so can i download anything or what? I'm on my last strike with my ISP
So can i download anything or what? I'm on my last strike with my ISP
>can I steal shit now? is it legal?
You have to buy the pirate package dumbass
>I'm on my last strike with my ISP
seriously, use ddl. you'll never get a warning. when you torrent you seed, seeding is copyright distribution... which is illegal. with ddl links there's no uploading, so no distribution.
if you're gonna break the law use your fucking brain
Whats a ddl? Please keep in mind I have a tiny brain.
direct download dumb bitch. like megaupload
which ISP?
when did they start a strike system? I pulled TBs through them.
i get my kino the patrician way.... on dvd from a geriatric Chinese woman
1 for 5, 3 for 10
>it's been almost a month since NN was repealed
>everyone was losing their shit over how this would "end the internet as we know it" and how ajit pai was worse than hitler
>meanwhile nothing's actually changed
what did you download, if you don't mind me asking?
Not him but I got a strike downloading some german power metal band, serves me right for messing with the nation of former nazis
It hasn't went I to any kind of effect yet. I swear people on this board are getting dumber
this if you ever need a ddl just make a thread, there's tons of anons who'll hook you up
>I'm on my last strike with my ISP
What ISP has that sort of system?
It hasn't been implemented yet dumbass
This isn't legit idiocy though, its propaganda posted to manipulate how millennials think everything happens instantly.
So you go 11 strikes? God you’re dumb
Stop seeding? VPN? Seedbox? Being an upright citizen and paying for your shit?
there's an appeal being mounted by google and facebook. either way, if NN stands, new laws and guidelines need to be worked out.
it might not happen until 2020, but eventually your ISP will fuck you over and start throttling you to encourage you to go "premium"
just pay for real Hollywood/msm/corporations/anyone with a marketing deal etc.
I know comcast has a 6 strike policy where after 6 strikes you are throttled hard to the point where streaming is impossible.
This is actually one of the very few benefits of having shitty local rural internet. They could not possibly give any less of a fuck about piracy. I pay for 50 Mb/s and yet get only 40 during offpeak hours and as low as 15-20 during primetime but at least it doesnt go down all that often and I can download literally anything I want
>be american
>click on youtube
>see this
>"hi, did you know that with the Verizon premium package you get faster download speeds"
They didnt do this before 2015 when NN first went into effect in the states. What makes you think it will be any different this time around? Pretty much every serious news source EXCEPT for reddit seems to believe that its free services like youtube that will suffer, not your internet bill.
ISPs want more than throttling, though. If you go and read the original drafts of SOPA/CISPA/PIPA/ACTA written as the ISPs and MPAA wanted them, there's language that makes ISPs totally responsible for all data that crosses their infrastructure. This would allow ISPs to end the internet as it exists and shift over to a modified cable television package where, once again, they'd charge customers to access content and content creators to access customers. In addition they'd gain the ability to force any customer of another ISP who needed to pass data through their networks to pay out the ass for the privilege, more if they needed to pass data to another ISP.
The internet would become the assbaby of 60s telephone companies and cable television.
This is of course obfuscated by the "WAH I DUN WANNA PAY MORE FOR NETFLIX" maymay.
If nobody seeds there are no torrents.
>confusing the title II reclassification for network neutrality
Also a fun disinformation tactic.
Network neutrality is necessary for the current form of the internet to function. The title II reclassification simply made network neutrality law. The only real effect this had was to stop ISPs from lobbying congress to pass bills (SOPA/CISPA/ACTA/PIPA) to make network neutrality illegal.
Also there are a ton of instances where ISPs throttled/blocked traffic before the reclassification. AT&T blocked Sup Forums for a week, comcast throttled youtube and netflix, etc.
why can't I post here on my phone anymore?
haven't been able to for weeks. fails 19 times out of 20
and? torrenting is for newfags anyway. look, here's a link for star trek tng s1-7, 1080. it's 70gb. it's uncapped speed. no waiting for seeds, no risk of being tracked, no risk of prosecution. it'll download at your FULL speed
why the fuck would i take all that risk of using torrents? why the fuck would i sit and wait for a seed? it's retarded
>inb4 VPN
paying to torrent isa the dumbest thing i've ever heard
Because Sup Forums bans mobile ISP ip addresses?
