positive rights. I'd rather be told what I can't do vs what I can. If so, then it leaves me with only my limitations of ingenuity as my cutoff.
You disgust me.
You're also a retard for thinking that rights can be discovered.
How is this technology related?
It's comment-I'm-replying-to related
MUH OLIGARCHY you socialists are always the same
OK, so show us how these laws are discovered. If these natural laws exist, as you say, it should be easy for you to point them out.
If you use the equation E=MC^2 you need to obtain a license from the Einstein Foundation for limited use, $1000 for a single usage and $7500 for a pack of ten. If you wish to use the formula in a product you will need to negotiate a royalty arrangement with the Foundation's lawyers
Don't know or care about the politics, I just like prefer the free as in freedom software so I can do whatever I want instead of having a locked down system and being beholden to Microsoft's way of doing things
So they can crack your app and distribute it on tpb?