Let's have a LaTeX tread. Post your workflow, discuss different editors, ask questions, etc.
Let's have a LaTeX tread. Post your workflow, discuss different editors, ask questions, etc.
>bored at work
>want to check out that LaTeX thing
>google LaTeX
>check pictures to get a first impression
Heh that happened to me in class before.
>"You can use Word or LaTeX for the report, I don't care"
>Hmm never heard of LaTeX, let me google it
>Quickly close laptop
who uses latexdiff here?
latexdiff old.tex new.tex > diff.tex
latex diff.tex
So I love LaTeX, but I'm not allowed to remove windows 10 on my work machine so I am using the MikTeX bundle with TeXworks, shitty thing is that the package manager does not include the graphicx package so I can't \includegraphics .
I need to display images. Fuck!!!!
Neat. I wish I could use that when writing manuscripts with collaborators, but unfortunately everyone around me uses Word.
That's nice, good to know stuff like that exists
Same situation. I can't use the laptop my company provides for school because of this, so I figured it's better to bring my own.
Anyways, you guys should check out the metropolis beamer theme, it combines the ease of beamer with modern presentation looks
I use an onlie Latex editor
Ahh looks nice. I took a look at the plan options does this company respect freedom and privacy?
My LaTeX code is horrible. What are the usual coding conventions?
Have you tried texmaker. Includegraphics works for me on debian in texworks
Had the same problem at work.
If hdd space is not an issue, use texlive for wondows. Navigate through their ftps, find the full dvd image, unpack the files, do a complete install and everything should work. Use texmaker as editor then
Would like to know this as well. Or does everybody just set up a markdown translater?
TeXMaker with TeXlive and biber for bibliography
what is the best latex editor for gnu+linux?
If you are not a brainlet you can use emacs or spacemacs
How do I into other TeX stuff? LuaTex, etc. seem interesting, but nearly all related searches bring up LaTeX. I'm not even sure what's compatible with what.
Also, should I learn plain TeX at all? I feel like all I do is copy paste stuff from online.
Help me out with them resources.
Plain TeX is much more difficult to pick up than LaTeX. If all you do is fill in templates like 99% of LaTeX users you really shouldn't bother. I personally taught myself plain TeX because I enjoy having more explicit control over the document. Even then I'll still use LaTeX for anything that isn't a personal project because it's much easier to fill out one of the 1000 report templates. I personally read the TeXbook and TeX by Topic side-by-side while I was picking it up. Then after that struggle through making a full document and you should have it down. Knuth provided the TeX source of the TeX book and his personal set of macros. I'd recommend reading through them once you start to understand it as well.
I want to try out stuff, but some of them are a pain. However, I'm not quite sure I'm at the point yet where I should read a book on it already.
Like for some reason changing fonts within the same document is really annoying to do. It seems too basic that I doubt I need a book on that (or do I?) and other simple things I want to do. Do I just have the wrong tool and is it really worth forcing LaTeX to do these over the other *TeX stuff, or is it really time to get into it?
My main concern is I have very little idea of how rendering and other low level stuff works and it might take a long time.
It would take a long time. Like I said, don't bother if you just want to use templates all day. One thing I sometimes like about using Plain TeX over LaTeX is that I'll define a ton of macros at the top of the document and have very little control text in the actual body. But doing some common things (hyperlinks, double column, tables, etc) is an absolute pain and requires a lot of knowledge.
I don't remember the exact flow of the TeX engine but it basically expands every command out and then starts processing it. When it's processing it breaks up all the objects into boxes. There are horizontal boxes and vertical boxes. The engine will place horizontal boxes together until the size exceeds the width of the page. Then it'll shrink or expand the "glue" between the boxes (glue controls the spacing between the boxes) until it gets a line break with the smallest penalty. That horizontal box will then be made into a vertical box and the process continues until it has enough vertical boxes to make a page. Whenever a page break happens it will call a macro that controls outputting the page to the target file like .dvi. You can modify that macro and that's the idea of output routines, like if I want to surround each page with a box or something. The concept of boxes and glue is essentially how you get things done. Like if I want to center a line on a page it'll look something like this.
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill Some Text \hfill}
Basically making a box that fills the entire width of the page and putting infinite glue on both sides of text makes it stretch the glue until it's centered to fill the entire box. If the infinite glue wasn't there on the sides it'd stretch out the word really wide. Same logic for right and left justifying. It's a much bigger pain if you want to center or right justify an entire paragraph or something. For that you'll modify some macro that dictates how much glue to add at the beginning of every horizontal line break.
Where does someone who uses XML+XSL-FO fall on the Office LaTeX spectrum? There seems to be tons of LaTeX talk on Sup Forums, and some about typesetting tools like troff/groff, but almost nobody using things like DocBook or DITA, which purport themselves to be specifically designed for documentation of a "technical nature".
I think so.
Do you have any LaTex equation editor for org-mode in Emacs? Something with clear, logical shortcuts?
Exporting from org-mode seems pretty easy, but I'd like writing equations less verbosely.
I used that in school when I needed to collaborate. It sometimes didn't load well at inopportune moments due to server load.
Why do all my professors use ShareLaTeX?
I rely on some features (citations, maths notation) but am growing to loathe actually writing with latex. its really cumbersome to type all these brackets and macros, not to mention hard to read. and some of the formatting is really fiddly (centering reliably, figure placement order, changing appearance of document).
I definitely prefer markdown + pandoc, but exporting to printable format is proving difficult. looks great in html, but ends up shit in pdf
anyone have the perfect document format for essays/assignments? also like the look of R markdown for including tables and graphs
Regarding fonts, use xelatex. Don't bother learning tex.
* -> html -> pdf via wkhtmltopdf