This is Sup Forums... you're on the wrong fucking board, retard.
Torrent away my friend.
P2P for the win.
There is no risk to torrenting though.
since when? l cold always post from my phone before. Stop being able to maybe 3-4 weeks ago
the title 2 classification of 2015 literally just shifted internet into the same umbrella of protection that utilities like landline phones and electricity have. Its the closest thing to "net neutrality" that we have had. You seem to be the one spouting misinformation.
Also cut out the reddit spacing. It makes your posts grating to read
yes there is you dumb fuck. OP is on his last warning, 1 more strike and his ISP will shut him down.
a friend of mine actually got jailed for it
Where do you live? Lots of mobile IPs get range banned from time to time after large spam waves. It happens to australia at least once a year
I know I might get shat on for this, but
i suspect that isn't a coincidence
Haven't used mega in a while. Are they still doing this shit?
>Network neutrality is necessary for the current form of the internet to function
before 2015 there was nothing preventing ISPs from implementing the supposed apocalyptic scenario that people are expecting and yet it never happened
are you not able to read the error message when you try to post?
and it doesn't say banned
it says the captcha hasn't been solved
it's new
Pay your tv license Orwell.
timmy demands
yes, hence all the shilling
Where's the link to TOS?
>set maximum upload speed in deluge to 0.0 Kb/s
wow that wasnt hard
>network neutrality ending would fundamentally alter the way television and film are consumed
>LOL GO TO Sup Forums
remove swaglord
except it literally wont. stop reading alarmist bullshit
Network neutrality ending means ISPs get a bill passed that makes them responsible for all data on their networks. Something comcast has been pushing for since they broke into the top 50 on the fortune 500 list.
And you think this will suddenly balkanize your internet bill? Mexico had no net neutrality until very recently and it never happened to them. The US didnt have it until 2015 and it didnt happen to them. Portugal still doesnt have it today and its not happening to them so why do you think it would be any different this time?
Because they announced that it was their intention to do so.
ISPs in shithole countries stay neutral because otherwise they'd have nothing worth paying for. The big US ISPs, Comcast, verizon, AT&T etc have regional monopolies and tons of fucking money, thus they think they can balkanize.
>dude ur bill lmao
>dude NN = title II reclassification lmao
>dude portugal and mexico lmao
good job, you hit every almost all of the NN-disinformation maymays.
Source to ISPs saying it is their intention to bust up customers internet bills?
stop spreading lies
there was nothing preventing them from doing so before 2015 and yet they didnt
Sure is easy pointing out the redditors that stick to the same tired points where its clear they havnt actually researched the topic
Change to a less cucked ISP, problem solved.
ISPs in mexico have regional monopolies too
You don't hire David Cohen to make less money.
on other download websites you either need to pay or get 50KB/s
don't be a faggot and use torrents, even if you have to pay for a vpn
ISPs didn't balkanize before 2015 because doing so would invite tons of lawsuits and FTC complaints from all the non-ISP fortune 500ers which would force the government to step in and lay down regulation. ISPs want balkanization (thanks for this term by the way) to be unequivocally legal before they balkanize so they can tell google, facebook, apple, etc, to go fuck themselves.
the salient point is a balkanized mexican ISP would have no content to offer subscribers.
your going to need to be more specific than a 30 minute video. Ill concede the point if you can give me a time where he alludes to this doomsday scenario
Phone companies already did do this with early 2000s phone data plans and I dont know of any resulting lawsuits that came of it.
I have no audio here cause I'm in fail safe mode but.
>ISPs saying it is their intention to bust up customers internet bills
Why would they lower them?
