Is coffee Sup Forums drink?

Tell me who you are at work and how much coffee do you drink daily
>Web Developer
>About 3-5 cups

You're an addict

it's good for many things related to human cognition. but if you're not cycling it then you're using it in a completely retarded way.

you're also using it wrong if you're not just taking caffeine pills, due to the various negative effects of the other constituents of coffee on your teeth and digestive tract.

Usually decaf

Senior dev, generally working on cloud backend shit and some ML
0, coffee doesn't really have any effect on me and I don't particularly enjoy it, so I don't drink it

No coffee. Just caffeine and l-theanine pills.

Coffee and l theanine is okay.
Usually drink tea though.

c#/sql dev

I drink one cup of coffee in the morning during workdays just so I don't feel extremely tired in the first hour.
But I noticed that drinking tea does pretty much the same thing for me.

>one in the morning at the station, some at lunch out of a french press, so maybe one or two then.

>thinks people can be addicted to coffee

Business consultant
Cup of cold brew at 7 am (~2 cups of reg)
Can of Guayaki mate after 2 to keep energy up til 6 or 7
In total, about 4 cups 5 days a week.

0 to 3
mechatronics engineer

You can, it even has withdrawal syndromes. It's not crack tier addicting but that doesn't mean you won't get addicted.

about 5 double espressos a day

>doesn't know what addiction is
>doesn't know what habituation means
>doesn't know how basic neurochem works
>doesn't think caffeine withdrawal exists

You can build up a physical dependence to coffee from the brains attempts at building up resistance to the effects of caffeine.
Caffeine works by blocking adenosine (sleepy neurochemical) receptors in the brain, the brain compensates by making more adenosine and more receptors to feel normal.
Quitting coffee cold turkey leaves you feeling the full force of all that extra adenosine with an extremely heightened sensitivity to adenosine.

up to 10 if all developers are being whinging nerds again

I function perfectly fine without any stimulants
you people are all disgusting addicts

>LOL don't get between me and my coffee in the morning XDXDXD

1-2 usually, sysadmin
If I have more than 2 I struggle sleeping. I just like the taste, I keep meaning to pick up some decaf so I can have one in the evening.

securities analyst. usually 4 cups a day, i have a cup of tea when i get home sometimes. doesn't particularly bother me if i have to go without for a while, so I guess I'm not meaningfully dependent on it? sometimes i have decaf coffee or tea in the evening if i didn't have it earlier in the day.

>unemployed right now, I usually drink syrop to maintain sugar in my blood.

>when I was a work-force, I drank coffee

Daily reminder that real coffee doesn't exist in America.

murica drink starbucks


Senior student at Uni. 6-8 cups at least.

1-2 normal cups daily, 5-6 if you count the brown water you get in a hospital as coffee.

who /assam ginger+pepper milk breakfast tea/ here?
fellow pajeets REPORT IN

NEET, dropped out of college and apparently you kinda need it for a computer engineering job

Coffee snob with no money, so none

I bought Coava coffee (specifically Mr David Mburu from Kenya) the Christmas before last for my grandma. The smell alone was so incredible that I'm still wondering whether I should drop another 16 bucks just to sniff it.

I can assure you caffeine can do that. I'm 100% guaranteed of getting a rather unique headache if I suddenly stop drinking coffee for more than 24 hours.

>>LOL don't get between me and my coffee in the morning XDXDXD
Those people are the weakest race. I have no problem getting going without coffee, I just drink large amounts of it because I like it. I also drink a pre workout supplement which is filled with caffeine.
Yes, it's a drug, just consume it with purpose.

>He believes in addiction

>I drink 0 coffee.
Cider and Tea only.

C sharp dev 3 cups

>>Web Developer
I'm a software engineer and I don't drink anything but black coffee and whiskey. Get the fuck out of here, you stupid numale.


i dont drink coffee or tea and dont smoke because i like me teeth white
i use caffeine anhydrous starting at 200mg/day building up to 1,5g/day then pause for 2 weeks to reset tolerance
i also use nootropics like phenylpiracetam and noopept
this mix really hits the spot, gives great concentration and performance (physically and mentally)
I am doing fine without any of these
I dont consider myself as an addict, i just like little lifehacks it makes life more interesting and helps a lot at the gym with heavylifting

i work with php and mysql

>2 cups a day

Trying to become a webdev, so depending on how frustrating that is it may go up to 3.

