Is this legit? Am I gunna get mined?

is this legit? Am I gunna get mined?

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Why would you get mined, you grab the clean ISO from Microsoft's site and activate it with your chink "not for resale" OEM key.

>activate it with your chink "not for resale" OEM key.
then what?

>paying for windows

Install gentoo

You're legit retarded.


>paying for windows

>paying for windows
>using non-Enterprise windows 10 versions
>any fucking year

cripple key is free

>not buying thinkpad with existing windows 7 pro license
>not upgrading to w10pro

why would i downgrade

w10 is much faster than windows 7/8.1. It uses less disk space and less disk i/o, it's muh faster after applying meltdown/spectre patch, it has new task manager, new security features (WinRT), very usable antivirus... etc.
I'm still using Windows 7 on some machines, but W10 is objectively better.

Why on earth would you buy a Windows 10 Home key when you can upgrade from a pirated version of 7 or 8.1 and get a LEGIT activated copy of 10?

>you can upgrade from a pirated version of 7 or 8.1 and get a LEGIT activated copy of 10?
what do you mean by legit? Not LEGAL I hope.

all of this is wrong

Then elaborate and prove me wrong, dum dum.

Are you retarded? Either buy a legit copy or pirate it, now you're basically pirating it and paying money.

I don't have to
Anyone who has actually used the last 3 versions of windows knows 10 is by far the worst

>paying 30 bucks to get your data collected
the absolute state of

Isn’t that option removed now ?

well I tried buying it and then it sent me to some credit card protection thing, which after failing the password check a number of times because it didn't like a 12 character password, terminated the transaction and now I can no longer buy the key.

Not an argument.
I've used all of them and Windows 10 is undeniably better.
t. Not a pajeet
I use GNU/Linux

on ebay there is OEM keys for 2 bux.

The option isn't removed if you enable accessibility features, and IIRC you could use pretty much any Windows 7 or 8 key to activate 10
Microsoft WANTS you to use 10 and are willing to give you lots of ways to activate it even for free, they're eager to get more people on 10, which if you're paranoid should make you reconsider using 10.

Buying keys is pretty common. I cant remember the subreddit, but theres one where people sell microsoft keys that I have gotten a bunch from without problems.

alright now we're talking, and through the royal mail as well, that's how you know it's legit

>and less disk i/o
That's just objectively wrong, 10 is constantly doing something in the background and accessing the disk, it has a ton of services that don't exist on 7 and 8.1 and can't be disabled.

Not having control over your OS is a deal breaker.

What do you mean by "10"? Stock, not debotnetted w10? Indeed it does suck nigger balls, but if you configure it properly it blows the fuck out w7 and 8.1 easily.

You're going to get botnetted, but that's just because it's windows 10

no, you can still upgrade.

>and can't be disabled.
>constantly doing something in the background and accessing the disk
if you leave background apps and telememetery running, yes. If you configure it properly it's using less io than 7/81.

>he drank the koolaid

>buying windows 10

You're just pulling this out of your ass.
Maybe that can be true under very specific circumstances like if you pirate 10 enterprise LTSB and you actually have group policy options.

The only benefit of 10 is that you can use it without pirating and using KMS activation, and that edition of 10 gives you zero control over it.
You can't even remove Cortana without the start menu becoming broken. And since the last update even the Education edition comes with fucking Cortana.

>and you actually have group policy options.
You do realize you can get rid of unwanted functionality by removing relevant .dll libraries, right?
This includes telememetery (diagtrack.dll), windows update&BITS, license manager, etc.
>You can't even remove Cortana without the start menu becoming broken
Wrong. Newest built doesn't have this problem. And nobody sane uses this piece of shit start anyway. Classic Shell is the only way to go.


holy shit. finally.

holy shit it was worth it for dark mode alone. no w I won't go blind

wait a sec.. WTF??

Jan 16th?

it's 12 jan.
And I'm pretty sure they're gonna extend it further.

Pretty sure?

Yes, this is what I wrote. Is that a question?

dark mode doesn't even work in explorer, whats the point?

You will get MSDN key that is meant for testing only, in other words KMS Pico will last longer.

>KMS Pico
wtf is that?

>Install gentoo
This * 100

It's like Boku No Pico, but for Windows.

so it lasts 180 days and then is rejected? So if you spent 5 dollars per key, thats 10 dollars a year, meaning it would take 10 years until you would have been better off buying retail.

>remove the dlls
>programs start erroring because microsoft poojets can't handle the case when the file doesn't exist while dynamically loading at runtime

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Hrk has em cheaper.

>buying windows
>not using kmspico/windows toolkit/enterprise versions
what are you gay?

why are you such a notorious shitposter?

Most people that blindly hate on it are like that. They rightfully criticize the stock system, but deny the massive improvement you get from a bit of configuration.

>if you leave background apps and telememetery running, yes.

Well I guess you're technically right. The only way to turn telemetry off is to turn off the machine. My machine uses 0 I/O when it's off. I hope you get an extra rupee for this post. You did well, Pajeet.

>This DAC is great. Sure it sounds like shit at first but you can add stickers and sound crystals!

Why dafuq should you use pro instead of enterprise?

Sometimes being a good goy is its own reward.