Mobile internet isn't subject to network neutrality because data doesn't need to (and can't) transfer directly between phones. It goes phone, tower, land-line. Since mobile internet is a direct and exclusive subscriber to provider relationship with no third parties involved between the subscriber and the provider, providers are given mostly free reign and that market is allowed to regulate itself via competition forces.
>conflating phone internet with wire internet
Good job on hitting a fourth NN-disinformation maymay. DIsinformation being the only reason mobile internet is mentioned. As anyone who knows dick about this knows its not relevant at all to land-line ISP regulation.
Im not expecting bills to be lowered I just dont expect bills to be split up into tiers where you must pay premiums to access certain content like youtube/netflix/whatever simply because there is no precedent for it and there have been multiple opportunities for them to do such a thing in the past in america and even in the present around the world.
Most people that seem to think this will happen are just going off pure speculation and frequently cite shit like portuguese phone bills as warnings of the future of american internet. These people are the only problem I have with the whole NN debate as they are literally spreading misinformation.
Everyone in this thread who is anti-NN is a refugee from r/the donald and should be addressed as "Reddit" in any post responding to them.
>I just dont expect bills to be split up into tiers where you must pay premiums to access certain content like youtube/netflix/whatever simply because there is no precedent
but cable/satellite television established exactly that precedent?
what's that?
nigger nuts
It's something white people talk about, Jamal. If you want to take part in white conversations, you need to start sentences with a capital letter. Understand, monkey?
i purposefully avoid capitalization to establish i am not a filthy phoneposter
You could achieve the same effect by capitalizing and ending sentences with punctuation, Jamal. Come back when you don't have to make excuses for your niggerish behavior.
I'm white.
but that racist talk is pretty /r/the_donald
>Since mobile internet is a direct and exclusive subscriber to provider relationship
back in 2006ish I had a blackberry through verizon and had to pay extra each month to access myspace in my shitty web browser. This is the same thing that people are afraid is going to happen today with providers blocking content to third parties
You're not. You haven't even mastered paragraphs, capitalization or punctuation. Don't bother posting on this site again. Also, "no u!" is a tactic that nigger-brained toddlers use.
>but that racist talk is pretty /r/the_donald
Racism was a thing on Sup Forums before reddit existed, newtard.
actually racism and conservative views were much much rarer on Sup Forums before reddit existed. it was a liberal/left leaning libertarian site to begin with.
There is a fundamental difference between cable and landline internet. Cable providers pay stations for the right to sell access to their content. The internet does not work like this.
Please stop pretending you got here before 2010, monkey. Those of us who were can see right through your subhuman ruse.
I came here when boxxy blew up, like a lot of people, around 2007
So your plan is to use centralized services that are easy to take down or investigate (even the ad redirections leading up to them can record a trail - it's silly). And you leave leave a personal payment trail with credit card on the highly monitored financial networks. And you just hope for the best.
this, or just don't seed. Or move to a first world country.
The goal of US ISPs, right now, is to pass laws that make it legal to force the internet to work like that.
Sup Forums has always been edgy as fuck. Nigger was deeply entrenched in the websites vocabulary even in the days when there was still a dedicated guro board
>DMCA infringement notices
>torrent throttling
The absolute state of Amerimutt internet
Where the fuck would you need to be from to have never encountered a cable/satellite television package?
A white man just told you to stop, boy.
yes Sup Forums has always been edgy, and said nigger, but not out of hate for niggers, but for the sake of expression their ability to say fuck to taboos. it was expressing a libertarian ideal, not a hateful racist one. but then came new users who were brainlets and didn't get that, and thought they were in good company when they said retarded racist stuff, hence the current userbase
I see you're not a newfag, as you've been here all summer.
Making fun of racism and conservatism was the MO of classic Sup Forums.
I'm whiter than you, mutt
>written like a nigger
Post discarded. Come back when you can communicate like a human.
I pay for a VPN to access DDLs.
how does that not perfectly fit what I said ?
You're not. You can't even write like one. You may think you're white but you're really just a nigger inside. Probably because your parent were low income.