Infrastructure analyst & architect here - I maintain VM farms & monitor firewall logs.
I drink 6 cups a day, 4 sugars in each.

IT manager
1-2 cups + 18-36mg adderall b/c i'm one of those ADD fags

>CS meme student
>1-2 because i'm not a binge drinker wtf is wrong with op

>no L-Theanine
step up nigger

Server administrator. I drink absolutely NO coffee. I have never drank alcohol, coffee, smoked, or done drugs.

just one
if i drink more than that i feel fucked towards the evening

Pharmcuck here
More than a gram a day of caffeine is over-dosing.
You're gonna end up with mini-stroke.


coffee is for low T gapers

drink beer

only fresh ground from whole bean
caffeine pills are still cheaper

>not just doing a shitload of speed

>web dev
>on Sup Forums
get the fuck out we don't need you here

>C# and SQL Dev
I usually have a very small cup in the morning. If I even go near the shitty Keurig-style swill at work I'll crash in no time.

2 pots a day.

2 cups in the morning from my Keurig. Any more and I'll just end up shitting all day

>Only drink my own cum, not coffee

I usually drink water along with 2-3 60mg Vyvanse a day, or I periodically hit some crystal throughout the day if I don't have the money for it

Structural engineer
A cup of coffee by the morning during breakfast, and another after lunch to improve digestion and keep me awake during afternoon.
I take my coffee with milk and sugar too.

>people will respond to this

Coffee aids with digestion?

Electrician. I drink a can of red bull or monster.

It helps yeah.

>Caffeine and other plant-based compounds stimulate the stomach cells to release more hydrochloric acid, which can, at times, aid digestion. But regular coffee drinking, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, reduces the amount of stomach acid available for digestion later on.

Interesting. So it's important to drink while eating, or after having eaten.


Tea, Coke, Coffee... In impossible quantities.
At least I don't smoke

>1.5g caffeine daily
>imminent heart palpitations
You might as well take Adderall.

my morning route is usually cup of coffee and a cardio workout. usually works good until one time it actually felt like my heart was gonna beat out of chest. maybe caffeine plus workout is too much?

>software/network engineer
>only drink water

Here's that validation you wanted. (you)

>all that caffeine
>24 sugar packs a day

Get help.

>20 oz in the morning
>Usually an unsweetened venti London Fog around 2pm

You did

I think I had a heart attack just reading your posts. Jesus dude, definitely cut back some.

>London Fog
my man

I'm not addicted to anything but I do enjoy a cup of iced coffee or a cigarette every week or so.

it's important to take with food. It's actually a mild laxative.

r u mormon ?

it's your fault for talking to retarded normies who think they need to comment on every mundane thing in their life.

No it's not; man so tired of people saying this shit....

> Caffeine has been considered a diuretic by experts and consumers for years.

> diuretic is any substance that promotes diuresis, that is, the increased production of urine.

It doesn't do anything for being a laxative.

People are just stupid and think that diuretic means diarrhea. Again, because they are stupid and do not even bother looking up what the fuck it means.

Go away

I thought laxative and diuretic were the same thing.
also please stop reddit spacing

> laxative and diuretic were the same thing
really, cmon

Can't drink coffee cause of my ADHD meds.

I guess in theory I could do decaf, but why would I expose myself to the taste of coffee if there's not even caffeine?

>no job
>three pots

Two cups per day from the staffroom

Weekends I usually get one from a cafe.

I'd drink coffee all day if I could but I already get slight headaches if I miss coffee for a day. So just one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon now.

I'm sorry

I'm a NEET and love coding in C and Bash. Everything can be done in those two languages with ease. I also use JavaScript sometimes, it's much comfier than the people of Sup Forums say. All I drink is tea and water, sometimes coffee if I'm getting bored with tea and water.